CLARENCE W. PARKS, senior member of the hardware firm of Parks Bros., and member of the Council of Mecosta, Morton Tp., was born in Lynons Tp., Oakland Co., Mich., May 18, 1855. He is a son of William R. and Ann E. (Dunlap) Parks. His parents removed in March, 1864, to Easton Tp., Ionia Co., and thee bought 120 acres of land, residing thereon two years; then went to Keene Tp., Ionia Co., and became the owners of 80 acres of land. C. W. Parks rented this property in 1877, and managed it three years. He came to Mecosta in 1880, in compnay with C. H. Taylor, to engage in mercantile pursuits; and they founded a hardware trade. Their relation continued one year, Mr. C. H. Taylor selling his interest to M. F. Strong of Saranac, who, one year later sold in turn to Robert D. Parks. The building which they occupy was bought by the senior member of the firm, and Mr. Strong. It is 20 x 60 feet in dimensions; the main store with one adjoining, 24 x 36 feet, is utilized for a tin-shop, store-room, etc. The present firm was established Feb. 1, 1883, and are doing a prosperous business, carrying a stock of about $8,000, including hardware, stoves, tinware, sash, doors, crockery, etc., with annual sales of about $25,000. Mr. Parks was elected member of the Village Council in the spring of 1883; he also belongs to the A. O. U. W.
He was married in Vergennes, Kent Co., Mich., Sept. 28, 1881, at the residence of the bride's father, to Agnes E., daughter of Sidney E. and Almira Hoag, who was born May 7, 1852, and was reared on a farm until her marriage. Sidney Hoag's father was a prosperous farmer, and one of the pioneers of Vergennes.