Hugh A. Rathbun

Hugh A. Rathbun, proprietor of the Rathbun Electrical Company, located at 112 Colfax street, northeast, Grand Rapids, is one of the able electricians and business men of the city. He was born in that city July 9, 1892, the son of Madison and C. (Toohey) Rathbun, the former of whom was a native of Ohio and the latter of Canada. Madison Rathbun came to Michigan with his parents when he was a small boy. When he was a young man he purchased a teaming business in Grand Rapids which he operated for many years. He and his wife are now deceased. Hugh A. Rathbun attended the Catholic parochial schools of Grand Rapids after which he attended high school. Following his graduation from the latter school, he took up the electrician’s trade, and after several years spent in this way, he bought a partnership in the Creston Electrical Company with which he remained four years. In 1918 he became independently engaged in the same field, establishing the Rathbun Electrical Company at that time. Shortly after organizing the firm, he took his brother, Edward J. Rathbun, into partnership, an arrangement which is still effective. In addition to carrying a line of electrical fixtures and supplies that is very complete, the company engages in electrical contracting. In this work they have gained a reputation for the excellence of their jobs, and many of the homes and buildings in Grand Rapids have been wired for electricity by the firm. The success of the concern is due in large measure to the ability and energy of the founder. On April 24, 1917, Mr. Rathbun married Miss Alice Farrell, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Farrell, farmers of the Montcalm county, both of whom are now dead. Mr. Rathbun is a member of the Knights of Columbus and of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.


Transcriber: Nancy Myers
Created: 24 March 2005