ALFRED PIERCE, farmer, sec. 1, Hinton Tp, was born Dec. 31, 1841, in St. Lawrence Co., N.Y. His parents, David and Polly (Day) Pierce, were also natives of St. Lawrence County. He started out alone in the welfare of life at the age of 15 years. His parents had previously removed to Walworth Co., Wis., and in the spring of 1856 he came to Michigan with the family of Wm Egbert (now deceased) and located in Berrien Co., Mich., remaining with them until 21 years of age, engaged in farming and speculating. In the sprong of 1863, he went to Minnesota and bought a farm, which he managed for five years, and meanwhile was one year engaged in conducting a hotel at Rochester, Minn. He sold the farm and came to Mecosta County, where he bought 80 acres fo wild land, in Morton Tp., which he sold in the fall of 1881. In the spring of 1880 he bought 80 acres of forest land in Hinton Tp., where he now resides, with 20 acres under cultivation. In politics Mr. Pierce is a Republican; has hel dthe office of Justice of the Peace four years, and was Highway Commissioner three years in Morton Tp.
Mr. Pierce was maried in Berrien Co., Mich., Nov. 26, 1863, to Mary E., daughter of Israel B and Hannah Sackett, native of Michigan. Mrs. Pierce was born in Berrien Co., December 25, 1840. Her father died when she was ten years olf, and she was thrown upon her own resources for support. Of ten children born to Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, eight survive, four of them being twins; Charles A. was born Nov. 10, 1864; Fred L., Aug 16, 1866; Walter, Dec. 16, 1868; Frank Oct. 14, 1869; Etta, July 18, 1872; Harry, May 14, 1877; Nathan, August 13, 1879, and Alfred Nov 15, 1882; Annie, born July 18, 1872, died Dec. 26, 1880; Gertrude, born July 17, 1874, and died Dec. 30, 1880. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce are both members of the order of Good Templars, and are active and prominent members of the M. E. Church, with which they united at an early day. Mr. Pierce is an earnest advocate of the temperance cause, and is prominent in all the reforms of the day.