Cyclamen Chapter, Order Eastern Star

Cyclamen Chapter No. 94, Order Eastern Star of the State of Michigan, was instituted November, 1892, under a dispensation for one year. Sisters Dora Winegar and Della Bostwick were appointed committee to select a name. The name, "Cyclamen," was chosen, when each of the selected committee learned that both were redecorating with the same kind of wall paper contained a cyclamen flower.

Mrs. Jennie Griswold, the first worthy matron, entertained the officers elect at a tea given at her home (later reconstructed as the home of Charles McCarty,) after which they were escorted to the Masonic hall, (now the I.O.O.F. hall,) and the name was accepted.

Mrs. Emma Greene was the next worthy matron, during whose term some big social events were enjoyed in which Had Rickert’s orchestra played a big part, as did Mrs. Mary Althen, a reader of note.

The new Masonic hall was dedicated with Mrs. E. R. Craw as general chairman of the banquet, served by the O.E.S. in the old Lowell hotel, where several hundred were fed, followed by the Masonic hotel which lasted until the wee small hours.

The following have served as worthy matrons and worthy patrons of the order—Sister Caroline Boylan, Mary Ecker, Elizabeth Craw, Frankie Hakes, Ella Nicholson, Emma Coons, Bessie Henry, Lillie Stocking, Della Thomas, Helen Lee, Mary Hodges, Ella Taylor, Myrtle Springett, Cory McKay, Edna Hunter, Lila Armstrong, Ida Steed, Lol Bradish, Edith Hutchinson, Inez Avery, Jessie Bennett, Mathilda White; Brothers C. G. Stone, Henry Stone, S. P. Hicks. W. S. Winegar, U. B. Williams, M. C. Greene, J. B. Nicholson, Charles Doyle, H. W. Hakes, Harley Maynard, E. A. Anderson, F. E. White, Clarence Collar, Norton Avery, R. E. Springett, Arthur Armstrong, Elmer White, William Hartman,

Brother R. D. Stocking served as organist many years.

Lowell Board of Trade, Lowell: 100 Years of History, 1831-1931, Lowell, Michigan: The Lowell Ledger, 1931

Transcriber: Jennifer Godwin
Created: 25 April 2003