Kent County Coordinator: Jan Cortez
Michigan State Coordinator: Jan Cortez <>
Please note that the county coordinator's main role is to maintain this website
not to do research. Please carefully check the resources
above. If you don't find an answer,
then contact me and I may be able to direct
you to additional resources.
Looking for a relative? Please review the links and use the appropriate query pages or resources.
We also have a Researchers and Visitors' FAQ
Interested in helping out with our project?
Visit our
Volunteers and
Contributors' FAQ for more information.
Any other questions? Contact the County Coordinator:
NOTE: The GenWeb "Community Guidelines" for Message Board
posting: We do not post commercial messages, fee-for-service postings,
advertising or
related links, etc.
Old Records Pertaining to Kent County
To Be Placed on this GenWeb.
BOOKS/BOOKLETS: such as old school yearbooks, church
anniversary books, women's and men's organizations that give listings of
TOWNSHIP RECORDS: Old voter registrations, early marriage and death
records, school records, etc.
PHOTOS: Pictures of schoolhouses or classes, sports teams, etc. with their
names and years.
OTHER: Old family letters, local businesses, and more.
These would need to be the early years until about 1940 time period.
Birth Records, if they are family records, are fine. If they are
from official records, then they need to be 100 years old. Death and Marriage Records to
the present. If you send photocopies or scanned photos and articles, we would appreciate
them. OR if you have material that you would loan us to scan
or transcribe to put on the website, please
let us know. Jan Cortez
- new email address:
A big "Thank You" to those who have responded.
Everyone working together can make this website even better.

Copyright © 2013-2017 by Jan Cortez 2001-2013 by Evelyn Sawyer Copyright © 1999-2001 by Jennifer Godwin, Ronnie Aungst and a
merry band of volunteers. Copyright © 1997-1999 by Mary del Rivette.