5 February 1909 - Grand Rapids Herald, p. 2

17 Are Graduated

Pupils of Alpine Avenue Free Christian School Granted

Diplomas at Interesting Exercises

Graduates of the Alpine Avenue Free Christian school to the number of 17 last night received their diplomas in the graduating exercises held in the Alpine Avenue Christian Reformed church. Alderman Ate Dykstra presented the diplomas and presided at the exercises. Among` the speakers who addressed the graduates and the large audience were Rev. P. Ekster, Rev, W. Bode, Rev. F. Doesema and Mr. Dykstra. An interesting program was given as follows:

Song, "A Welcome Greetings" Graduates class.

"Boys Rights" William DeJong.

Dialogue, "The Doctor-Ieo Bruggema and Jennette Ekstar.

"A Curtain Cure"-Nellie Rodenhols.

Piano Solo, "The Wayside Chapel"-Tracy Tell.

"Be Polite"-Lawrence Geson.

Song-Three girls.

"What Pussy Said"-Bertha Zoet.

"Drinking Up a Farm"- Peter Dykstra

Dialogue, "Poor Work Don’t Pay."

"Examination Day"- Anna Spoelstra.

Mandolin Solo- Miss A. Blocksma.

"The Child of the Lighthouse"-Beatrice Oldof.


The graduates are: Frank Belboer, Martin Blok, Charley Burggraaff, Therasa Faber, Hattie Foonstra, Frank Heyboer, Andy Lindemulder, Abraham Lodewyk, Anna Miedsma, Anna Palma, John Posthumus, Bert Post, Eddie Rodenhuis, Elizabeth Van Westenbugge, Jennie Van Der Meer, Ceilia Auda Veenstra, John Zoodsma.

Transcriber: Barb Jones
Created: 7 Sep 2010