GEORGE A. HAGGIT, blacksmith, Millbrook village, was born in Huron Co., Can., Dec. 5, 1857. He is a son of Edward and Elizabeth (Cockerline) Haggit, natives of England. Mr. Haggit learned his trade in Canada, where he remained until Feb. 1, 1883, and worked four years. At the date named he came to Mecosta County and bought out the blacksmith shop of John Mitchell at the village of Millbrook, where he is managing a thriving business, and doing the custom work of a large section of the country.
He was married in Huron Co., Can., Jan. 29, 1880, to Alice M., daughter of John and Lean (Tremlitt) Moss, natives of Canada, where the daughter was born June 6, 1860. They have one child, Alonzo W., born Sept. 19, 1881. Mr. H. belonged in Canada to the Ancient Order of Foresters, and was also a member of the Reform party.