Friends and Members of the Luce-Mackinac Genealogical Society:



9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.     Peace Lutheran Church;  3703 Old 27 South
                                    Gaylord, MI

9:00 a.m.    Welcome with coffee and donuts
                    1) Census Update on what is happening
                    2) Family Lore -- Was Uncle Joe really a bootlegger
                     3) French Canadian Research -- includes a neat new methodolodgy form
                    4) Library Sites on the Web and other new information

Noon        Lunch

                1) Polish Research - helpful hints on reading, writing and translating
                2) Forensic Genealogy

Speakers are members of the Gaylord Fact Finders Genealogical Society and wish to pass on new
and interesting information for your research.

Advance reservations:  Send a check for $15.00 per person to Gaylord Fact Finders,
P O Box 1524; Gaylord, Michigan 49734
Your cancelled check is your confirmation.

Included is coffee and donuts upon arrival, lunch and workshop materials.  $20.00 per person after
May 2, please confirm this by a call.

Workshop chairperson, Mrs. Sue Giessel, 517-732-0926 :      or
                                  Mrs. Pat Moehring 517-732-2953 :

This will allow us to plan for food and workshop materials.


Oakland County Michigan Cemeteries:

Brandon and Groveland Townships:  Books for Sale:

Hadley Cemetery     $8.00 plus $2.50 postage
Ortonville Cemetery $18.00 plus $2.50 postage
Small Cemeteries in Brandon and Groveland Township  $15.00 plus $2.50 postage

Please make chekcs out to Joean Davis and forward to:
        Joean Davis;  2410 Jossman;  Holly MI  48442


Land Records and Genealogy Symposium:  Wednesday and Thursday;

June 20 and 21    ---------   BEATRICE, NEBRASKA

Information on land records about Homestead National Monument of America's plan to bring
2 million homestead records to Beatrice, Nebraska.

For more information:  Southeast Community College: Kelly Schwisow (402) 228-3468; ext. 244
(800) 233-5027, Ext. 244;

Homestead National Monument of America:  Todd Arrington (402) 223-3514


That's it for this time:
Lucille Kenyon, Secretary LMGS