1883 Pensioners on the Roll
Cedar Springs, Kent County, Michigan

No. of
Last name
of pensioner
First name
of pensioner
Cause for which pensionedMonthly
Date of
139939 Huff David Cedar Springs diarr. & dis. heart 8.00 ---
220568 Burns Benjamin F. do g.s.w.r. thigh 4.00 Nov. 1882
178032 Blair Edwin M. do dis. of lungs and of abd. vis. 6.00 Oct. 1880
80781 Benedict Levantia C. do widow 8.00 ---
160094 Ipes Josiah do g.s.w.l. arm 2.00 May 1879
152757 Ipes Andrew J. do g.s.w. of head 4.00 ---
89068 Earl Catherine do widow 8.00 ---
72930 Spaulding Herman do g.s.w.l. foot 6.00 ---
205205 Shadduck George do. g.s.w.r. leg 2.00 Mar. 1882
113747 Dean Addison do --- 3.00 000
47491 Davis George C. do wd. l. leg 6.00 ---
25737 Dines Joseph do ch. diar. dis. heart & lungs 2.00 ---
20441 Davidson Madison H. do. deafness l. ear 2.00 ---
59618 Denis William, Jr. do --- 2.00 ---
186781 Garrity Patrick do g.s.w.r. hand 1.00 Apr. 1881
74920 Lashbrook John do. wd. r. thigh 6.00 ---
21338 Herrick Laura do widow 8.00 ---
62222 Morehouse Emeline do widow 8.00 ---
136194 Medler Chas. S. do --- 2.00 Oct. 1875
52022 Livingston Phebe A. do do 8.00 ---
223555 Harderty Alexander do dis. heart 2.00 Dec. 1882
98128 Turk David do diarr. dis. abd. vis. & heart 8.00 ---
163129 Dodge Phineas do injury to abdomen 8.00 Oct. 1879
84982 Cole Cheselton C. do diarr. & loss finger 2.00 Sept. 1867
18829 Tuttle Abram S. do rheumatism 2.00 Jan. 1882
37337 Anderson Wesley P. do g.s.w.r. side of head & resulting insanity 50.00 ---
176650 Alberts Hiram do g.s.w.r. hand & lung disease 8.00 Oct. 1880
23618 Richmond David do surv. 1812 8.00 July 1878
23975 Hoadley Ebenezer do do 8.00 Aug. 1878
148841 Wilkinson William S. do g.s.w. of face 2.00 Oct. 1877
221583 Stout Oscar do g.s.w.r. arm & side 2.00 Dec. 1882
65701 Simmons William do --- 3.00 Aug. 1867
192329 Simmons Nancy M. do widow 10.00 May 1881
24541 Whiting Catherine do do 20.00 ---
134095 Morse Edwin H. do g.s.w.r. knee 2.00 Apr. 1870
220939 Sliter Alfred V. do injury to abdomen & chron. rheumatism 6.00 Nov. 1882
71856 Morgan Henry H.do wd. r. forearm 4.00 Sept. 1866
148530 Mackey John F. do injury to abdomen 4.00 Oct. 1877
1330654 Roys John E. do parial deafness 2.00 ---
70305 Rivet Joseph do g.s.wd.r. hip 2.00 ---
37275 Porter Martilles do wd. l. thigh 18.00 ---
217341 Pellett William H. do part. loss r. ind. & mid. fings. 6.00 Aug. 1882
147528 Plumb John do injury to abdomen 3.00 Aug. 1877
175181 Fenogle Joseph do rheu. & result. deform. l. foot. 4.00 Oct. 1880
155233 Femler William do g.s.wd. l. wrist 2.00 Sept. 1878
104268 Croxton Ambrose S. do w.r.knee 6.00 July 1870

1883 Pensioners on the Roll - Kent County Index Page

Transcriber: Jennifer Godwin
Created: 29 March 2000