Dealers in


We Buy Everything the Farmer Has to Sell


George Blass, Manager    Volney Blass, Secy. and Treas.   Kenneth Blass, Asst. Manager


The above is a combination of the letterhead and sales-slip headings of the company.


There are blank pages. Pages 284 to 312 are blank, pages 353 to 384 are blank and 404 to 456, the end, are blank. It may be that the years 1908-09-10 were included in this ledger and were separated by the unused pages. There being no regular notation of years, it is impossible to state for a fact.



January-1908 thru part of 1910

(See above paragraph)


Names recorded with relative pages noted.


Name Pages Notes



Avery, Daniel                         6,74,180,262

Adams, Benj                         389

Alaska Refrigerator Co           391




Blass Co, The                       1,54,76,97,112,121,125,152,172

Britton, Jno                           3,49,69

Bigford, S.L.                          29,204

Blass, Kenneth                     33

Blass, Geo                           36,195

Ballard, S P                          45

Blass, Volney                       50,195,258

Barrett, Benj                         52

Basford, Harry                       60

Beatty, Casper                      61,185,238

Baker, Alsworth                     65                                                       Note: Actually 64

Bradford, J.A.                        38,153

Bor-hrom, Robt                      67                                                       Note: Name spelled 'Barthrum' on account page

Brackett, L.                           88,130,178,225,266                              Note: Initials L.S. on account page 88

Burke, Jno                            388,171

Blackman, R W                     91

Brayton, Gilbert                     319,161

Beatty, Alfred                        104,223

Brown, Wm                           320

Beatty, Albert                        120

Baker, Alex                           328

Brunke, Jessie                      396

Ballau, Frank                        341                                                     Note: May be 'Ballan'

Bradford, A.J.                        343

Bates, Geo.                          345

Bradford, Frank                     348

Berner, Fred                          348

Bradfin, Harry                        403                                                     Note: Spelling on account page may be 'Brafin'

Blanchard, Earl                     403

Berries of 1909                      282




Carlson, C.F.                        7,249                                                   Note: C.P Carlson on account pages

Cash                                    78,94,11,122,149,187,213,234,250,271,278

Chapman, Jno                       34

Cavanaugh, Chas                  385

Cobb, J H                             55,200

Clum, Sherman                     387,332                                               Note: Actually 386

Cook, A D                             79

Clark, Jno                             81

Cole, E.S.                             387

Childs, Mand                         85,347                                                 Note: Actually 86

Campbell, Ed.                       319

Curtis, Am                            389,333

Cisco, Bert                           117

Cummings, Joe                     136

Collis and Wers Co                140

Cox, Frank                            328

Collins, Geo                          393

Cashion and Fisher                335

Curtis, Geo                           336

Cummings O.K.                    337

Casey, C.                             397

Cutler, Homer                        401

Campbell, Ely                       351




Doty, Blanche                       2,174,256

Davis, Wm                            8

Duffing, Louis                        9

Detroyer, Chas                      10

Davis, H.W.                          18,123,197,247                                    Note: actually 19

Durphy, Paul                         20

Duffing, Wm                          41

Dark, Jas                              48

Davidson, Wm                       56

Davidson, J.J.                        386                                                     Note: Spelled 'Davison' on account page

Davis, P.                               388

Drilling, Fred                         101

Duffing, Martin                       323

Davidson, W.C.                     335

DeWitt, Garet                        222                                                     Note: Spelled 'Garrett' on account page.

Dougal, Geo.                         341                                                     Note: May be 'Dongal'. A Geo Dugal is mentioned on pg237

Drake, F.E.                           397

Duffing, Geo.                         344




Expenses                             24,134,218,232,274

Earl, Ed                                313

Elliott, W A                           87                                                       Note: The name David Miller is at the top of the page above the W A Elliot inscription.

Ebeymein, Wm                     325

Ebeymein, Garrett                 158                                                     Note: Spelling appears to be 'Ebemeyer' on account page.

Excelsior Fishing and

Hunting Club                         392

Elwell, Justin                         394




Farm                                    22,113

Fisher, J.                              47

Foster, Jas                           138

Fifield, C                               142

Fenner, Belle                        339       Note:Actually 338

Fenner, Robt                         399

Fisher, Thos                          401




Gardner, A.                           11

Giberson, W.C.                     21,400

Gardner, E.L.                        329

Garlock, F.                           346




Hewitt, H.W.                         16

Hewitt, J.R.                           28

Herendeen, E.                       314,192,224,239,252

Hulford, Jas                           73

Hooper, Elvin                         80

Hooper, Walter                      318

Heysett, E.N.                        93

Halford, Anna                        320

Hefferman, Thos.                   322

Hammer, Wm.                      128

Hewitt, E.E.                          155

Hammerschmidt, A.               160

Hulfon, E.                             393                                                     Note: Account page has the name 'Ed Hulford'

Holmes, F.                            334

Hulfon, Ed                             336                                                     Note: Account page has the name 'Ed Hulford'

Howk, M.J.                           395                                                     Note: Account page has the name 'Major P. Howk'

Harvey, G.A.                         395

Hudson, Ada                         346

Hoag, O.E.                           399

Huff, H.L.                              352

Hay                                      283




Iron                                      106




Johnson, J.F.                        316,118,183

Jacques, Jno                         62,248

Johnson, Bert                        390,219

Johnson, John                       326

Johnson, S.                          391

Johnson A.A. and Co.            166

Jorgensen, Ola                      330

Jackson, W.T.                       170,268




Kent, Geo and H.                  72                                                       Note:'H' is Herman.

Knight, Thrensa                     105                                                     Note: Spelling on account page is 'Thrnsn'

Koopman, Jno                       325

Karns, L.W.                          137                                                     Note: Spelling on account page is 'Karnes'.

Krider, B.J.                           164

Kinney, Ed                            392




Longcore, Pearl                     18,135,209

Lewis, H.                              387,102                                               Note: 'H' is for Henry.

LaBarr, Wm.                         388

Lamb Bros                            145

LaBarr and Rick Hoff              165

Lacy, Mrs                             330,217,349                                         Note: First name Mabel.

Leek, Chas                           210

Lake Co                                398                                                     Note: Actually 397. Annotated-Per Order Benj. Barrett, For Mrs. McGroff

Lawrence and Raymond         399

LaGuire, Isabel                      402




Mdse                                    14,77,99,114,126,155,173,190,198


Moore, R.B.                          39

Moore, Max                          51

Moore, Wm                           53

Munton, F.                            316 Note: 'F' is for Frank.

Moore, D.E.                          318,131,188,350

Matthews, R.J.                      92

Mormon, Earl                        100                                                     Note: Spelled Morman on account page.

Marble, Geo. B.                     324                                                     Note: 'a' may be an 'o',i.e. Morble.

Mehrtens, CH                        327

Moore, Geo                           144

Melton, Jno                           196,254

Mallory, W.                           394

Markham, Chas                     395

Minard, O.                            343

Morris, Clyde                        398

Magnusson, Chas                 398

Messenger, Harry                  403




McCullom, Jas                      167,229,349

McIntyre, Dr.                         339

McDonald, Maggie                 347





Northrop, Jn                          13                                                      Note: Account page annotated as 1910.

Nestley, Tillie                        36

Norris and Son                      159

Nash, A.R.                            393




Oneil, Andy                           109




Paradine, M                          12                                                       Note: 'M' is for Myra

Peppler, Roxie                      44

Peppler, Jno                          75

Peterson, Hulda                    57

Peters, Frank                        82

Potter, Jno                            321,221

Peterson, Albert                    322

Peck                                    121                                                     Note: Account page has 'Eva Peck' and 'Brown'.

Peters Bros                          150

Pennington                           327

Peterson, Jno                        157

Peppler, Daniel                      331

Powers, W.A.                       177

Porteous, Walter                   181,226,257                                        Note: Actually 191

Peppler, L Mrs                      331

Paradine, E                           206,246,276                                         Note: 'E' is Ed.

Peterson, Chas                     337

Pacific Hotel                         212,233,241,253,260,272,279

Pope, Jno                             340








Ross, S.                               43

Rudd, H.                               313

Roth, Geo.                            58

Reames, Chas                      315,342

Roadhouse, Ed                     386

Rudd, Wm                            66

Robinson, A.D.                      96

Raymond, T.                         116

Robertson, F.                        389

Reams, Mrs                          324,332

Rouse, Henry                        156

Rush, Alfred and Son             329

Roberts, May                        342




Starr, A.                               25,129,211

Sayless, E E                        26,265

Soullier, Mrs F.                     31                                                       Note: Named spelled 'Soulliere' on account page

Sharp, Wm                           42

Shane, S.D.                          46

Sawyer, Jas                          385,90

Smith, Je                              59

Strong, H.L.                          71

Scott-Archie                          387,168,228,263

Stowe, D.                             321                                                     Note: 'D' is Daniel

Slude, Leon                          390

Shultz, C                              143

Smith, Elmer                         147

Smith, Ira M

Mercantile Co                        165                                                    Note: Actually 163

Schaeffer Mrs                        184

Smith, Newman                     193,245

Sample, Hugh                       394

Salier,I                                  333                                                     Note: I' is Ira

Strausberg, Frank                  396

Smith, Chas                          345

Scott, Wm                            398

Storms, Jno                          270

St Clair, C.L.                         400

Shrink, A.                             402

Selles, Nick                          352




Taylor, Wm                           314

Trick, F.W.                           317

Tickets                                 70,194,215

Tissner, Fred                         162,205                                               Note: Spelled Tessner on pg 162, spelled Tisner on pg 205.

Thompson, Helen                  201

Trick, Howard                        334

Tanner, Frank                        396

Ties                                      237

Taylor, Carl                           344

Thraser, C.G.                        401                                                     Note: spelled 'Thrasher' on account page.




Updegraff, Jno                       40,400

Updegraff, Mrs Jno                 208,267

Updegraff, Flossie                  259




Van Fleet, Chas                    32

Vorce, Fay                            326

Van Eenenaam and Son        391




Wright, N                              15

Wilder, J                               17,83,119,176,207,231                          Note: 'J' is Julia. Page 231 also has Homer and Frank Wilder

Westy, Ed                            30                                                       Note: The 'y' appears to have an erasure attempt on it.

Wallace, Jno                         37,63,85,108,133                                  Note: Pages 108 and 133 are headed by 'L.A. Wallace' vice Jno.

Wallace, Roy                        315

Wedge, Jno                          385,106       Note:Actually 107

Weiss, M C                          65

Willoughby                            68                                                       Note: Initials are 'A.S.'

Wilkinson, Wm                     317,351

Walters, Wm                        84,127,182,202,203,230,243

Wood, Saml                          89

Wood, W W                          94

Wolgamott, Guy                    103,124,169,181,220,244,275

Weaver, B.                            115

Wallace, A                            390

Wilkinson, Glen                     323

Wells, Horton                        139

Western Hide and Fur Co       146

Wilder, F                              154

Wheaton and Hacker             392

Wallace, Joe                         175

Wilder, Jno                           179,227,350

West, Frank                          338

Wallace, Jno                         339

Wilder, Harry                         240,264,280

Wilkinson, Clyde                   340

Wilder, Homer and Frank       269

Wantz, Roy                          402




Yuilli-Miller Co                       141


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