HARVEY HARRINGTON, proprietor of the hotel at Altona, Hinton Tp., was born in Ionia County, Mich., Aug. 2, 1848. His parents, William and Margaret (Staley) Harrington, were natives of Ohio. Their first removal thence was to Montcalm Co., Mich., and successively to Ionia, Gratiot and Calhoun Counties, and in 1869 went to Kanssa, where they now reside. Mr. Harrington was 14 years of age when his parents went to Gratiot County. Their stay there lasted one year, and then they went to Calhoun County, where Mr. Harrington lived with them until he was 21 years of age. On attaining man's estate he went to Montcalm County, and there worked in a shingle-mill eight years. In 1873 he bought 40 acres of partly improved land in the township of Fairplain, in MOntcalm Co. He took possession of this place as a residence in 1877, and in 1881 exchanged the property for 80 acres in Sheridan Tp., Mecosta Co., where he fixed his home in September, 1881. In February, 1883, he exchanged his farm for the hotel at Altona, which he is now managing.
Mr. Harrington was married in Montcalm County, Oct. 24, 1869, to Lois A., youngest child of Nthan and Mary A. (Rossmore) Rose. The latter were natives of New York, where Mrs. Harrington was born, Oct. 24, 1852. Her father died Feb. 4, 1862, and her mother lives with her. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington have had one child, George N., born April 3, 1871, and died Oct. 12, 1871. As to political issues, Mr. Harrington is a Republican.