National Society of New England Women
(Grand Rapids Herald, December 31, 1933)
The love for New England caused a group of women living in New York City to decide upon organizing a society which would band together women of New England ancestry, and on January 24, 1895, the National Society of New England Women was organized in New York City and incorporated under the laws of the state. Beginning with 15 charter members, the organization grew rapidly until there was 800. When they had an outing to the opera they could completely take over the Metropolitan Opera house for the performance. Many social affairs were given at Delmonico’s. The old Waldorf Astoria hotel was the headquarters for meetings. The first colonies were formed in Buffalo, 1901; Montclair, 1902, and Washington, D. C., 1904. This is a lineal society. Any woman over 18 years of age who descends from one or more ancestors born in New England prior to 1789 is eligible to membership, providing she is acceptable to the colony and the national board. The object of the society is to bring together in social relations women of New England ancestry to engage in civic and philanthropic work and thus perpetuate the ideals and examples of their forefathers. There are 64 colonies in the United States, comprising 4,000 women. In 1929 a group of 23 local women met in the home of Mrs. Charles Kindel of Plymouth road to apply for a charter from the national society. This charter was received in June, 1930. Mrs. C. C. Follmer was elected first regent and Mrs. Charles Kindel, vice regent. Among other charter members were Mesdames Alfred H. Apted, Lucius Boltwood, Samuel S. Walker, Edward W. Tinkham, J. Langdon McKee, Huntley Russell, Helen Baker Rowe, also the late Mrs. Jessie E. Whittier and Mrs. Millard Palmer. The local colony has a closed membership of 46. Along with the social side goes the serious aim of the society, which is service. There are committees on child welfare, education, philanthropy and Americanization. The local society holds meetings the second Tuesday of each month in the homes of members. Current officers are: Mrs. Carey S. Welsh, regent; Mrs. Arthur Kirkpatrick, vice regent; Mrs. Karl Judson, secretary; Mrs. W. S. Emery, treasurer, and Miss Carrie Jewett, historian. |
Transcriber: ES
Created: 11 April 2007