Dressed for Hunting Season

Left: Judson McKenney; Center, David Irwin; Right: Junius McKenney
Dogs at their feet were Ponto and Carlo

Judson McKenney

Judson McKenney, the son of Samuel and Elizabeth McKenney, was born near Windsor, Canada, 15 May 1853. He was educated in common schools and has been reared to agricultural pursuits and stock promotion. He spent his life, since infancy, in Byron township, Kent County, Michigan. On 2 Feb 1885, he married Miss Clara S. Gould, who was born in Hillsdale County, Michigan, in March, 1863. Judson was a democrat and cast his first vote for Samuel J. Tilden in 1876.

He served as township treasurer for two terms. Mr. and Mrs. McKenney were ardent friends of the public schools. They were heavy tax-payers having no children of their own, he was largely instrumental in the erection of the brick school house in district No. 1, which speaks well for his generosity toward the cause of education. They have aided liberally toward the erection of both churches of Byron Center – the Methodist Episcopal and Adventist Church – and have contributed to all other benevolences worthy of their consideration.

Their farm comprised of 120 acres of clay-loam soil, adapted to the cultivation of all products peculiar to the southern peninsula of Michigan. They adopted as their own, a little girl, Hattie Wolfe, who was born in Ottawa County, and whose parents were called away when she was four years old. She has been reared with tender care, has received a good practical education, including instruction on the organ and piano, and she herself a teacher of these instruments.




Transcriber: ES
Created: 21 February 2014