Blissfield Postcards
courtesy of Tim Stadler, Dallas, TX, June, 2010
 George Stadler, of Blissfield, ca. 1910
 George Stadler, of Blissfield, ca. 1910
 The Three Bridges over the Raisin River, Blissfield, ca. 1910
Tecumseh Postcards
courtesy of Grace Dooley, Ogemaw Co, MI County Coordinator, July 2007
 Quaker (top) & Universalist (bottom) Churches, Tecumseh, MI
 High School, Tecumseh, MI
 The Quaker Oats Factory, Tecumseh, MI
 Baptist Church, Tecumseh, MI
Irish Hills Postcards
 Old Springville Inn, M-50, Irish Hills
Morenci Postcards
 Morenci High School
Macon Postcard
courtesy of Nicole O'Dell, September 1, 2023
 1928 Postcard for Macon School Reunion
 Invitation for 1928 Macon School Reunion