Manistee High School Yearbook 1929

Edited by the Class of 1929
of the
Manistee High School

"He who is silent is forgotten;
he who abstains is taken at his
word; he who does not advance
falls back; he who stops is over-
whelmed, distanced, crushed; he
who ceases to grow greater be-
comes smaller, he who leaves off,
gives up; the stationary condition
is the beginning of the end." - Amiel

Roejean Radtke
Born February 22, 1914
Died July 6, 1928
"For she is safe, a quiet bed
Hath early found among the dead,
Harboured where none can be misled,
Wronged, or distrest;
And surely here it may be said
That such are blest." - Wordsworth


Anderson, Lawrence Hansen, Lawrence Peterson, Anna
Anderson, Marian Henkel, Raymond Rademaker, George
Anderson, Mildred Herman, Carl Richwalski, Leona
Anderson, Robert Holmer, Signe Roy, Charlotte
Backie, Leif Hunter, Donald Schewe, Edward
Barrett, Robert Jack, Dorthea Schimke, Ella
Berglund, Alice Jacobsen, Harold Schons, Phyllis
Bialik, Theodore Johnson, Mable Schultz, Walter
Bracken, Marian Jorgenson, Quentin Sell, Ellsworth
Brugman, Glen Jorgenson, Rita Smith, Adelaide
Bufka, Beatrice Justman, Harold Solberg, Ward
Christianson, Eva Kiszelik, Lawrence Steingraber, Arnne
Clarkson, Ruth Kraczon, John Studley, Ada
Clement, Harriette Kreifeldt, Chester Swank, Earl
Cote, Beatrice Knudstrup, Elin Ullin, Alma
Cowan, Helen Landis, Arthur Wahr, Frank
Daniels, Lewis Landis, Treva Wahr, Harry
Duemke, Howard Lindeman, Oliver White, Irving
Dutkavitch, Vincent Lindeman, Wilbert White, Walter
Falk, Minnie Manchester, Margaret Wicinski, Ray
Fett, Hazel Manthei, Ellis Wissner, Sylvia
Firzlaff, Elinore May, Joseph Wolters, Alice
Fortier, John McAdam, William Woodrow, Mariellen
Friske, Winifred Meyer, Richard Wresinski, Floyd
Grant, Loring Morris, Alice Zavada, Marie
Grant, R. Lenore Neitzke, Dennis Zientek, Anthony
Grill, Douglas L. Novotney, Catherine Ziolkoski, Eleanore
Halter, Leona Olsen, Versil  
Hansen, Edward Olson, Clarence  


Most Popular Ada Studley "Yea" Wicinski
Most Handsome   Lewis Daniels
Best Dancer Alice Morris Lewis Daniels
Cutest Rose Grant "Doc" Grant
Fashion Plate Alice Morris Lewis Daniels
Class Vamp Ada Studley Lewis Daniels
Best Athlete Marian Anderson "Yea" Wicinski
Argurer Alice Morris Douglas Grill
Wittiest Marian Anderson Chester Kriefeldt
Biggest Bluffer Beatrice Cote "Bud" Manthei
Best Natured Alice Berglund Lawrence Anderson
Inseparables Alice Wolters Walter White
Most Likely To Succeed Ruth Clarkson Edward Schewe
Most Studious Adelaide Smith Edward Schewe
Most Original Hazel Fett Edward Schewe
Gum Chewer Elin Knudstrup Douglas Grill
Chatter Box Hazel Fett Douglas Grill
Most Bashful Marie Zavada Harold Jacobson


Most Popular Miss Jorgensen Mr. Hegler
Most Original Mrs. Scott Mr. Hegler
Most Exacting Mrs. Mattingly Mr. Hartgerink
Most Dignified Mrs. Mattingly Mr. Bendle


Anderson, Arthur Fortin, Roy Mausolf, Florence
Anderson, Floyd Gauthier, Edwin Martineau, Frank
Anderson, Irma Gerred, Neil Mitchell, Jeanette
Anderson, Vivian Geyer, Herbert Nelson, Orlo
Backing, Henry Greene, Marian L. Nott, Gerald
Barrett, Bob Hansen, Clyde Oehlke, Esther
Batzer, Harold Hansen, Leona Olson, Dorothy
Bauchan, Otto Haynes, Lewis Pawlicki, Eileen
Benson, Grace Henchey, Helen J. Pfeiffer, Harold
Bialik, Florence Henderson, Jerome E. Polderman, Caryl
Beyer, Milton Herrmann, Margaret Radtke, Edward
Bufka, Eleanore Holmes, Olive Radtke, Norbert
Calleson, Vera Holmer, Esther L. Raskey, Janice
Carlson, Dorothy Jankowski, Walter Robinson, Elizabeth
Christiansen, Marshall Jarka, Clara A. Rosenow, Ruth
Coon, Arthur Howard Johnson, Arnold Rupp, Agatha
Cote, Nazer Johnson, Carl R. Sandberg, Janette
Czarnecki, David Kadzban, Christine Secor, Jeanette
Dahlkey, Gertrude Kerry, James Sell, Emil
Eble, Louise Kraus, Robert Shereda, Lucille
Eckman, Carolyn Lehr, Bernadine Shoop, Homer
Emunson, Eugene Luczyk, Marion Strzyzewski, Paul
Engwall, Clifford W. Ludwigson, Ludwig Tibbetts, Wilma
Falk, Esther Luscher, Evelyn Voltz, August
Fett, Arnold Lyewske, Gertrude Voights, Donald
Fett, Margaret McCurthy, Maurine Yankee, Herbert
Feeney, William McIntosh, Bob Zielinski, Henry
Folsom, Clarence Magnuson, Melford Ziemkowski, Thos.


Most Popular Marian Greene Luddy Ludwigson
Most Beautiful Esther Holmer  
Most Handsome   David Czarnecki
Best Dancer Marian Greene Harold Pfeiffer
Cutest Esther Holmer Art Anderson
Fashion Plate Marian Greene Harold Pfeiffer
Class Vamp Clara Jarka Harold Pfeiffer
Best Athlete Elizabeth Robinson Luddy Ludwigson
Argurer Louise Eble Eugene Emunson
Wittiest Evelyn Luscher Eugene Emunson
Biggest Bluffer Louise Eble Lewis Haynes
Best Natured Eleanore Harthun Orlo Nelson
Inseparables Marian Greene Harold Pfeiffer
Most Likely To Succeed Leona Hansen Norbert Radtke
Most Studious Leona Hansen Norbert Radtke
Most Original Jeanette Mitchell Lewis Haynes
Gum Chewer Louise Eble Melford Magnuson
Chatter Box Louise Eble Floyd Anderson
Most Bashful Dorothy Olson James Kerry


Most Popular Miss Reed Mr. Krause
Most Original Mrs. Jorgensen Mr. Bendle
Most Exacting Mrs. Reed Mr. Hartgerink
Most Dignified Mrs. Mattingly Mr. Bendle


Anderson, Earldine Hermann, Dora Olsen, Florence
Anderson, John Hineline, Charlotte Peterson, Florence
Andreson, Lorraine Hunter, Bernice Peterson, Goldie
Attinger, Marie Ingells, William Peterson, Lucille
Backing, Ernest Jacobus, Alice Peterson, Margaret
Ball, Alex Janicki, Margaret Polderman, Edna
Berglund, Donald Jankowiak, Gertrude Porter, Vera
Block, Harold Jasinski, John Przybylski, Eveline
Brown, Marshall Jensen, Donald Raatz, Edna
Brugman, Garnet Johnson, Carl E. Rennel, Francis
Bufka, Fred Johnson, Carl T. Rinker, Dorothy
Bufka, Jerome Johnson, Edith Robinson, Lorraine
Burns, Ned Johnson, Lawrence Robinson, Lyle
Byall, Dorthea Johnson, Neil Schimke, Frank
Cabot, Louise Johnson, Richard Senger, Adeline
Cain, Jordon Jorgenson, Carl Slavinski, Clara
Carlson, Dennis Jorgenson, Imogene Slavinski, Martha
Clark, Nelson Kaminski, Genevieve Sligoski, Sadie
Clark, Harry Kiszelik, Clara Sonefeld, Joseph
Clement, Floyd Kraczon, Florence Smith, Willard
Chavalia, Jeanette Krueger, Leonard Sorenson, Elaine
Chirpka, Josephine Kruse, Elizabeth Sorenson, Elmer
Crowe, Harry Lange, Eva Sorenson, Gale
Cummings, Evon Larsen, Alfred Spellman, Dorothy
Davis, Elamae Larsen, Armand Stamps, Eva
DeCair, Donald Loken, Fern Steffans, Pernella
Derby, Irma Luczyk, Edwardine Steinbergh, Renetta
Derby, Harold Lyman, Marshall Switalski, Frank
Drewnak, Dorothy Manchester, John Szymanoski, Edward
Drummer, Virginia Manthei, Jerome Thompson, Alice
Eckholm, Gail Manthei, Richard Vadeboncoeur, Raymond
Engwall, Delbert Marsh, Harold Vollmer, Corrine
Fredrickson, Dorris May, Mary Wallace, John
Gamache, Vernon McAdam, James Warnaky, Ruth
Gilliam, Margaret Mielke, August Webb, Olive
Golemboski, Leonard Miller, Robert T. Wicinsky, Irene
Graczyk, Francis Misner, Ethel Widing, Relda
Greve, Margaret Mitchell, Lucille Winkel, Rosamond
Guzikoski, Agrpine Moss, Eleanor Winters, Effie
Hall, Mildred Myers, Mervial Wiswell, Marjorie
Hansen, Dorothy E. Nelson, Richard Wiswell, James
Hansen, Dorothy J. Nelson, Walter Woodrow, Clarice
Hansen, Harvey Neilsen, Cora Zaiger, Fred
Hansen, Irene Neilsen, Elaine Zamrowski, Harry
Hansen, Pearl Ode, Howard Zeigenhagen, Willard
Hartman, Phyllis Ohst, John Zurofsky, Elsie
Henkel, Eleanor Olsen, Eleanor  
Hensel, Edward Olsen, Ernest  


Most Popular Cora Nelson Fred Bufka
Most Beautiful Elaine Sorenson  
Most Handsome   Francis Rennell
Best Dancer Cora Nielson John Manchester
Cutest Goldie Peterson Evon Cummings
Fashion Plate Cora Nielson Lyle Robinson
Class Vamp Edith Johnson Vernon Gamache
Best Athlete Elsie Zurofsky Fred Bufka
Argurer Lorraine Robinson James Wiswell
Wittiest Clarice Woodrow Evon Cummings
Biggest Bluffer Edith Johnson John Jasinski
Best Natured Marjorie Wiswell Richard Johnson
Inseparables Corinne Vollmer Fred Bufka
Most Likely To Succeed Olive Webb Francis Graczyk
Most Studious Lorraine Andreson Jerome Bufka
Most Original Olive Webb Lyle Robinson
Gum Chewer Effie Winters James McAdam
Chatter Box Effie Winters Robert Miller
Most Bashful Marie Attinger Fred Bufka


Most Popular  Miss Foster  Mr. Krause 
Most Original  Miss Thomas  Mr. Ballard 
Most Exacting  Miss Thomas  Mr. Bendle 
Most Dignified  Mrs. Mattingly  Mr. Capper 


Adamski, Mary Haynes, Betty Nickelson, Belle
Adamski, Stanley Henrickson, Arietta Noteware, Roy
Allen, Dorothy Heuer, Dorothy Olineczak, Alice
Anderson, Elmer Harthun, Herbert Olson, Alyce
Anderson, Willis Holmer, Eleanor Pawlicki, Audrey
Backing, Ruth Hudy, Alice Pearce, Loren
Baker, Edward Jacobs, Lilly Peterson, Genevieve
Ball, Harry C. Jacobson, Alfred Peterson, Lester
Barr, Helen M. Jaratz, Beatrice Quinlan, William
Bock, George Johnson, Blanche Radford, Russell
Brocki, Clarence Johnson, Virginia Ratz, Clayton
Bruno, George Johnson, Eleanor Rennell, Marguerite
Brown, Marjorie Johnson, Vergil Revolt, Roy
Cachura, Francis Justman, Evelyn Risser, Harold
Charneski, Francis Kadzban, Joseph Schimke, Irma
Cheseboro, Ruth Kempt, Gertrude Schuelke, Weston
Chirpka, Kenneth Ketchem, Russell Schultz, Leona
Christensen, Beatrice Kihnke, Edward Sheras, Bernard
Christensen, Lois Kolasa, Alice Shoops, Norma
Christensen, Roman Kott, Eddie Sobjak, Evelyn
Clark, Harriet Kotecki, Phyllis Sonefeld, Susanna
Czesak, John Kraus, Walter Sorensen, Mary Jane
Dalgren, Louise Krumroy, Minerva Squire, Walter
Dahlkey, Cecelia Kruse, Dorothy Stanek, Henry
Davis, Glenn Kruska, Leon Stelmasik, Isobel
Despres, Mary Kuczynski, Gladys Stolt, Gertrude
Diefenbach, Don Kuczynski, Robert Studley, Lawrence
Dummer, Donald Larson, Evelyn Swank, Favin
Duran, Elizabeth Lidtke, Helen Swanson, Laverne
Eble, John Lidtke, Donald Szuszetzky, Edward
Eckman, Adeline Lindeman, Erwin Thebault, Frank
Elliot, Janet Lipe, Robert Thorsen, Darwin
Emunson, Richard Loken, Ardath Thorsen, Audrey
Fedder, Bernice Ludwigson, Helen Thorsen, Donald
Ferguson, William Landon, Pearl Tickner, Don
Fredrickson, Marie Madsen, Clayton Trembley, Howard
Galevas, Alice Mantych, Emery Tunwell, Bertha
Galevas, Henry Markhom, Evelyn Veine, Goldie
Gerlach, Marshall Markhom, Marie Vollmer, William
Gerwin, Ernest Martineau, Maurice Wahr, Norbert
Gillespie, Robert Matheson, Elaine Welbes, Henry
Glowacki, Wanda McIntosh, Alice Wieda, Fred
Graboski, Roy Milks, Roy Wieneke, Helen
Grabowski, Sylvester Miller, Margaret Winkel, Selma
Graczyk, Lucille Moody, Elizabeth Winters, Frank
Gray, Cecelia Morris, Kathryn Wissner, Clara
Green, Wilford Mucha, John Yankee, Arnold
Gustaf, Velma Myers, Eva Zeilinski, Stanley
Hanson, Richard Nalipinski, Evelyn  


Most Popular Helen Ludwigson Roy Noteware
Most Beautiful Helen Lidtke  
Most Handsome   Sherwood Swanson
Best Dancer Norma Shoop Richard Hansen
Cutest Alice Kolasa William Vollmer
Fashion Plate Helen Lidtke Bernard Sheras
Class Vamp Kathryn Morris William Ferguson
Best Athlete Helen Ludwigson Richard Hansen
Argurer Elaine Matheson George Bock
Wittiest Janet Elliot Ronald Lidtke
Biggest Bluffer Lois Christianen Sherwood Swanson
Best Natured Alice Rosenberg Walter Krause
Inseparables Kathryn Morris Russel Radford
Most Likely To Succeed Susanna Sonefeld Kenneth Chirpka
Most Studious Betty Haynes WilliamVollmer
Most Original Mary Jane Sorenson Ray Grabowski
Gum Chewer Alice Rosenberg Edward Kihnke
Chatter Box Alice Kolasa Ray Grabowski
Most Bashful Helen Wieneke ElmerAnderson


Most Popular Miss Foster Mr. Krause
Most Original Miss Thomas Mr. Hegler
Most Exacting Mrs. Mattingly Mr. Gonser
Most Dignified Mrs. Belcher Mr. Capper


Adamczak, Lucille Juergens, Wilmer Polderman, Lucille
Adolphson, Constance Kapalczynski, Marie Pomeroy, Edward
Adolphson, Harvey Kempf, Herman Raatz, Ruth
Berglund, Oliver Knudstrup, Martin Radatz, Ellsworth
Berglund, Eleanore Kriefeld, Leonardt Rademaker, Henry
Borden, Ruth Krause, Marie Rademaker, Ruth
Bradford, Drew Larson, Hanns Ramsdell, Phillip
Bucholz, Mary Linke, Harlan Schnorbach, Billy
Bufka, Rose Linder, Howard Schultz, Dorthy
Bureau, Ruth Lundine, William Sheras, Myrtle
Carlson, Gard Madsen, Douglas Smith, Robert
Clifton, John Magnuson, Leona Solberg, Lawrence
Christiansen, Charlotte Marsh, Genevieve Sorenson, Dorthy
Floyd, Wilson McKinley, James Swank, Olive
Fritz, Catherine Miehlke, Laverne Szymanski,Virginia
Gerwin, Herbert Misner, Clarence Tangerstrom, Dorthy
Haidt, Louis Mueckler, Katherine Wagner, Karl
Hanson, Edmund Nelson, Alice Watson, Jack
Hartgerink, Leilah Nusen, Genevieve Watson, Leona
Harris, Elmer Noteware, Max White, Charlotte
Henderson, Eloise Ode, Robert Widden, James
Hendrickson, Amanda Olson, Billy Winkler, James
Jacobs, Robert Olson, Katherine Young, Elinor
Jaratz, Gladys Olson, Violet Zank, Yvonna
Johnson, Earl Peth, Carl Zielinski, Leona


Adamczak, Raymond Hansen, Ruth Purcell, William
Anderson, Alice Harriss, Virginia Quinlan, Aileen
Anderson, Edward H. Hibbard, Dorothy Raatz, Evert
Andreson, Clayton Holmer, Carl Rademaker, Clarence
Batzer, Herman Hoxie, Ronald S. Raschke, Mona D.
Below, Helen Jacobson, Edward J. Rice, Norman
Boulee, Maple Jaekel, Bernadine G. Rosenberg, Dorothy
Bufka, Gaylord Jenson, Mildred Ross, Roy
Bureau, Carl W. Johnson, Lloyd Sadowsky, Walter
Bureau, Ethel May Kann, Elizabeth Schlief, Richard
Burns, Marijane Kieft, Thomas Schuttler, Raymond
Byall, Christina Kriefeldt, Howard A. Scibe, Gordon
Campbell, Howard M. Lakas, John Scott, Jeanette
Carlson, Florence Lopnow, Charlotte Sell, Mildred
Charnecki, Eleanor Madison, Charles Jr. Shoop, Helen
Christiansen, Donald Martin, William Smith, Amorel
Cole, Dorothy A. Mathison, Howard Sorenson, Ra;ph
Davis, Rollin Merkey, Floyd Stiller, Richard
Decker, Marie Merkey, Jessie I. Stone, Howard
Diesing, Douglas Meyers, Jessie Thompson, Glen
Dummer, Harry Moss, George Thompson, Stacy
Dummer, Robert Nielsen, Marshall E. Thorson, Alice
Eble, Dorothy Olson, Marshall Vadeboncoeur, Russel
Falk, Hazel A. Olson, Richard Volgman, Leona
Foy, Janet Opolka, Edward Volpe, Marian
Gehopolas, Zacharai Patulski, Bernice Wichtowski, Lucille
  Prager, Leona  


Benjamin Klager Superintendent B. Pd. Michigan State Normal, A. B., A. M., U of Michigan
Dorr L. Wilde Principal A. B. Western State Normal, University of Michigan
Emma Lundbom Ass't Principal Michigan State Normal, University of Michigan
May V. Belcher English A. B. A. M., University of Kansas, University of Michigan
Myrtle A. Kirster Physical Education Beaver College
Ray Brainard English Central State Teacher's College
Marian Katherine Jorgensen, History A.B., Augustana College
R.D. Herndon (Mr.) Music Army Music School
Michigan State Normal College
Ralph H. Touhy Manual Arts Central State Teachers College
Ina Redmann Home Economics B. S., Michigan State College
Gertrude L. Foster English University of Michigan
J.W. Krause (Mr.) English,
Public Speaking
A. B., Asbury College
Hamline University, University of Michigan
Helen Augst Commercial Western State Teacher's College
Holland Capper Science A. B., Albion College, Mich.
Mrs. Esther L. Mattingly Commercial A. B., Hillsdale College
Kari Natali Reed English A. B., Hope College, Mich.
Lester C. Bendle Mathematics A. B., University of Michigan
Lillian Lardie Home Economics B. S., Michigan State Normal College
R.W. Gonser (Mr.) Mathematics A. B., Michigan State Normal College
Rex Anderson Physical Education A. B., Alma College, University of Michigan
Byron E. Ballard History A. B., Albion College
Max Hegler Science A. B., Central State Teacher's College
Bert M. Hartgerink Commercial B. S., Michigan State Normal College
Victor C. Simons Manual Arts Western State Teacher's College, Michigan State College
Ellen LaBelle Music & Art Michigan State Normal College
Elle Ciechanowski History Central State Teacher's College
Claude D. Love Commercial A. B., Central State Teacher's College
Mrs. Winnogene R. Scott French, Spanish University of Michigan
Clara C. Tainer 7th & 8th grade Mathematics Western State Teacher's College
Alvin Moss Chemistry Laboratory, Manual Training  
Elizabeth Thomas Latin A. B., University of Michigan
Clara E. Johnson 7th & 8th grade English,
Michigan State Normal College
Elizabeth Jarka 7th grade Geography
8th grade Science



President Ruth Clarkson
Secretary Lorraine Andresen
Senior Edward Schewe, Ada Studley
Junior Harold Pfeiffer, Orlo Nelson
Sophomore Richard Manthei, Lorraine Andresen
Freshman Roy Noteware, Dorothy Allen
Eighth Grade Elmer Harris, Louise Haidt
Seventh Grade Stacy Thompson, Alice Thorsen


Norbert Radtke George Rademaker Lorraine Robinson


Ruth Clarkson Marjorie Wiswell Lorraine Andresen


Richerd Meyer, President Lewis Haynes, Vice-President Norbert Radtke, Sec'y-Treasurer


The Travel Club consists of 125 members. The club consists of a two-fold purpose: that of developing a friendly international feeling, and that of increasing the knowledge of the costumes and habits of foreign peoples. This was accomplished through use of speakers, plays, and costume parties. Lenore Grant, President Richard Manthei, Treasurer Elaine Sorenson, Business Chairman Norbert Radtke, Program Lewis Haynes, Social Corrinne Vollmer, Arrangements Clyde Hansen


Alice Berglund, President
Mildred Hall, Vice-President
Signe E. Holmer, Secretary
Margaret Rennell, Treasurer


The Senior Club adopted, as a semester project, a play "Mummy and the Mumps", a three act comedy by Larry E. Johnson. The play was directed by Kari Natali Reed, who sponsored the club.

Cast: Lenore Grant, Leona Hansen, Pearl Hansen, Clara Jarka, Olive Webb, Eugene Emunson, George Rademaker, Douglas Grill, Robert Miller, and James Wiswell.

Business and Directing Staff: Ward Solberg, Florence Bialik, Eileen Pawlicki, Cora Nielsen, Lewis Haynes, and Signe Holmer.


Directed by Mr. Robert Herndon - Approximately 30 Members


Conducted by Mr. Robert Herndon
The High School Orchestra this year has been handicapped by the loss of its most talented musicians in the persons of Marian Hansen, Warren Ketcham, and Carl Juergens; but it has been working hard to up-hold the traditions of M.H.S. and "keep the colors flying" in music. Other student musicians have been discovered, who have promising futures before them, in the persons of Jerome Henderson, a Junior, and Arthur Anderson, a junior. Jerome will go to the National Orchestra Camp at Interlochen under the sponsorship of the Tuesday Musicale while Arthur will represent our school under the sponsorship of the Teacher's Club.

Mr. Herndon



Top Row: Coach Anderson, Cote, Johnson, Manthei, Olson, Meyer, Lindeman.
Bottom Row: May, Neitzke, Kreifeldt, Hansen, Justman, Bufka, Capt. Jacobson, Sell.


Top Row: Ass. Coach Brainerd, Jasinski, Morgan, Volts, Zientek, Sell, Robinson, Anderson, Rennell, Coach Anderson
Bottom Row: Martineau, Ludwigson, Kriefeldt, Nietzke, Bufka, Hermann, Manthei, Johnson