
1883 Pensioners on the Roll
Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan - Part 3

No. of
Last name
of pensioner
First name
of pensioner
Cause for which pensionedMonthly
Date of
200935 Goetz JohnGrand Rapids partial deafness both ears result of smallpox 2.00 Jan. 1882
61595 Dixon Thomas do g.s.w. through face 8.00 ---
63520 Dickirson Wilbert F. do w.l.leg 4.00 ---
20565 Dykeman William do dis. of bowels 2.00 ---
90264 Judson Chamberlin do g.s.w.r.shoulder 4.00 Jan. 1873
28607 Bullin Hannah M. do widow 1812 8.00 Jan. 1880
19095 Dudley Elvira do do 8.00 Feb. 1879
193578 Dees Jacobus do dep. father 1812 8.00 Nov. 1881
142288 Dart Byron J. do --- 4.00 Oct. 1876
192112 Pitcher Harrison do dep. father 8.00 Apr. 1881
6096 Friend Sarah act. June 3 1858 8.00 June 1858
169820 Wentzlor Christian do minor child 12.00 June 1875
164017 Stem Samuel jr. do chr. diarrhea 2.00 Jan. 1880
96986 Dikeman Edmund B. do --- 3.00 ---
203478 Briggs William S. do dis. lungs & kidneys gen. nerv's debil 8.00 Feb. 1882
59938 Daly Henry do g.s.w.r. thigh 4.00 ---
11718 Drury Horlen H. do --- 18.00 ---
67480 Darragh James C. do --- 24.00 ---
127316 McGowan Raymond do g.s.w.l. hand 2.00 ---
81928 Hain Augustus H.F. do w.r. arm 8.00 May 1867
58429 Gass Jos. P. do w.l.knee 8.00 ---
199124 Nimrick Wm. H. do inj. r. hand 6.00 ---
38359 Vanlien James H. do loss r. arm 24. 00 Feb. 1865
35328 Bradley Adad J. do loss l. arm 24.00 Dec. 1864
159330 Johnson Chas. W. do w.l.arm 2.00 Apr. 1879
47130 Larkin James do w.l.hand 5.33 1/3 Apr. 1865
22929 Shattuck Caroline do widow 1812 8.00 Apr. 1880
70124 McCann Margaret do widow 8.00 Nov. 1866
58970 Todd Giffy E. do do 8.00 June 1867
162947 Close Rhoda do dep. mother 8.00 Oct. 1873
197807 Haskins Avial do inj. l. leg & var. veins 6.00 Nov. 1881
208075 Odell Thos. J. do w.l. knee 4.00 May 1882
68979 Strong Chas. L. do loss finger l.hand 6.00 ---
9240 Lynch John do loss toes l. foot 8.00 ---
133158 Keeler Aram C. do w.l. shr. 4.00 Apr. 1875
130298 Wallace Alex M. do w.r.hand 18.00 Oct. 1874
128061 Cole Elisha do w.l. hip 4.00 May 1874
2213 Stebe John do loss all toes &c. 14.00 Mar. 1876
46907 Perkins Loren do w.l.arm 8.00 ---
14117 Merrill James L. do w.r.leg 5.33 1/3 July 1863
133920 Thomas Martin V. do inj. l. thigh 12.00 ---
--- Parks Mary J. do widow 10.00 ---
31683 Sumerlin Chas. N. do anchy. both elbows 18.00 ---
210103 Whitehead Ones. W. do dis. lungs 12.00 Jan. 1882
184052 Raney Geo. W. do diarr. & paralysis 18.00 ---
136748 Barr Catherine W. do dep. mother 8.00 ---
58065 Anderson Geo. F. do w.l. thigh 4.00 ---
157116 Powell Isaac P. do diarr. 15.00 Jan. 1879
199092 Oden Wm. T. do dis. lungs 4.00 Dec. 1881
140188 Jacobs Wm. do rheum. & dis. heart 12.00 ---
--- Meads Edwin do w. lungs 4.00 ---
23810 Carpenter Hannah do widow 1812 8.00 May 1879
187269 Jenness Eliza B. do widow 8.00 Mar. 1880
598[?]6 Wood Ardelia F. do dep. mother 8.00 Nov. 1865
158080 Rice Eber do g.s.w.l.cheek 1.00 Apr. 1879
175228 Cooper James do g.s.w.l.thigh 2.00 Oct. 1880
196461 Remington Statira H. do widow 14.00 June 1882
120087 Smith Israel C. do --- 15.00 ---
200553 Simon Isaac do dis. of abdominal viscera 4.00 Jan. 1882
21733 Stephencon Henry C. do dis. of heart 24.00 ---
66001 Shaw Edward do w.r.arm 4.00 ---
82466 Skeels Dorr do --- 3.00 ---
115226 Sullivan Dennis do --- 4.00 Mar. 1872
49606 Smith Daniel C. do --- 2.66 2/3 Sept. 1865
110097 Dawley Delhtah do widow 8.00 ---
8245 Congden Sarah A. do do 8.00 ---
49398 Mason Vermila A. do g.s.w.l.side throat & l. shr. 4.00 Sept. 1865
16696 Hastings Charles C. do --- 12.00 June 1872
69138 Hoyt Birney do g.s.w.l.shoulder 18.00 ---
55530 Hannah Alexander do --- 24.00 ---
21980 Wilkinson James B. do --- 6.00 ---
118168 Henderson Hamil. H. do chr. rheumatism 2.00 ---
53223 Hendershott Evan do --- 18.00 ---
140415 Hopkins Daniel do injury to abdomen 12.00 ---
203144 Henderson Charles L. do chr. diarr. & res. l. hemiplegia 50.00 Feb. 1882
74916 Cook Henry G. do g.s.w.r. side 4.00 ---
200578 Church Isaac R. do chr. rheu. & res't'g atrophy & shortening l. leg 6.00 Jan. 1882
116286 Bigelow Ezra J. do varicose veins both legs 8.00 ---
182708 Bridge Harvey do part'l loss r. thumb & loss sight left eye 6.00 Feb. 1881
17135 Galt Maria A. do widow 8.00 ---
127352 Guibert Sarah do do 8.00 ---

1883 Pensioners on the Roll - Kent County Index Page

Transcriber: Jennifer Godwin
Created: 29 March 2000