W. D. MOODY, liveryman at Big Rapids, was born in Medina Co., Ohio, Feb. 25, 1844, and is a son of Daniel and Sophia (Rogers) Moody. He was reared on a farm and came with his parents to Grand Rapids in 1852. I 1856 his father bought 320 acres of land in Alpine Tp., Kent Co. Mr. Moody enlisted, when 18 years f age, in the army, enrolling Aug. 12, 1862, in Co. E., Second Mich. Cav., under Capt. Nicholson. He went into the service as a private, and during his period of enlistment passed the various promotions to that of Sergeant. He was in the battles of Perryville, Carter's raid in East Tennessee, Chickamauga, through the Georgia campaign under Sherman, at Franklin, Nashville, Wilson's cavalry raid, siege of Tuscaloosa, and was captured by the rebels at Taladego. As the war was practically at an end, he was held but three days, and was discharged from the service in June, 1865. His father enlisted in the same regiment, and was killed at his side by a cannon shot in a skirmish near Louisvile, Ky., Oct. 1, 1862. Mr. Moody returned to Kent County at the close of the war, and engaged in farming. In 1873 he abandoned agriculture and engaged as traveling salesman for W. C. Dennison, manufacturer and dealer in agricultural implements. In December of the same year he came to Big Rapids and opened a livery barn, connecting there with an omnibus line. He moved to his present location in July, 1882, where he has as fine an establishment as can be found in Northern Michigan. He keeps about 40 horses, and connects sales and board with his regular livery business. In June, 1883, he sold out his omnibus line. On opening his business at Big Rapids he was associated first with L. S. Scranton, of Grand Rapids, this relation existing until March 26, 1881, when John Moore was admitted to a partnership. Mr. Moody bought his interest April 1, 1883, and is now operating alone. He sold his farm in Kent County, in Feb. 1882. The building he occupies is situated on a lot 115 feet face, by 160 feet deep, connected with a lot in the rear, 150 x 150 feet, whereon is located a barn. The building has a fine brick front and makes a creditable appearance, at the foot of Maple Avenue. Mr. Moody owns his residence and several lots at various oints in the city.
He was married Dec. 25, 1865, to Izora, daughter of John and Jane Coffee, a native of Alpine Tp., Kent Co., born Nov. 27, 1847. Two children were born of this marriage - Daniel B. and Geo. F., deceased. The mother died at Big Rapids, Feb. 22, 1876. Mr. Moody was again married, in Alpine, Sept. 20, 1878, to Viola Coffee, a sister of his first wife, born in Alpine and died Jan. 10, 1881, at Big Rapids. Feb. 25, 1883, Mr. Moody was married to Miss Elizabeth Currie.