
The name of this organization is the Women’s University Club of Grand Rapids. Its object is to bring collegiate women into more intimate association with one another, hoping thereby to enrich friendship, promote intellectual growth, and do good to the community by a sympathetic knowledge of those institutions and movements which are the uplifting forces of the age.



Sec. 1. The officers of the club shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, and a Treasurer.

Sec. 2. There shall be the following standing committees: Membership, Program, Auditing, Social, and Nominating. Other committees may be added to this list upon recommendation of the Executive Board if the same shall be approved by a majority vote of the Club.

Sec. 3. There shall be an Executive Board consisting of the officers of the Club, and the chairmen of the standing committees.



Sec. 1. Charter membership in the Club shall be limited to graduates of those colleges which shall be approved at the time of organization, said graduates having been invited to take part in the organization.

Sec. 2. Regular membership in the Club after the period of organization shall be limited to graduates who are eligible to the "Association of Collegiate Alumnae".

Sec. 3. The Executive Board shall have power in its discretion to drop from the list of members any person who may remove from the city, or who shall fail for two successive years to pay her dues to the Club; and Board shall also be vested with full authority to accept or act upon resignations of members.


Election of Officers.

The officers shall be elected for one year, by ballot, at the annual meeting of the club.



Sec. 1. Duties of Officers. (A) It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Club, to appoint the chairmen of the standing committees, to call all special meetings, to act as chairman of the Executive Board, to be ex-officio member of all committees, and to perform such duties as usually pertain to the office of President. By-Law–The chairmen of the various committees shall have the power of naming the members of their committee, subject to the approval of the Executive Board. (B) It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to perform the duties of the President in the absence of the latter. (C) It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to conduct the correspondence of the Club. (D) It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep full and accurate minutes of all meetings of the club, to keep a classified list of the membership of the Club, with the college degree and address of each member, and to perform such duties as usually belong to the office of Secretary. (e) It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to take charge of all moneys belonging to the Club, to receive the annual dues, make all disbursements, and to perform such duties as usually belong to the office of Treasurer.

Sec. 2. Duties of Committees. (A) It shall be the duty of the Program Committee to arrange and submit to the Executive Board plans for the successful entertainment of the Club at all regular meetings. (b) It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee to receive all applications for membership, to make investigation of the college and degree represented by the candidate, to present to the Executive Board the names of those who are eligible, and to announce at a regular meeting of the Club the names of such candidates as

OFFICERS. 1904-1909.


President–Mrs. George P. Wanty.

First Vice President–Mrs. Clay H. Hollister.

Second Vice President–Miss Nellie Hayes.

Recording Secretary–Miss Virginia Gorham.

Corresponding Secretary–Mrs. I. Preston Rice.

Treasurer–Miss Ruth Hyde.


President–Mrs. George P. Wanty.

First Vice President–Mrs. Clay H. Hollister.

Second Vice President–Miss Nellie Hayes.

Recording Secretary–Miss Virginia Gorham.

Corresponding Secretary–Mrs. I. Preston Rice.

Treasurer–Miss Ruth Hyde.


President–Mrs. Clay H. Hollister.

First Vice President–Mrs. John W. Blodgett.

Second Vice President–Miss Nellie Hayes.

Recording Secretary–Miss Florence Fallas.

Corresponding Secretary–Mrs. Willard F. Keeney.

Treasurer–Mrs. Lulu Berkey.


President–Mrs. Clay H. Hollister.

Fist Vice President–Mrs. Elvin Swarthout.

Second Vice President–Mrs. Harry Leonard.

Recording Secretary–Miss Maude Thayer.

Corresponding Secretary–Mrs. Thomas D. Perry.

Treasurer–Miss Lelia Volland.


President–Mrs. Clay H. Hollister.

First Vice President–Mrs. Willard F. Keeney.

Second Vice President–Miss Cora Bodwell.

Recording Secretary–Mrs. Clayton H. Hoffman.

Corresponding Secretary–Mrs. S. H. Ranck.

Treasurer–Mrs. Eugene Osgood.


President–Mrs. Willard F. Keeney.

First Vice President–Mrs. Harry Leonard.

Second Vice President–Mrs. Thomas D. Perry.

Recording Secretary–Miss Jeannette Perry.

Corresponding Secretary–Mrs. Brank M. Byam.

Treasurer–Miss Grace Ellis.


Membership–Miss Alice M. James.

Program–Miss Mary Bonnell.

Lecture–Mrs. Clay H. Hollister.

Auditing–Mrs. Charles R. Sligh.

Social–Mrs. J. B. Whinery.

Nominating–Miss Anna S. Jones.


Association of Collegiate Alumnae

Bernard College

Boston University

Bryn Mawr College

University of California.

University of Chicago.

University of Illinois.

University of Kansas.

Cornell University.

Leland Stanford Jr. University.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

University of Michigan.

University of Minnesota.

University of Missouri.

University of Nebraska.

Northwestern University.

Oberlin College.

Radcliffe College.

Smith College.

Vassar College.

Wellesley College.

Syracuse University.

Wesleyan University.

Western Reserve University.

University of Wisconsin.

Members of the Women's University Club




Anderson, Mrs. C. P.

12 Canal Terrace

Wellesley College, B.S.; Kalamazoo College, M.A.

Avery, Miss Leila C.

110 Barclay Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Avery, Mrs. Noyes

47 Barclay Street

Vassar College, A.B.

Ball, Miss Fanny D.

130 N. Lafayette Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Barnhart, Mrs. Willard

103 N. Prospect Street

Vassar College, A.B.

Beebe, Miss Grace M.

192 Ransom Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Blake, Mrs. Katharine

1 Iowa Flats

Vassar College, A. B.

Blodgett, Mrs. J. W.

365 Cherry Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Bodwell, Miss Cora

495 Jefferson Avenue

University of Michigan, A.B.

Boer, Mrs. John L.

10 Paddock Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Bonnell, Miss Mary

150 Washington Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Bradfield, Miss Helen C.

16 State Street

Vassar College, A.B.

Brigham, Miss Breta M.

5 Windsor Terrace

University of Michigan, A.B.

Broome, Miss Amy L.

756 Jefferson Avenue

University of Michigan, A.B.

Bullock, Miss D. Edith

The Hoffman

University of Michigan, Ph.B.

Butterfield, Miss Mary

27 Paris Avenue

Vassar College, A.B.

Byram, Mrs. F. M.

27 Rural Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Campeau, Mrs. Francis D.

5 Elmwood Place

University of Chicago, Ph.B.

Church, Miss Blanche A.

37 Briggs Court

University of Illinois, B.L.

+Clapperton, Miss Elizabeth

211 N. Lafayette Street

Mt. Holyoke, A.B.

Clay, Miss Martha

160 S. Union Street

Smith College, A.B.

Conger, Miss Amy F.

224 S. Prospect Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Conlon, Miss Mary

133 Sheldon Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Cram, Mrs. Roy

Flint, Michigan

University of Michigan, A.B.

Crosby, Miss Helen

342 Fulton Street

Vassar College, A.B.

Culver, Miss Hariette

27 Canal Street

University of Michigan, A. B.

Daniels, Miss Eva

342 Fulton Street

Vassar College, A. B.

Daniels, Miss Mary

66 Scribner Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Dennis, Miss Edith M.

385 Madison Avenue

Vassar College, A.B.

Eastman, Miss Helen

345 S. College Avenue

Vassar College, A.B.

Eaton, Miss Mary

49 Paris Avenue

University of Michigan, A.B.

Ellis, Miss Grace

52 Briggs Court

Olivet College, B.S.

Enox, Miss Kate

380 Fountain Street

Vassar College, A.B.

Fallas, Miss Florence

159 Ransom Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Foote, Mrs. Stewart

45 Orchard Hill

Purdue University, A.B.

Freeman, Mrs. J. C.

Chicago, Ill

Northwestern University, Ph.B.

Friedman, Mrs. Adolph

34 Richard Terrace

Smith College, A.B.

+Gleason, Mrs. Clark H.

390 Madison Avenue

Mt. Holyoke College, A.B.

Gorham, Miss Virginia

391 E. Fulton Street

Vassar College, A.B.

Hancock, Mrs. George H.

70 Hope Avenue

Syracuse University, Ph.B. and Ph.M

Hart, Miss Violet

84 S. Prospect Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Hayes, Miss Nellie

124 Grand Avenue

University of Michigan, B.S.

Heaton, Miss Carrie R.

104 Washington Street

University of Michigan, B.L.

Hefferan, Miss Mary

272 Fountain Street

Wellesley College, A.B. & A.M.; Chicago Univ., Ph.D

Higbee, Mrs. Clark E.

159 Ransom Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Hinsdale, Miss Mildred

246 Lyon Street

University of Michigan, Ph.B

Hoffman, Mrs. C. H.

The Hoffman

University of Michigan, A.B.

Hollister, Mrs. Clay H.

465 E. Fulton Street

Vassar College, A.B.

Hopkins, Miss Fay M.

56 Briggs Court

University of Michigan, A.B.

Horton, Miss Mary

1 Lookout Avenue

University of Michigan, A.B.

James, Miss Alice M.

130 N. Lafayette Street

Carlton College, A.B., University of Mich., A.M.

Jones, Miss Anna S.

181 N. Lafayette Street

University of Michigan, A.B.; University of Chicago, A.M.

Jones, Miss Isla H.

249 Paris Ave.

University of Michigan, A.B.

Keeney, Mrs. Willard F.

28 S. Lafayette Street

Vassar College, A.B.

Kennedy, Miss Georgietta

174 Lagrave

University of Michigan, Ph.B.

Leonard, Mrs. Harry

24 John Street

Purdue University, B.S.

Mapes, Mrs. Carl

37 Morris Avenue

University of Michigan, A.B.

McMullen, Mrs. Ralph

25 Calkins Avenue

University of Michigan, A.B.

Miller, Miss Anna

106 Menham Avenue

University of Michigan, A.B.

Montgelas, Countess von

German Embassy, Tokio, Japan

Vassar College, A.B.

Morris, Miss Fannie

45 Grove Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Motley, Miss Helen

1 Windsor Terrace

Vassar College, A.B.

Murphy, Miss Mary E.

164 Paris Avenue

University of Chicago, Ph.B.

Osgood, Mrs. S. E.

17 Logan Street

Wellesley College, A.B.

+Palmer, Miss Margaret

21 Paris Avenue

Mt. Holyoke, A.B.

Peck, Mrs. Percy

90 Jefferson Avenue

University of Michigan, A.B.

Perkins, Miss Mabel

85 Washington Street

Vassar College, A.B.

Perry, Miss Jeannette

348 Fulton Street

Vassar College, A.B.

Perry, Mrs. Thos D.

16 Richard Terrace

Vassar College, A.B.

Powers, Miss Marion L.

205 S. Lafayette Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Putnam, Miss Estelle

103 N. Prospect Street

Vassar College, A.B.

Ranck, Mrs. S. H.

226 Terrace Avenue

Wellesley College, A.B.; Olivet College, Ph.B

Reynolds, Miss Candace

41 Briggs Court

University of Michigan, A.M.

Rice, Mrs. I. Preston

437 E. Fulton Street

University of Chicago, A.B.

Rickenbaugh, Mrs. J. C.

203 Crescent Avenue

University of Michigan, A.B.

Roelofs, Miss Ebertha

241 Terrace Avenue

University of Michigan, A.B.

Rogers, Miss Ellen C.

327 Lyon Street

University of Michigan, Ph.B.

Rourke, Miss Constance M.

102 N. Lafayette Street

Vassar College, A.B.

Schweitzer, Miss Louise

385 Scribner Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Slayton, Miss Flora

281 Flat Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Sligh, Mrs. Charles R.

31 S. Prospect Street

Smith College, A.B.

Stearns, Miss Frances L.

43 Terrace Avenue

University of Michigan, B.S.

Stevenson, Mrs. Clifford

Toronto, Canada

University of Michigan, A.B.

Stiles, Phoebe Mildred

310 Madison Avenue

University of Michigan, A.B.

Stone, Miss Franc

36 Portsmouth Terrace

University of Michigan, A.B.

Stoneman, Mrs. Albert

St. Joseph, Michigan

University of Michigan, A.B.

Studley, Miss Helen

64 Prospect Street

Vassar College, A.B.

Swarthout, Mrs. Elvin

147 S. Union Street

Albion College, A.B.

Tanis, Mrs. John

Saginaw, Michigan

University of Michigan, A.B.

Thayer, Miss Maude

366 Fountain Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Thomasma, Miss Elsie

267 Crescent Avenue

University of Michigan, A.B.

True, Miss Myra B.

37 Wellington Place

University of Michigan, A.B.

Upholt, Mrs. Henry

Northville, Michigan

University of Michigan, A.B.

Vandenbergh, Miss Edith J.

172 N. College Avenueq

University of Chicago, Ph.B

VanderVelde, Miss Alice

Grandville, Michigan

University of Michiga, A.B.

Vannatta, Miss Hattie C.

172 N. College Avenue

University of Chicago, Ph.B

Veenboer, Mrs. Wm H.

192 Ransom Street

University of Michigan, A.B.

Verdier, Mrs. Leonard

41 Parkwood Avenue

University of Michigan, A.B.

Vyn, Miss Evelyn

384 Cass Avenue

University of Michigan, A.B.

Wanty, Mrs. G. P.

125 Washington Street

Northwestern University, M.D.

Wanty, Miss Helen

125 Washington Street

Vassar College, A.B.

West, Mrs. Frank W.

70 Grand Avenue

Northwestern University, B.S.

*Welch, Dr. J. C.


University of Chicago, M.D.

Whinery, Mrs. J. B.

34 S. Lafayette Street

University of Michigan, Ph.B

Willard, Mrs. Bradley

23 S. Prospect Street

Vassar College, A.B.

Williams, Miss Ethelberta

16 Jefferson Avenue

University of Michigan, B.L.

Wilson, Miss Angeline

164 Paris Avenue

University of Michigan A.B.

Wolcott, Miss Mabel Louise

406 Lyon Street

Vassar College, A.B.

Wylie, Miss Isabel

70 N. Lafayette Street

Vassar College, A.B.

+Members by courtesy awaiting the time when Mt. Holyoke shall enter the Association of Collegiate Alumnae.


Location: Grand Rapids Public Library
Transcriber: Cyndi Kuhlman
Created: 9 April 2002