Joseph P. Lynch

Page 368-369 - Joseph P. Lynch is the executive head of the Joseph P. Lynch Sales Company, and had made the same one of the most influential and successful concerns of its kind in the United States. Mr. Lynch conceived an original idea in connection with the promotion of merchandise sales, and he forthwith proceeded to translate his conception into concrete action. Of the significance of his achievement there can be no skepticism, for in the issue of Success Magazine of July, 1923, appeared the following estimate: "Joseph P. Lynch is admitted to be one of the greatest merchandising salesmen in the country." It is not within the province of this publication to enter into details concerning the remarkable success that has attended the operations of the Joseph P. Lynch Sales Company, the business of which has been extended throughout the most diverse sections of the Untied States, but the following quotations may consistently be entered, as showing in a general way the character and scope of the lynch service: "The Joseph P. Lynch sales organization is the only sales company in America serving the larger retail establishments. Joseph P. Lynch plans always take into consideration the character of the establishment and the position it holds in the community, and while the Lynch system immediately stimulates stock turnovers, future business is constructively built." "That the Joseph P. Lynch method of merchandising produces business, at a profit, is fully proven by the reports coming from hundreds of representative and prominent merchants who are using this service, and many of whom now use the Joseph P. Lynch organization year after year. These merchants invariably report sales increases running all the way from 100 per cent. to 400 per cent. over corresponding former periods, and that their yearly sales have shown increases as a direct result of such special sales. The Joseph P. Lynch Company is an organization of sales and merchandising experts who have made this their live work. Knowing what methods will produce sales, is only one-half of their work – the other half is knowing what methods will not pay, in order that pitfalls may be avoided." Joseph P. Lynch is a thinker, a worker, an exploiter, a producer of results. His business policies are based on the highest of ethical codes. He has made the value of sales organization distinctly felt and widely appreciated. He has won great success for his organization, and this has involved loyal and effective service to a large and representative clientage. Grand Rapids has been fortunate in gaining precedence as the central stage of the service of this splendid sales organization, the general offices of which are here established on the third floor of the Fourth National Bank building. Joseph Patrick Lynch, one of the foremost of America’s retail sales engineers, was born at Wellsville, New York, March 17, 1887, and is a son of Daniel V. and Joan (Linneham) Lynch, both of whom were born on the fair old Emerald Isle. The early education of Joseph P. Lynch was obtained in parochial schools of the old Empire state, and thereafter he attended high school. In 1903 he completed business and commercial law courses in Meeker’s College at Elmira, New York, in which he was duly graduated. For a time he served as the efficient and popular coach of the football team of the Elliott Business College at Burlington, Iowa, and there after he gained valuable merchandising experience through his constructive service as a traveling salesman for the Coats Furniture Manufacturing Company, of Wellsville and Jamestown, New York. He finally matured the plans and systems of merchandising through special turnover sales, and in developing his system along practical and constructive lines he chose Grand Rapids as the central point of operations. From this headquarters he has since extended the service of his organization into many states of the Union and also into Canadian provinces. The very name and reputation of the Joseph P. Lynch Sales Company constitute its most valuable asset, and the subject of this review is to be honored for the admirable achievement that has been his in the upbuilding of this successful and valuable institution of service. He has gained the confidence, esteem and support of leading business men in all fields in which his concern has operated, and he is one of the most vital and progressive citizens of Grand Rapids, where his circle of friends is limited only by that of his acquaintances. He is a valued member of the Grand Rapids Association of Commerce and is loyal supporter of its progressive civic and business policies. He has membership in the Peninsular Club and the Highland Golf Club, and in the city of Detroit he is a member of the Old Colony Club and the Town and Aviation Club. His political alliance is given to the Republican party, and he and his wife are zealous communicants of St. Stephen’s Catholic Church of Grand Rapids, he having been a member of the building committee that had charge of erecting the present fine church edifice of this parish. In 1925, at the time of this writing, Mr. Lynch is a member of the advisory board and also the building committee of St. Mary’s Hospital, besides being a member of the advisory board of the House of the Good Shepherd, and a member of the Mary Catherine Guild of St. Mary’s Hospital. In 1916 was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Lynch to Miss Ellen J. Lynch, of Andover, New York, she being a daughter of Patrick C. and Bridget Lynch, who now reside at Andover, that state. Mr. and Mrs. Lynch have three children: Joseph Patrick, Jr., Daniel L., and Ellen Joan.


Transcriber:  Nancy Myers
Created: 6 July 2003