Edmond C. Krapp

Page 323-324 - Edmond C. Krapp, secretary and treasurer of the Thomas-Krapp Motor Sales Company, the well equipped establishment of which is maintained at 1838-42 Division avenue, south, in the city of Grand Rapids, is contributing his full share to the large and successful business advancement of this representative concern, which here has the sales agency for the Ford and Lincoln automobiles and the Fordson tractors. Of the business more detailed mention is made on another page of this volume, in the personal sketch of George E. Thomas, who is the vice-president of the company. Mr. Krapp was born in the city of Detroit, Michigan, November 23, 1890, and is a son of Gustave and Mary (Alfes) Krapp, who still reside in that city, where the father has been for many years engaged in the drygoods business. After completing his studies in the Detroit high school Edmond C. Krapp completed a course in the Detroit Business College, and he continued to be associated with his father’s drygoods business until he turned his attention to real estate enterprise in his native city and county. He thus was engaged in Detroit until 1922, since which year he has been secretary and treasurer of the Thomas-Krapp Motor Sales Company, with standing as one of the reliable, alert and progressive business men of the younger generation in Grand Rapids. Mr. Krapp and his wife are earnest communicants of St. Francis Catholic church, he is affiliated with the Knights of Columbus, and he is a loyal member of the Grand Rapids Board of Commerce. In the World war period Mr. Krapp was for one year in active service with the American Expeditionary Forces overseas, as a member of the Three Hundred and Thirtieth Field Artillery, Eighty-sixth Division. February 6, 1915, Mr. Krapp was united in marriage to Miss Emily Thomas, sister of George E. Thomas, in whose personal sketch in this work is given adequate record concerning the family. Mrs. Krapp lived only a few months after her marriage, her death having occurred in December 1915. The second marriage of Mr. Krapp was solemnized September 8, 1924, when Miss Agatha, daughter of Frank Marshall, of Detroit, became his wife, and she is the popular chatelaine of their pleasant home, at 2135 Francis avenue, southeast.


Transcriber: Nancy Myers
Created: 12 March 2003