Unknown Newspaper and Date
DOUVILLE Bros. have anything from a
penny toy to a piano or organ. They
have a lot of handsome chromos,
richly framed, and all kinds of frames
are kept in stock and made up to order.
Call and see the large display of holi-
day goods.
At the millinery and dressmaking
establishment of Mrs. BECK, everything
denotes "Christmas is coming!" The
new styles of hats - that "love of a
bonnet" - all conspire to make the
ladies live on in happy anticipation
of what may be.
KROGEN & SALLING have some hand-
some hanging and standing parlor lamps
and shades, and the latest patterns in
chandeliers. Their new base burner
Duplex Heater is the neatest thing of
the kind ever brought out. The firm
has a splendid lot of sleighbells.
At the Central Drug Store, Mr. A.
H. LYMAN has the windows, show-
cases, shelves and counters filled
with al kinds of nice Christmas pres-
ents - albums, gift books, brackets,
work stands and baskets, Christmas
cards, cut glass bottles, and a thousand
and one beautiful and useful things.
Messrs. ALBRO & MAXTED are making
things lively, and if you want a hand-
seled, some fine pictures, picture-frames,
vases, toys, ribbons, laces, mits, gloves,
or anything under the sun, call and
see them. Their dolls are a great
attraction - big dolls and little dolls,
white dolls and black dolls - any kind
of a doll at the Second Hand Store.
J.E. SOMERVILLE has a fine lot of
general goods for Christmas. His
scrap albums are very nice, and his
photo and autograph albums are the
finest made. Picture-frames and pic-
tures of all kinds, and gift books in
endless variety. The standard authors,
both in poetry and prose, bound in all
styles, are found upon the shelves.

James Somerville, Sr.,
Harness Shop ad, 1871.
William WILCKE, at the steamboat
bakery, has a splendid lot of confec-
tionery, nuts, fancy glassware, crock-
ery, etc. His stock of fancy candles
is very large.If you want a nice
Christmas cake, or anything of that
kind, call at Mr. WILCKE's.
A.O. WARD's confectioneries are de-
licious. They are pure and fresh, and
most inviting. He has a large stock
of Majolica and China ware, crackled
glassware, Chinese boxes and writing
desks; toys of all kinds and shapes,
and at all prices. His steel engravings
are a special feature, and well worth a

Frank Tuxworth Family
See article Dec. 12, 1879.
Manistee Independant
December 12, 1879
The Effects of Bad Sewerage
One of the most serious results of the
rain storm is the injury done to Mr.
Horace TABER's new brick block, at
the corner of River and Greenbush
streets. About sixteen feet of the area
wall was torn away, and the cellar
flooded. The wall is 10 inch cemented
brick, and one of the very best in the
city; but nothing could have with-
stood the rush of the water as it poured
in angry torrents down the hill. A
large number of men are at work
pumping it out.
Accident to Mr. Sands
During the passage of the schooner A.
W. Luckey from this port to Manit-
owoc, last Tuesday, for repairs, Mr.
Louis SANDS, who recently purchased
this boat, was most seriously injured.
While walking across the deck of the
boat, he stepped upon a corner of a
loose hatch. He was precipitated into
the hold, striking on --keelson, the
hatch falling after ----injuring him
on the head. The real injuries we do
not know, but they are said to be very
serious. Mrs. SANDS started for Mani-
towoc Wednesday afternoon.
After Many Days
August 20, 1879, Mr. BAUMGARTNER,
of this city, sent $20 in a registered
letter to his wife at Sedan, Ind. The
postoffice in that city was burglarized,
and this letter, among other things,
was stolen. The matter was almost
forgotten, when, to Mr. BAUMGARTNER's
pleasant surprise, he received a letter
this week from the chief agent of the
department at Washington, notifying
him that his money was there, await-
ing his order. Tally one for the P.O.
To The Ladies
The INDEPENDENT desires all ladies
who are to receive calls on New Years'
Day to send us the time and place as
early as Tuesday, Dec. 23, as we desire
to publish a complete list of such.
Nothing can be more conducive to
pleasant social relations existing in a
community than the maintenance of
this old-time custom of New Years'
calls. Let the ladies respond quite
generally to this invitation, and New
Year will be one of the happiest times
of the year. If several intend receiv-
ing together, so state it, giving place
and hours.
A Manistee Man Constructs a Most
Remarkable and Useful Locomotive
"Manistee is a town of inventions. Our
city possesses some of the fine
st mechanical ability and inventive
genius in the State. Here we have
the inventors of shingle-machines,
siding-mills, refuse-burners, and
many other things, with reference
to the great lumber interests. But
one of the latest constructions in
the interest of the lumber business
is a locomotive for drawing logs. It
has been designed and built by Mr.
Frank Tuxworth, a thorough mechanic
and one of the finest engineers in
this section.
Tuesday afternoon was appointed
as a time when the locomotive would
be given a trial. A reporter of the
INDEPENDENT was notified of this
fact, and called to witness its
workings. It had been constructed
in the engine-room of Sands' gang
mill, from which place a track nearly
one hundred and fifty feet in length
had been built for experimental
purposes. Everything was in
readiness, and after a few moments
spent in getting up steam, the
shrill whistle of the locomotive was
blown, and several persons, including
the scribe, stepped aboard the engine.
Steam was turned on, and the engine
shot out of the mill and down the track
at a rapid rate.As the locomotive
approached the end of the track,
the engineer whistled "down brakes",
and the brakeman, who was at his
post, "turned them on," and the
wheels instantly ceased their
revolution, and the locomotive
slid along on the track several feet
before stopping. Indeed, the brake
is most perfect, and is original with
Mr. Tuxworth. He has also constructed
a very useful contrivance for supply-
ing the locomotive with water. It takes
the place of a pump, is much handier,
and saves labor and time. What is
known as an injector is also given the
place of a pump for forcing water into
the boiler. This is a very useful and
simple arrangement, and does away
with a heater.
The engine will be taken, this week,
about fourty miles up the Manistee
River, to Mr. Sands' railway, which is
about six miles in length and is laid
with Trail. Mr. Tuxworth says the loco-
motive will pull from 9,000 to
10,000 feet of logs very easily, and
can be run from ten to fifteen miles
an hour with safety.
Mr. Alfred Tuxworth, brother of the
inventor, will have charge of the
locomotive in the woods."
Newspaper Unknown
August, 1880
The Methodist excursion to Ludington
last Friday was enjoyed by quite a large
Miss Carrie and Charles CANFIELD and
Mrs. A.O. WHEELER went across the lake
on the Corona Monday night.
Mr. Hugh FINAN, of Dover, Wis., and
formerly a resident of this place, is visit-
ing his brother in Manistee townn.
Miss Helen MAGILL returned yesterday
from a visit of nearly two weeks among
friends across the lake.
Will HOPKINS of Bear Lake, who has
been on a visit to the south part of the
State, made us a call to-day.
Mr. C.H. STROUD, of Pleasanton, has
gone to Ohio to spend the winter with
Mr. J.E. SOMERVILLE and Miss Jennie
TUXWORTH were married last Thursday
evening by Rev. A.A. ROLFE.
The Dramatic Entertainment given at
Temperance Hall last night by the Frank-
fort Combination was well attended and
finely rendered.
Mr. John CANFIELD is making extensive
improvements in his house in the way of
paper hanging and decorating. John J.
McGrath, of Chicago, is doing the work.
C.H. RUSSELL's little boy, Glen, 8 years
old who is visiting at Point Chataqua
with his mother caught a pickerel last
Wednesday that weighed 8 1⁄2 pounds.
Don't fail to hear the speeches of J. B.
McMAHON, of Lansing, and the Hon. Mr.
TALLMAN, of this city, at the Garfield and
Arthur Headquarters next Friday night.
The Scandinavian Hall was packed last
night with an eager crowd of Scandina-
vians to hear the eloquent address on the
politics of the day by Hon. Ole Bendix-
on, of Chicago.
There will be a Lawn Sociable at the
residence of Gen. CUTCHEON next Friday
night, under the auspices of the Young
Ladies Missionary Circle. A pleasant
time will be had by all who attend.
Don't forget that the Manistee Gar-
field Club will hold a public meeting at
their headquarters next Friday night.
Mr. J.B. McMAHON, of Ludington, and
others will speak.
of the Englewood High School, near
Chicago, an enthusiastic teacher in bota-
ny and geology, is spending his vacation
looking up species in this section. He
left here last Wednesday on the boat for
Frankfort, and on his return will stop at
Pierport and from there visit Bear Lake
and vicinity. He discovered some rare
specimens of a water plant in a peat bed
on CANFIELD's farm. He has a microscope
that magnifies 700,000 times, and is thus
enabled to look further into the wonders
of nature than ordinary mortals without
such instruments.
sires to announce that she has opened a
boarding house on Third street, between
Oak and Pine, south west from the Con-
gregational church, where she has fitted
up good rooms and will furnish board for
a few desirable applicants. Boarders
taken by the day or week. A good barn
for teams will be furnished free on the
premises. Transient custom from the
country especially solicited.
FINE GOODS.- Mr. A.O. WARD has now
on exhibition in the basement below his
store -which he has nicely fitted up for that
purpose, the most extensive and elegant
assortment of crockery and china ware
ever exhibited in Manistee. He has beau-
tiful tea sets of decorated ware number-
ing from 44 to 66 pieces and worth from
$7 to $15. Also a fine lot of English
stone china sets, and extra fine Majolaca
ware goods, and glass sets, goblets, etc.
in endless profusion. Don't fail to ex-
amine his stock.
Manistee Advocate
October, 1880
Don't forget that Hon. Thomas W.
FERRY speaks at Temperance Hall next
Tuesday evening.
Democrats are alarmed at the array of
talent the Reupblicans are putting on the
stump in this county.
Don't fail to hear the eloquent address
of Col. O.T. BEARD at Scandinavian Hall
next Friday night.
Col. BEARD, besides being an eloquent
speaker, is a noted author and wields a
powerful pen.
Hon. Ole BENDIXON, the eloquent Scan-
dinavian orator, is expected here next
Reed's Gilt-Edge Tonic can be depended
upon in all cases of chills and fever, no
matter how severe. Try it.
Frank SOMERVILLE and Miss Nellie Mc-
CORMICK were married by Father WILLI-
GAN last Thursday night.
The Advocate is awful sick of that
planking business which it endeavored to
use against DUNLAP. Give us another
boomerang brother CADY.
A fire broke out in the lumber piled
near Hon. M. ENGELMANN's mill last Sat-
urday and destroyed property to the
amount of about $500.
Wm. CHANDLER, Esq., a workingman of
this city, spoke at Filer Town last night
in behalf of the Republican party. Bill
is getting to be a power in the argument
for the right.
Mr. Chas HURD is here selling off his
property and arranging to move his fam-
ily to Michigan City, Indiana, where he
is connected with a Refrigerator Manu-
facturing Company.
Hon. W.H. CALKINS, the member of
Congress from Indiana, who speaks in
this city next Monday night, and at Bear
Lake next Tuesday night, is said to be
one of the ablest speakers of the west.
while George STUBBS, an employee of the
Independent, and Tom McGUINEAS were
duck hunting, the former was accidently
shot in the side and seriously wounded.
McGUINEAS' gun was caught in a branch
and discharged with the above result.
INCONSISTENCY.- The Independent at-
tempts to defend its support of DOVEL
upon the ground that the charges which
are made against Mr. DOVEL are of a
"private" character. It therefore assumes
that it is not in the provinece of a public
journal to touch a candidate's private
character. We would like to know how
Independent can make such a position
as that consistent with their treatment
of Louis E. MORRIS, whose private char-
acter the
Independent assailed even be-
fore the democratic convention met. Is
DOVEL's private character any more sacred
than MORRIS? and if so, why?
[Photo Missing} |
[Photo Missing]
Manistee Advocate
May 2, 1885
Mr. and Mrs. L.B. WITKOWSKY, who
have been sojurning in the East for a
month, have returned home--Mr. WIT-
KOWSKY, in the meantime. having purchas-
ed one of the largest and most complete
stocks of clothing ever brought to Manis-
tee, for the spring trade.
A. W. MILLER of Sebewaing, this state,
and Miss DICKINSON of this city, were mar-
ried at the residence of Dr. C.V. BEEBE
on Tuesday, the 24th, by the Rev. J.C.
FLOYD. The bride is a sister of Mrs. Dr.
BEEBE. Mr. and Mrs. MILLER will leave
for Sebewaing next spring.
George I. WOOD and wife expect to
leave for Maple Creek, North-West Terri-
tory, April 15, where Mr. WOOD is en-
gaged in the cattle-raising business.
Miss Hattie WOODROW is expected to ac-
company them to their new home as lady's
companion for Mrs. WOOD. Maple Creek
is 700 miles west of Winnipeg. George's
herd of cattle numbers 500 head. He
thinks the stock business will pan out well.
E.J. WHITE, formerly a prominent
banker of Ovid, Clinton county, and an
old acquaintance of the senior publisher
of the TIMES, has taken a place in M.
ENGELMANN's office made vacant by the
resignation of his head book-keeper, A.
H. WAGNER, and entered upon the dis-
charge of his duties this morning. Mr.
WHITE and his estimable wife will make a
valuable accession to the society of Man-
istee, and the TIMES hopes their residence
in the city will be long and profitable to
themselves, as it knows it will be to the com-
munity of which they become a part.
A. H. LYMAN guarantees positive relief
for any Cough, Cold, Croup of Lung Com-
plaint by using Acker's English Remedy,
or will refund the money. |
Manistee Advocate
May 2, 1885
Real Estate Changes
Messrs. HART & SIBBEN have the only
Complete and Correct Abstracts of Title
to all lands in Manistee county. The
only ones written up to date, and kept in
a system so perfect that any person may
examine titles himself or herself, by their
aid. Abstracts furnished by them show
all Chancery and Probate Court Decrees,
Taxes, Levies, &c., that affects titles, and,
are made on the shortest notice, and at
the lowest prices. Endorsed by eight of
the leading attorneys of Manistee. They
report the following changes in Real Es-
tate as recorded in the Register's office
since our last issue, viz:
William ZANDER to Henriette ZANDER,
lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,and 8, blk 13, village of
Stronach, $800.
United States to John PLOWMAN, n e 1⁄4
sec 12, town 23 north, range 13 west.
Wm. R. STEWARD and wife to William
DIESING, w 1⁄2 of n e 1⁄4 sec 20, town
23 north, range 15 west, $1000.
Jane A. DRUCE and Mark DRUCE to
Chas H. DRUCE, w 1⁄2 of s w 1⁄4 sec 33,
town 24 north, range 13 west, $900.
Jane A. DRUCE and Mark DRUCE to
Samuel J. DRUCE, e 1⁄2 of s w 1⁄4 on sec 33,
town 24 north, range 13 west, $900.
Wm C. TOMLIN and wife to Chas. W. TOMLIN lot 15, block G, village of Bear Lake, $250.
Wm H. JAMES and wife to Anders P.
RASMUSSEN, lot 2 et al, sec 16, town 23 north, range 16 west, $200.
Sofie HANSEN to Andrew TABER, part of
block 3, Green's Addition, city of Manistee, $375.
John HIGGINS and wife to City of Manistee, lot 7, block 3, Ramsdell & Benedict's North Addition, city of Manistee. $250.
Heinrich F. KUESTER and wife to Lizzie OGELTHORPE, w 1⁄2 of lot 1, et al, block 15, Tyson & Co.'s Addition, city of Manistee. $900.
United States to Marie A. CUTCHEON, et al.,
n e 1⁄4 of sec 12, town 23 north, range 14 west.
United States to Marie A. CUTCHEON, et al.,
s e 1⁄4 of n w 1⁄4, et al., town 23 north, range
14 west.
United States to Fred C. REYNOLDS, et al.,
n w 1⁄4 of n w 1⁄4 of sec 12, town 23 north,
range 14 west.
Manistee Advocate
May 11, 1894
Eastlake News
Chas W. GLOVER arrived home from
Milwaukee, Wednesday, and has been
confined to his home ever since.
Will KUGLER, who has been attend-
ing the Big Rapids Business College,
has returned home for a short vacation.
Geo. BLOZNESKY slipped and fell up-
on a lumber pile at Peter's mill Mon-
day and injured himself quite seriously.
David CREASER, W.D. GOHN and Dr.
PAYNE tried their luck at fishing the
first of the week and made a splendid
catch of 110 fine trout. This is no fish
story, either.
Death of George Tuxworth, Sr.
Geo. Tuxworth, Sr., aged 77 years
and three months, died at his home,
128 Sibben street, Monday morning of
heart failure, after about a week's ill-
ness. The funeral services were con-
ducted at his late residence Wednesday
afternoon by Rev. Thomas Hines, who
preached a very impressive sermon,
and the remains were interred in Oak
Grove cemetery. Deceased was born
in England in February, 1817 and
came to Manistee in 1869, and resided
here until removed by death. He was
generous, kind-hearted and highly
esteemed by all who knew him. He
had a host of friends. Deceased leaves
six children, George C., Robert F.,
William, Frank and Alfred Tuxworth,
and Mrs. Ed Somerville, and a sister,
Mrs. Jane Ridute (sic), who kept house for
him, to mourn his loss. The children
were all present at the funeral, except
William who resides in Georgia and
Frank, in Little Rock, Arkansas. The
pall bearers were selected from his old
associates, T.N. Reynolds, J.A. Arn-
old, James Henderson, S.C. Overpack,
Andrew Jack and Wm. Batty.
who had been chosen to
remain for the following year:
Rufus C. THAYER, Principal
Wm H. TURNBULL, Assistant
Jennie M. BARKER
D.A. REAGH, Commercial Dept.
Jessie WING, Music
Amelia E. McSWEENEY, Principal
Euphenia THORNE
Jessie M. HOYT
Lillias N. SALLING
Lola G. KEATLEY, Principal
Anna M. HARNET, Principal
Francis A. KENNY
Matilda GROSS
Ellen H. MADDOCK, Principal
Agnes RAY
Martha SCANLAN, Principal
Lou B. KEATLEY, Principal
Mrs. May PERRY
Jennie WEBB
Mrs. Anna DARWIN
Emily J. FIELD
The notices were given to the teach-
ers Thursday and they are given until
the 5th of June to make their answer.
The following teachers have notified
the Board that they did not wish to be
invited again:
Miss Bessie GRISWOLD who goes to the
State University of California, Miss
Helen RAMSDELL to the University of
Michigan,and Geo. R. RAY who has
applied elsewhere.


Manistee Daily News
Dec. 24, 1903
Good Report From Fred J. GREEN of
Fred J. GREEN arrived last evening
from Calgary to spend a week or more
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H.
GREEN. Mr. GREEN moved to Calgary
three years ago, going into business
with George WOOD, also of Manistee.
He has not been back since, though
Mrs. GREEN spent some time here last
winter for the benefit of their son,
Varian's health.
GREEN and WOOD find many nice
things in their Canadian home. Mr.
GREEN says that Calgary has doubled
in population during his stay there. It
is a busy town with an excellent class
of people. The stores open at 8:30 and
close at 6:00. During the evenings,
which are very long in the summer, owing
to the high latitude, base ball games
are played. There is light enough to
play ball until ten o'clock.
GREEN and WOOD's business has pros-
pered even more than they hoped for,
and while they still look upon Manistee
as their home, they are well pleased
with their western venture.
John HUNTER has invented and pat-
ented a new remedy for headache; the
stuff is called "whoopeyup," and John
says it is O.K., at least he thought so
a few evenings ago. For further par-
ticulars ask Charley TURNER, who is
selling it on a royalty only during cer-
tain days of each week.
-Copemish Progress.
[Photo Missing]


Collection of C. Danforth