Laurence W. Smith

Page 513-514 - Laurence W. Smith has practiced law in Grand Rapids since 1915 and among his professional confreres he has gained the name of being one of the forceful advocates and trial lawyers now practicing in that city. He is the son of Vernon Horace Smith, who was born December 29, 1838 in Ontario, Canada, to which place his parents, James and Phoebe Smith, came from their native state of New York. Vernon H. Smith settled at Ionia, Michigan, in 1858, where he practiced law, and in 1881 was called by the people to sit on the bench of the circuit court, a position which he filled until 1893. Rachael Worthington, whom he married, was born in Calhoun county, Michigan, of a pioneer family of the state. Laurence W. Smith, who was one of a family of four children, was born at Ionia, June 25, 1881, and there attended the grade and high schools. His graduation from the high school completed his preparation for a college education and he entered the University of Michigan to pursue a course in the literature department, being graduated in 1903. Thereafter he applied himself with his characteristic energy and ability to the study of law, so that he was able to pass the bar examinations the following year to be admitted to practice in all Michigan courts. He returned to his home to enter practice with his father, Judge Smith, under whose careful tutelage he rounded out his knowledge of the law. The death of his father in 1915 terminated the partnership. Not wishing to continue in Ionia, he came to Grand Rapids in that year and later formed a partnership with Mr. Jewell as Jewell & Smith, an arrangement which existed until 1922. Mr. Smith has been in practice alone since that time, building up a clientele that pronounces him what he is, one of the ablest and best liked attorneys in Grand Rapids. He married Genevieve Decker, of Battle Creek, the daughter of Garrett Decker, who came to that city from Hudson county, New York. To Mr. And Mrs. Smith has been born one son.


Transcriber:  Nancy Myers
Created: 5 November 2002