Rufus Messenger and Roannah Goddard |
Rufus Messenger and Roannah Goddard of Granby, CT. had children:
I am from the family line of Rufus Milo Jr. & he died in Peoria, Il in 1836.
This is a part of Clark E. Messenger and Edwin Milo Messenger lines. They were brothers and also sons of Chauncey Monroe Messenger that was married to Hester Lena (Palmer) that were married in Republic Co., Kansas in 1872. She died Dec. 20, 1895 and her daughter both buried at Clarkburg Cem., Kansas outside of Fort Scott, Kansas. They were very poor and the family broken up after the death of Hester. The three younger children were given up after the mother died because the father was not well. The oldest son tried to keep the family together. I haven't been able to find a obit on her. Chauncey remarried to Amelia Wort 1896 in Garland, Kansas and she died in Caney, Kansas in 1906 or so. I am looking for any information on the lines. The Messenger children that are missing.
My line starts with Edwin Milo Messenger his son was Russell Franklin Messenger born 1906 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on the way to Washington in a Covered wagon. Russell married Estella Horacek in Fergus County, Montana and had 6 children. Russell children were:
Russell sister was Florence Mae Messenger married Andrew Lewis. Florence children were: (first child living, three other children died at young age.)
Christian Kuney |
From a sketch in the Portrait and Biographical Album of Lenawee County, Michigan, quoted in full: "Christian Kuney, on of the successful and enterprising farmers of this community, is a native ofFayette, Seneca County, N.Y., where he was born June 5, 1816. Here he grew to manhood, and here, when buta young man, being but nineteen years of age, he was united in marriage, November 29, 1835, with Miss MaryA. Gamber, who was of the same youthful age. Mr. Kuney's parents were Henry and Susan (Brown) Kuney, nativesof Pennsylvania who settled in Seneca County, N.Y., where they spent many years of their wedded life, andwhere they died, the father in June, 1863, and the mother about 1832. They had eleven children, namely:Samuel, Catherine, Margaret, Jacob, Henry, Joseph, Christian, Abram, Susan, Levi and Martin. "Mrs. Kuney's parents were John and Elizabeth (Warner) Gamber, and they were likewise natives of Pennsylvania,who settled in Seneca County, N.Y., and there made their home for many years. They had seven children, asfollows: Henry, Margaret, Elizabeth, Sarah, Mary A., John and George. "Mr. and Mrs. Kuney began their married life in their native town, building up a home there and rearing alarge family of children, two of whom died. Abraham when four years old and Louisa at the age of nineteen.Those living, nine in number, are recorded as follows: John A. married Sarah A. Plate, and resides in SenecaCounty, N. Y.; Perry married Amelia Bryant, and lives in Dover Township; James married Martha Turner, andlives in Madison Township; Ellen is the wife of William Nothnagle, and resides in Seneca County, N.Y.;Luther married Alvilda Mann, and they are living in Madison Township, Harlan married Lucy Wood, and residesin Deerfield Township; Seymour married Aurilla Bates, and lives in Madison Township; while Elton and Leroylive with their parents. "In the year 1863 Mr. Kuney, though approaching middle age, being the forty-seven years old, with theenergy and enterprise that had always characterized him, made a new start in life. Leaving the home of hisearly youth and manhood, where he and his wife had passed so many years of their wedded life, and seentheir children growing up around them, he came to Michigan, and here to Madison Township, Lenawee County,he purchased 240 acres of Land of section 6 and 7, where on the latter section he founded his new home.His fine, well-cultivated farm, with its comfortable dwelling and other substantial farm buildings, showthe result of his untiring industry, guided by good judgment. Now, in life's decline, Mr. Kuney may welllook back with pride on what he has accomplished in both his native and his adopted states. A busy life hasleft Mr. Kuney but little time to take part in the political affairs of his country, but when occasionoffers he votes with the Democratic party." Top |
Ella Matteson, ColumnistPast Perfect Columnist, 102, recalls times as they really were By James L. Kerwin News Staff Writer Top |
Goetz - Neuman Family |
This is Fred Goetz and his bride Ruth Neuman. They were married on June 6, 1918. They were my grandparents. Fred Goetz born Nov 24, 1894 in Blissfield Michigan, died February 8, 1982. Ruth Ann Neuman born August 4, 1896 in Deerfield, Michigan, died January 1, 1984. Ruth taught school for a few years. I thought someone might be interested in pictures of those schools. I have attached the pictures to this email. After they married they lived on a farm near Deerfield until January 1933 when they moved to Georgia. ![]() Ruth and Fred Goetz Top |