THOMAS P. MORTENSEN, senior member of the grocery firm of Mortensen & Mynning, at Big Rapids, was born in Benmark, Feb. 26, 1846. He came to the United States in 1873, and in 1874 established a laundry on Canal street, Grand Rapids, which he managed until 1879. Mr. M. then came to Big Rapids and embarked in the same enterprise, which he continued three years. This was the first establishment in that branch of the city. In the fall of 1882 he formed his present business relation. The house is carrying a stock worth $2,000, and is transacting a profitable and growing business.
Mr. Mortensen was married at Grand Rapids, Nov. 25, 1873, to Matilda Andersn, a native of Norway, born April 1, 1845. The five children born of this marriage are - Clara H., Alfred (dec), Alma, Thora and Hannah. The family attend the Lutheran Church. Mr. Mortensen belongs to the I. O. O. F. Besides his residence he owns a house and lot on the east side of the Fifth Ward, and a farm of 40 acres on sec. 12, township of Big Rapids.