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of the Old Mission and New Mission (Grove Hill) Church 1843-1871 |
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The Mission Church was organized on 3 Jun 1843 in the present town of Old Mission, Grand Traverse County, Michigan. When the Indians moved across Grand Traverse Bay to Leelanau County, Rev. Dougherty moved the Mission to the present town of Omena. Saturday June 3rd, 1843 On this day was organized a mission Church under the care of the School General Assembly's Board of Foreign Missions. At 1/2 past 2:00, a Meeting was held in the school house and the following persons were enrolled as members in full communion. Rev. Peter Dougherty Mrs. Maria S. Dougherty Mr. Henry Bradley Mrs. Sarah W. Bradley Mr. John Campbell Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell Mr. Robert Campbell Miss Hannah W. Campbell Mr. Henry Bradley was unanimously elected as an elder in this Church. Mr. Bradley was not ordained having been ordained as an elder in the Church at the Weah Mission. Sabbath 4th Celebrated the Lord's Supper this day. There were received on confession of their faith twelve of the natives and were baptized receiving the following Christian name: Ah go sa Addison Potts Nechegumekeshin Samuel Miller Menonequd David Comfort Maish ka ze Moses Allen Kah ga maig John Kreds Muh cu ah non Daniel Wells Nah we nah mik o qua Sarah Miller Tah we se qua Jane Comfort Ke wa zim o qua Mary Downey Onje e qua Emma Allen Se be qua Abby Dodd Shon das equa Ann Miller The above named persons have been on the list of inquirers for a year and more. They were carefully examined before admission as to experimental religion, and received. They were after instructed into the nature of the ordnance baptized. Sabbath 25 This day the parents who were members of the church brought their children for baptism. The following is a list of the children baptized. Rev. P. Dougherty named one Henrietta Maria, nearly 2 yrs of age Ahgosa four named Madwagonashe David aged about 9 yrs Kesis John Lowrie " 7 " Anwahtin Robt Lenox " 5 " Kewadinequm Albert " 3 " Nechegumekichen Two Named Mawaguhkong Jane " 9 " Mikenck William " 3 " Menonoqud four named Wassagezhicaqua Eliza " 10 " Wah bun o qua Susan " 8 " Aish kuh be gah sing George " 6 " Henry 9 months Sebe qua two named Wahsa ah no qua Hannah " 7 yrs Sah wah nah ba Joseph " 5 " Kah ga maig one named Messis sonqua James aged about 9 yrs Naish ka ze three named Wah sah go nabe Walter Lowrie " 6 " Soloman Anna Jany 7, 1844 This day the ordinance of the Lord's Supper was observed and four persons were admitted to the church on examination visit. Kah gee Named Henry Unduhwahbushe " Elizabeth Quakejeshnequa " Phebe The following persons presented their children. Rev P. Dougherty Named Susan Augusta H. Bradely " Harriet Barker Moses Allen " Charles July 1844 Celebrated the communion on this day. Received on confession of the natives five visited. Babezha Baptized Agnes Shahwenahshe " Joseph Shoundase " Isaac Gingwah nah quhum " Charles Fisher Ozhe gahbahwequa " Jemima Also Daniel Rodd the interpreter, also Mr. Henry Davenport from the church at Mackinac. Three were received by letter from the Methodist Episcopal Church, Bermingham circuit, Detroit's district, visit Mr. Walter Drake, Mrs. Adeline Drake and Miss Harriet Hall. Four members were suspended from church privilege for drinking, Emma Allen, Elizabeth, Phoebe and Henry. One Mary Downey on confession and repentance was restored. On the 4th Sabbath of July One person presented their children for baptism. Isaac named three Mary aged about 8 yrs Levi " 6 " Lydia " 6 mth Mo cuh e nah named one Harriet aged about 6 mth Jan 4, 1845 On this day being the first Sabbath of the year we celebrated the Lord's Supper. One native woman was examined and received to church fellowship and was baptized. She received the name of Susan. Her Indian name was Ke wa yon. Susan Douglas was also received on examination. Babesha (Agnes) brought one child for Baptism. She was named Jane about 6 yrs of age. Died on the 7th of Jan. 1845, Elizabeth Potts the wife of the Chief. May 18th, 1845 This day the Lord's Supper was administered. One native woman, daughter of the Chief was received to the fellowship and baptized. Her Indian name is Kis suh nah ne qud. She received the Christian name of Ellen. Three children were baptized. The chief Addison Potts presented one which was baptized receiving the name of George Hale. Menonequd presented one which was baptized and received the name of Sidney. Kah ge and Se be qua presented an adopted child which was baptized and named Isabella. June 1846 This day Sabbath we commemorated the death of the Lord Jesus in the sacrament of the supper. Two members of the church Mo kue nah and his wife Quaquejeahnoqua (Phoebe Wells) were kept back for improper conduct. Charles Fisher and Henry Gahgee or Crow who were suspended at the last communion for drinking, were on confession restored but did not present themselves. Joseph Shahwuhnakshe was prevented by sickness. In the afternoon the following persons presented their children for baptism. Moses Allen and wife one Baptized Mary Ann Abby Dodd " Thomas Robert Campbell " Maria Elizabeth Mrs. Jno. Campbell " Hannah Marion Henry Bradley & wife " Edward Henry Peter Dougherty " Isabella Jane Henry Davenport " named Jan 1847 On the first Sabbath of this New Year the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was commemorated by the church at this place. No additions were made to the church. May 23 This day Mr. Henry Bradley elder of this church and Susan Douglas a member of this church and sister of Mrs. Bradley were publicly suspended from privileges of this church for illicit intercourse. Mr. Bradley made a public confession in the church. May 1847 Mr. Walter Drake and his wife and Miss Harriet Hall by their own request received letters of dismission from the church. Also Mrs. Sarah Bradley. Dec. 25th 1847 This being the last Sabbath of the year the Communion of the Lord's Supper was administered. Twenty three comts were presented. Three natives were baptized and added to the church. Ahka baptized James, his wife baptized Ellen. Mengowene's wife named Martha Five natives and two white children were Baptized. Memonequd one Baptized John Shondase " " Mary Ann Memgowene's wife three " Henry, Mark & Paul Robert Campbell one " Rosella Jane Mrs. Hannah Cowles one " James Campbell June 24th Preparatory service was held in the church this afternoon. Seven persons on examination were received as candidates for Baptism. Mem go we ne, Wuh nuh ge shik, Nos cah, Wah sahj, Wah be mik e qua, Pe me ga, Pe na se wak. Sabbath 25 The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered. Seven persons were received on examination and were baptized Mem go we ne Baptized Edwin Wuh nuh ge zhik " Aaron Nos cah " Edward Wah be mik o qua " Elizabeth Wah sahj " Agnes Peme ga " Margaret Penase wah " Catherine Andrew Porter, Teacher received by certificate. The following children were Baptized Memgowens one, named Mary Ann Nos cah " " Charlotte Wah be mik o qua 2 named Pabahmasa John Tubuhsuhgezhik George Pe me ga one, " Negonce Abby Nashkaze " " Nancy Sabbath January 7th, 1849 The communion was celebrated this day, twenty-six members partook of the ordinance. Five were kept back for having been intoxicated and three absented themselves without excuse. In the afternoon two children were baptized. Rev. P. Dougherty one named Sarah Catherine Mrs. Jno. Campbell Jr. " " Eugene Morrison Aug. 22, 1849 Mr. A. Porter was dismissed by request to join the congregation at pleasant Valley, Penn. under the care of the Rev. John Moore Feb. 17th, 1850 The sacrament was celebrated today Sabbath. Two persons were baptized and read in to the church. Wahsan named Eliza Tuh buh sah ge zhik o qua " Elizabeth Several others were examined but not received. Ke wa zim o qua presented one child which was baptized Eliza. Martha, wife of Edwin Mem go we ne died June 21, 1850 Sabbath June 23rd, 1850 Celebrated the communion to day received three confession of their faith Mok ue nah Baptized Peter Southerland his wife " Nancy Sister " Mary There were twenty six person members of the church who came forward and two from other churches. In the afternoon two children were baptized. Mrs. Cowles one named Emily Amelia, Nash kaze one names Margaret. Sabbath Sep 4th 1851 Celebrated the Lords Supper and received the following persons to the communion of the church who were baptized Se be qua Baptized Jane Ke zh ah ta " William Ke duh gah muhkke " Lewis Ba be zha " Ann Aaron Named two Puh ge kuh nah se wa John Shah wuh nah nuh qud William Se be qua & Babezha had their children baptized Thompson George Tenace Susan Mahne Mary Shahwuhnahushqud, Thomas Ahnahqud, John ? Kabushking, Joseph Muhjeshbun , Eliza Sarah Pe wah bun ung James (Mis en on e qud's son) Sabbath Jan 11th 1852 The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was celebrated on the profession of their faith. Se be qua baptized Phebe, Muh ko qua baptized Susan, & Shah buk qum baptized David. One Qua que je ah no qua was restored after confession and amendment. In the afternoon the following members presented children for baptism. Ke duh guh muh ke Named one Joseph Ke zhah ta (adopted) Charlotte Ke waz im o qua Named one James James K. WhitSide & wife " Emily Judson Jerome Pratt & wife " Roxanna Catherine Mrs. Hannah Cowles " Samuel Frank Sabbath June 20th 1852 The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was celebrated this day-four natives viz. two men and two women were after several months examination were admitted to the church by baptism. Pashem baptized Keriah, Mary named Mary Oge mah gege do named Thomas, and Pe nas we gezhik named Paul Sabbath June 20th In the afternoon four children were baptized Elizabeth one Penahawa, named Samuel Thomas Named Enos Kah me no ta go ze Nashkaze " Jacob Mary Mad wag on ashe John 1845 Jany Celebrated the communion at the new mission, Rev. G. N. Smith assisted and some of his people united in the ordinance. In the afternoon the following persons had children baptized. Nashkaze & wife 2 Solomon (adopted) Nancy Peter Southerland 1 Isaac Nah wuh qum 1 William Penasewegezhik 1 William Sabbath April 30th 1854 The communion was celebrated. One man was received on confession of his faith and baptized. John Indian name Muhkuh dawenene. Kanj ah no qua was also baptized but did not partake in the communion. She was baptized Nancy. Her child was baptized & named Moses. Sabbath October 9th 1854 Communion this day. Present 6 whites and 18 native members who participated in the communion. Mr. Jno Porter and his wife Annes and Mrs. Mary McConnel were received on certificate from the Presbyterian church at Pleasant Valley. Rev. Jno Coulter Pastor. In the afternoon three children were baptized. Mary & (David) 1 Jacob Peter Southerland 1 Eliza Memgowene 1 Mary Ann Sabbath Feb. 4th 1855 Communion was celebrated this day. Received on confession the following persons. Tuhbuh sosh Baptized Joseph Henry Nah wuh qum " Antwine Anthony? Tabuhkesh " Joseph Sabbath Feb. 11th 1855 Mr. & Mrs. Dougherty presented a child for baptism. She was named Emily Louisa. Mr. & Mrs. Porter presented one which was named Harriet Llewellyn Sabbath Feb. 18th 1855 Tabuhkesh presented two children, Amos baptized Amos, Gingwah baptized John. Sabbath Aug. 5th 1855 This day celebrated the Lord's Supper. The following persons were baptized and received to the communion. Wawahsasmoqua Baptized Mary Mishahkudoqua " Mary Nahwichoguhnequa " Margaret Ne gonegezhik " John Mis co be na se " Moses Megesuhmag " John Kewazimoqua " Mary Ann Present 21 native members and 10 white. Two, Catherine Gibson and Jane McElvaine were received by certification. In the afternoon Wawahsumoqua had two children baptized named Nancy & Susan. Nov. 1855 Tebuhkeah had one child baptized named...... Sabbath Dec. 20 1855 Celebrated the Lord's Supper this day, four were received and baptized on confession of their faith. Wahsagezhik Baptized James O ge sh wa " Jane Shahb wah song " Stephen Tuhbuhsoah " Daniel Jan. 6th 1856 O gezhwa had two children baptized named Megisinine William & Etuhwahkahnago Neyahnegezhik two baptized the elder Emma & the younger Nancy. John. Sabbath Ap. 1856 Celebrated the Lord's Supper. Mr. Smith and people united received on Confession of their faith after frequent examinations the following persons Mo awa Baptized Benjamin Mezhenushkodawa " Alfred Nawuhdagezhik " George Angelice " Susan Amelia Mis quonahqud " Anna Dan gum " Mona Pemebuhtousa " Jane In the afternoon baptized the children. Pemebuhtoqua 1 Charles Sagejeosaga 1 Ann Sabbath Oct 19th 1856 This day the communion of the Lord's Supper was celebrated. Rev. George N. Smith of Northport attended and assisted in the service a number of his people were also presented. Three person were received to fellowship with the church on the confession of their faith. Ahwunegezhikoqua aged about 16 yrs. in school was baptized and received the name of Lucy. Nezadoqua wife of Muhjeshnequd baptized name Mary Louisa Uhguh doh aged about 17 in school baptized name Margaret In the afternoon the following members had children baptized. Paul Penasewegezhik one named Solomon. Lucy Muhjebegoqua one named Betsy. Ann Babezha wife of Anthony Nahwuh qum one named John. Baptized Pemequah, member of Mr. Smith one named Emma in school. Wahbishkahnahqum, Mr. Smith's named Sarah. List of Members of the Church at Grand Traverse Bay Peter Dougherty Missionary Indian Names English Name Date Rev. Peter Dougherty June 3, 1843 Mrs. Maria Dougherty June 3, 1843 Henry Bradley June 3, 1843 (Chosen Elder, Teacher of Mission School, Suspended May 23, 1847, removed to Ohio.) Mrs. Sarah W. Bradley June 3, 1843 (Removed with her husband to Ohio, dismissed by letter in good standing.) Mr. John Campbell June 3, 1843 Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell June 3, 1843 Robert Campbell June 3, 1843 Hannah W. Campbell June 3, 1843 Ahgosa (Chief) Addison Potts June 3, 1843 Nechegumekeshin Samuel Miller June 3, 1843 (Died at his place on the Little Traverse in the spring of 1849) Menenegud David Comfort June 3, 1843 (Removed to the Liittle Traverse in the spring of 1850) Nashkaze Moses Allen June 3, 1843 Kahgamage John Krebs June 3, 1843 (Suspended, died in the fall of 1846.) Mukkuenah Daniel Wells June 3, 1843 Nah we nah mik oqua Sarah Miller June 3, 1843 (Removed with her husband to the Little Traverse, Died at this place in the summer of 1850) Tah we se qua Jane Comfort June 3, 1843 Kewazimoqua Mary Downie June 3, 1843 On je qua Emma Allen June 3, 1843 Sebequa Abby Dodd June 3, 1843 (Removed to her brothers on the Little Traverse in the spring of 1851) Shahwundasequa Ann Miller June 3, 1843 Kah gae Henry January 7, 1844 (Suspended) Unduhwahbuhshe Elizabeth January 7, 1844 (Died January 7, 1845) Quaquejeahnoqua Pheobe January 7, 1844 Babezha Agnes July, 1844 Shahwenahshe Joseph July, 1844 Shahwundase Isaac July, 1844 Ozhegahbuhwequa Jemima July, 1844 Gingwahnahquhum Charles Fisher July, 1844 (Suspended, Restored) Daniel Rodd Interpreter July, 1844 Henry Davinport July, 1844 (Died here September 1847) Walter Drake July, 1844 (Dismissed by letter in good standing) Mrs. Adaline Drake July, 1844 (Dismissed by letter in good standing) Miss Harriet Hall July, 1844 (Dismissed by letter in good standing) Kewayon Susan January, 1845 Susan Douglas January, 1845 Suspended May 23, 1847, removed to her mother's in Penn.) Mis suh non e qud Ellen May, 1845 Ahke James December, 1847 Ellen December, 1847 Martha December, 1847 (Died June 21, 1850) Memgowene Edwin June, 1848 Ahwuhnuhgezhik Aaron June, 1848 (Suuspended, Restored) Noscah Edward June, 1848 (Suspended) Wah be mik oqua Elizabeth June, 1848 Wa sahj Agnes June, 1848 (Suspended, Restored) Pemega Margaret June, 1848 Penasewah Catherine June, 1848 (Died the summer of 1850) Andrew Porter June, 1848 (Dismissed to join the church at Pleasant Valley, Penn. Aug 22, 1849) Wahsagezhikoqua Eliza February, 1850 (Removed with her parents to the Little Traverse, 1850) Tuhbuhsuhgezhikoqua Elizabeth February, 1850 Mokuenah Peter Southerland June, 1850 Mrs. Roxana Pratt Nancy June, 1850 (By certificate) Mahne Mary June, 1850 Mrs. Emily Boardman (By certificate) Sebequa Jane September, 1851 Kezhahta William September, 1851 Ke duh gahmuhke Lewis September, 1851 Babezha Ann September, 1851 Ogemahgegedod Thomas June, 1852 Pashon Keriah June, 1852 Penasewegezhik Paul June, 1852 Mary Mary June, 1852 Sabbath Celebrated the communion, Eliza Penasewuhden & Mary Jackson were admitted to the communion. Caty was removed from the school by her parents and was not received. December 25, 1858 Preparatory service in the church Sabbath Communion the day Dec. 26, 1858 Rev. G. N. Smith conducted some dedicatory Service previcut to the communion setting apart our new edifice to the Service of God. Five persons were received on confession and two by certificate. Susan Tenace, wife of Geo Nada baptized when a child formerly a member of the female school. Angelice in the school about 17 known by the name of Susan Angelice baptized by the priest rebaptised when admitted. Lizzie Petosega & Peter Kahtoshkahwa Kewakundo, both in school and brought up in the catholic faith Shahgwahjah, never baptized before, baptized Abraham. These were received as member of the mission church. Also Mr. Joseph Timblin and his wife Ellen Timblin were received by certification from the Pres Church at Concord (Butler Co. Penn) under the Pastoral care of Jno Coulter Sabbath May 22, 1859 This day the communion was celebrated in the mission church. Siz persons were received into the church on profession. John Kenis & his wife Teresa Charles Allen Geo. A. Craker Mrs. Mary Williams Washkebuh wife of Memgowen, baptized Catherine Megezancequa wife of tabuhkeah baptized Mary Jane Peter Ashkuhbegasing John Kesis Baptized 1 James David Madwayonash " 1 Robert June 5, 1859 Baptized a child of Moses Nashkaze, 3 weeks old named William. Memgowene Named 1 Jackson(six weeks old) Tebuhkea " Eliza(4 weeks old) Sabbath Aug 27, 1859 This day the communion of the Lord's Supper was observed in the mission church at Omena. No one was received into the church. Sabbath Jan. 8, 1860 This day the communion of the Lord's Supper was observed in the Grove Hill Mission. Church. 30 members communed. Rev. G. N. Smith was present with several members of his church. In the afternoon 2 children were baptized one daughter of Chequahjah, 4 weeks old named Eliza, P & M Dougherty one 5 month old named Mary Eliza. Sabbath Sept. 9, 1860 This day the communion of the Lord's Supper was celebrated and Lucy and Ahke had one child baptized named Mary Ann. Jan 6, 1861 This Sabbath the communion of the Lord's Supper was celebrated the season was solemn in the afternoon Penasewegezhik had an infant baptized named James. Miss Cynthia Gibson was received by certification from the church at Pleasant Valley, Butler Co. Pa. Sabbath May 5, 1861 The memorial of the death of Christ was observed this day. 3 persons. Geo. H. Agosa, Mary Ann Allen & Mrs. Mary Petosega were received into communion of this church on confession of faith. Mrs. Petosega was baptized having been brought up in the catholic church. These three individuals had been members of the school at Grove Hill. Nashaze & wife presented in the afternoon one child for baptism. She was named Nancy. John C. L. Kesis had his child presented for baptism the last Sabbath of May. She was named Jane. Sabbath Oct. 6, 1861 This day the sacrament was administered. Forty-two communicants presented themselves. In the afternoon Memogwene & wife presented one child for baptism about 3 weeks old named Sophene. Mr. & Mrs. Craker presented one named Alonzo Custer. Sabbath Jan 5, 1862 This day we had our regular communion. Rev. Geo. N. Smith of Northport preached, a portion of his people was present. No person was united to the church. Forty persons set down to the celebration of the Savior's death. In the afternoon David & Mary Muhdawagonan, she had a child baptized named Benjamin. Alfred Mezhenushkodawn one named George Henry. Joseph & Mary Tabahkeah one named Sophia. Sabbath May 4, 1862 The communion of the Lord's Supper was celebrated in the mission church this day. Sabbath Oct. 19, 1862 This day the mission church celebrated the Savors death in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. In the afternoon James Ahke & wife had their infant child baptized named William May 3, 1863 The memorial of the Savior's death was celebrated by the mission church this day. 34 persons united in the observance. No baptisms, no additions. Sabbath Oct.1, 1863 On examination one man named Enos Kahmenotagoze was received a member of the church. His child was presented and baptized by the name of John. Thirty four members celebrated the memorial of the death of Christ. Sabbath May 8, 1864 This day the Lord's Supper was administered in the Grove Hill Church. Five were received on a profession of their faith. Eliza Sahgah, Mary Jane baptized Emma wife of Enos bapt Aaron Sahgahnakqud bapt the first two are in the school the other two have been. Also Isabella Jane Dougherty. 39 communicants present. In the afternoon 3 children were baptized. Memgowene one named William. Paul one named Mary Ann, Kesis one named Benjamin. Mr. & Mrs. Craker one named William Adelbert. Susan Amelia Angelice Walker aged 16 years was married to Frances, son of Shagonabe, aged 22 years at Grove Hill, Dec 11, 1857 Sabbath Oct 4, 1864 The death of Jesus was celebrated in the Mission Church at Omena, four persons were received to the church Pamesa bapt Stephen & his wife Omuhsagezhickequa Sophia. Also Margaret Allen Megezanuqua. Daughter of Ogemagegedo bapt Theresa. In the afternoon Pamesa had two children baptized, Tenace and Mary Ann. Sabbath Jan 1, 1865 The communion of the Lord's Supper was celebrated at the church at Omena. Miss Louvisa Porter was received on confession of her faith in Christ as a member of this church. Thirty-six persons united in the celebration. In the afternoon the infant son of David & Mary Madwagonashing was baptized named Benjamin after one that had recey died. Enos & Aaron, who had been kept back the previous communion, on confession and repentance were restored to the privileges of the church. March 14 Enos had a sick child baptized by the name of Susan. Sabbath June 14, 1865 This day the communion was celebrated in the mission Church. Mrs. Ann Morgan was received on confession as a member. Mary Ann Allen had her child baptized by the name of Mary Allen. Sabbath Oct 2, 1865 This church commemorated the death of Christ. Mrs. Morgan had her son Norman baptized. Jan 7, 1866 Commemorated the Savior's death this day. In the afternoon James Ahke and wife had a child baptized named Peter List of Members of the Church at Grand Traverse Bay Peter Dougherty Missionary Name of Parents Child Date Age Indian Name Mrs. & P. Dougherty Henriatta Maria June 25, 1843 2 yrs Addison Potts David " 9 " Madwagonashing (Ahgosa) Married to the daughter of Pendinwon Dec. 1850) " John Lowrie " 7 " Kenis " Robert Lenox " 5 " Anwahtin " Albert " 3 " Kewadinequm Nechegumekeshin Jane " 9 " Mewaguhkong (Samuel Miller) (Removed & married at the Little Traverse to a catholic by a priest. " William " 3 " Mikenok Menonequd Eliza " 10" Wahsagezhikaqua (David Comfort) Susan " 8 " Wahbunoqua (Married to Wuhnuhqud the spring of 1849) " George " 6 " Ashkuhbegahsing (Died the 30th of June 1848) Henry " 9 mnt Sebequa Hannah " 7 yrs Wahsashnoqua (Abby Dodd) (Shot in the house with her brother by Wasogonabe) (Probably unintentional) " Joseph " 5 " Shahwuhnahba (Shot with his sister by Wahsogonabe) Kahgamag James " 9 " Missisongua (JohnKrebs) (Died) Nashkaze Walter Lowrie " 6 " Wahsuhginabe (Moses Allen (Died) " Solomn " Anna P. Dougherty Susan Augusta Jan 7, 1844 6 mnt Henry Bradley Harriet Barker " (Removed with her parents 1847) Moses Allen Charles " Shahwundase Mary July, 1844 8 yrs Mahne Isaac (Married to a Catholic by the priest) " Levi " 6 yrs Muhjeahnahqud " Lydia " 6 mnt Died Mokuenah Harriet " 6 " (Daniel Wells) Babezha Jane Jan 1845 6 yrs Shahwabuhgequa (Married to a Catholic at the Little Traverse) Addison Potts George Hale May 18, 1845 4 mnt David Comfort Sidney " Kahgee Isabella " (Henry Crow) Moses Allen & wife Mary Ann June 1846 Abby Dodd Thomas " Robt Campbell Maria Elizabeth " Mrs. Jno. Campbell Hannah Marion June 1846 Henry Bradely & wife Edward Henry " P. Dougherty Isabella Jane " Henry Davinport ... David Comfort John Dec 1847 Died Isaac Shahwundase Mary Ann " Henry " Mark " Paul " Robt Campbell Rosella Jane " Mrs. Hannah Cowels James Campbell " Memgowene Mary Ann June 1848 Noscah Charolett " Wabahmikoqua John " 12 Yrs Pabahmosa " George " 12 " Tuhbuhsuhgezhik Pemega Abby " 5 " Negens Moses Allen & wife Nancy " P. Dougherty & wife Sarah Catherine Jan 6, 1849 6 mnt Mrs. Jno Campbell Jr. Eugene Morrison " Mary Downie Eliza Feb. 1850 Mrs. Hannah Cowels Emily Amelia June 1850 Moses Allen Margaret " Sebequa Joseph Sep. 1851 11 yrs Kabashkung " Eliza " 9 " Mujeshbun Babezha George " 10 " Thompson " Susan " 8 Tenace " Mary " 6 Mahne " Thomas " 4 Shahwahnahnahqud " John " 6 mnt Ahnahqud Aaron & Agnes John Puhgekuhnahsewa " William Shahwuhnahnahqud Sabbath May 20, 1866 The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed in the Grove Hill Mission Church this day. On examination the following were received to the communion of the church. Tenace (daughter of Stephen & Sophia). John (Son of David Mudwagonashe), James Fisher Baptised. Nahwagezhik baptised Peter Mark & Sahgejewaqua baptised Ann. Quaquejewing baptised Sarah. In the afternoon Ann had her son Muk ke dakenew baptised Joseph. Sabbath May 27, 1866 Communion was help at Bear Creek, two children were baptised. Grove Hill Church, Jan 6, 1867 On this Sabbath the Saviors death was celebrated. 46 comminicants were present. Several Indian members of Mr. Smith's church were with us. In the afternoon baptised 4 children. John Kesis One Named Eliza Enos " Anna James Fisher " Charles Edward Memgowene " Adam Grove Hill church, May 11, 1867 Preparatory Service this afternoon. Four were examined and accepted for admission Sabbath May 12, 1867 Communion to day, forty-six sat down to the table of the Lord. The following persons were received as members of the church. George Tuhbuhsuhgezhik baptised when a child also his wife. Ahgosa baptised Agnes. Mary Ann wife of Geo. Potts (also baptised Sarah daughter of Sebequa baptised when a child.) In the afternoon Geo Tuhbuhsageshik had two children baptised one named John & one Nana. Goerge Potts, one named Louisa, Mary Ann Allen one named Moses. Jan 5, 1868 The communion service was attended at the Grove Hill church this day. No persons were admitted to membership on this occasion. Mr. Craker had a child baptised, Frank. Forty persons united in the service. Saturday May 23, 1868 The Mission church attended preparatory Service and the memorial of the death of Christ was celebrated on Sabbath May 24, 1868. Forty-two communed. In the afternoon David Madwagonashe and wife had a child baptised named Emma. Sabbath Nov. 1, 1868 The memorial of the death of Christ was celebrated in the Mission Church. Leonard H. Wheeler & wife Rhoda W. were received by certificate, he from first cong. ch. She from Mission Church, Odahnah Lake Superior. Sabbath Jan 3, 1869 The death of Christ was celebrated in the mission church this day and Susan All, daughter of Moses Nashaze Allen was received on confession Communion was held at the school house at Bear Creek, Nov. 8, 1868 Mary Ann wife of Peter Mark died at her fathers house, Moses Nashaza 1868. Lucy the wife of Tuhbuhsuhgezhik died 1868. Preparatory Service was attended at the Mission Church Sat May 15,1869 and the death of Christ was commemorated. Sabbath May 16, 1869 Ogemahgegedo (Thomas) was restored to church privileges and his wife Wah sayas was received on examination & was baptised. Mary Ann Tuhbuhsahgezhik (George) had a child baptised named Mary. Baptised a child of Thomas on Monday at his house named Benjamin May 17. Sabbath May 30 Baptised Six children of Thomas' at the church named as following George Wahshaahmah, David Shahbwawedum, Henry Kahgahgosh, Samuel Ahpewahshe, Elizabeth & John. James Fisher one baptised Henrietta. Enos one named Daniel. Saturday Jan 8, 1870 Preparatory Service at the Church very stormy, small attendance. Sabbath Jan 9 One person Eliza the wife of Mark or Martain Memgowene was received on profession of her faith & baptised as a member of the Mission Church. The day cold & stormy but a good attendance of the members & some from Mr. Smith, & the Methodist churches. Jan 30, 1870 Baptised 2 children one of Geo Potts named Robert and one for Kewazimoqua named George. Sat. May 7, 1870 Preparatory Service at 3 o'clock P.M. Sabbath May 8, 1870 Celebrated the memorial of the death of Christ at the Mission Church most of the members and some from other churches present. In the afternoon baptised an infant of Ogemahgegedo named Thomas. On Sabbath May 13, baptised the child of (Quaquejewing) Sarah named Margaret. December 31, 1870 This afternoon preparatory service was held in the church. Two persons on examination were received. Albert Agosa (& his wife Charolette) baptised. Jan 1, 1871 Commemorated the Savior's death at the Mission Church present 44. Some from Mr. Smith's church. In the afternoon Albert & Charolette brought their 4 children for baptism the oldest 7 yrs named Susan the 2nd 5 yrs named Mary Ann the 3rd 3 yrs named John the 4th 1 yr named Sarah Susan Allen Sahgahnahqud had her babe bap Lucy. Enos one named Sophene. |