WILLIAM DAVIDSON, farmer on sec. 12, Aetna Tp., was born in England, July 16, 1830. His parents, Joshua and Sarah Davidson, were also natives of England, and emigrated to Canada about the year 1842, and remained there until their death. Mr. Davidson resided in the Dominion until he was 23 years of age, when he came to Newaygo County, and three years later bought 135 acres of land in MOntcalm County, on which he lived 12 years. In the fall of 1871 he came to Aetna Tp. and bought 160 acres of unimproved land, where he settled and began to make improvements. He sold 40 acres, and retains 120 acres of his original purchase, with 70 acres under advanced culture, having in late years built a good frame house in which he now lives. Mr. Davidson is a Democrat and has been School Treasurer 12 years.
He was married in Canada in the fall of 1851, to Mary, daughter of Ember and Valina (smith) Smith, natives of vErmont; the father is deceased, and the mother resides with a daughter in Deerfield Tp. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson have 10 children: Abraham, born Aug. 18, 1852; William, Sept. 1, 1854; Joshua, Aug. 18, 1853; Chauncey, Oct. 18, 1860; Henry, DEc. 9, 1863; Elmer, June 18, 1866; Mary, Sept. 8, 1868; Jehu, Aug. 8, 1870; Alonzo, born Oct. 18, 1858, died July 1, 1880. One child died in infancy. It was upposed that Alonzo died from the effects of poison.