Andrew A. Muir

p.333b - Andrew A. Muir, proprietor of a plumbing and heating company at 142 Fulton street, in Grand Rapids, is a scion of a pioneer family of Kent county. He is the son of John and Jane (Davidson) Muir, the former of whom came to the United States with his parents when he was twenty-one years of age. During the ensuing two years, John Muir worked as a millwright at Grand Rapids. Realizing then possibilities of the Grand river as a navigable stream for certain types of boats, he began building such vessels in 1853, meeting with noteworthy success in his venture. He later was connected with the Grand River Steam Boat Company. His knowledge of the physical peculiarities of the channel of the Grand river influenced the directors of the United States Government Geologic Survey in that section of the country to go to him for information concerning the river. John Muir was a licensed pilot for years and held a certificate as master of steam vessels for the district of Michigan for many years. He died in 1916, his wife having died five years previously. Andrew A. Muir was born in Grand Rapids, February 11, 1866, and received his education in the public schools of his native city. He served his apprenticeship as a plumber and in 1894 went into the plumbing and heating business for himself. He has continued in that business until today he is recognized as one of the leading men in his field in the city. In October, 1896, he married Miss Jennie Rockwell, the daughter of Mr. And Mrs. L. Rockwell. Mrs. Muir was born in New York and came to Grand Rapids with her parents when she was a young girl. Mr. And Mrs. Muir have four children as follows: Dorothy Esther, who married H. T. Fletcher, of Grand Rapids, and has one son, Harold, born 1922; Alexandria Louise; Janet; and Andrew A., Jr., the last three named being students in the Grand Rapids high school. Andrew Muir is a member of the Masonic Consistory and the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine at Grand Rapids, a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Knights of Pythias, and is past president of the Michigan State Master Plumbers’ Association. He is affiliated with the Park Congregational church of Grand Rapids.


Transcriber: John Miller
Created: 4 March 2003