Douglas Roben |

Douglas Roben, attorney and dealer in real estate, is of Scottish descent, and a native of Morrow county, Ohio. At the age of 15, while living in Mount Gilead, Ohio,he received an appointment to the U.S. Naval Acadeny, from which institution he graduated with honors four years later, making a particularily good record in mathematics. After graduation he served six years in the U.S. Navy, being successively promoted to the grades of Ensign, master and lieutenant. His service was preformed on the North and Soith Pacific stations, the Mediterranean and Atlantic. During that period he filled many positions of honor and responsibility. At the age of 25 he was placed on the retired list of the navy on account of injuries received in the line of duty, and still holds a commission as a retired officer of the navy.
He came to Big Rapids and in 1876 he formed a partnership with Mr. E. J. Marsh, in the real estate and loan business, under the firm name of Roben and Marsh, which partnership was dissolved two years later by mutual consent. In 1878 he joined with Mr. A.W. Bennett in similar business, under the firm name of Roben and Bennett. This partnership continued until 1892 when M. Bennett retired. Mr. Roben continuing the business.
At the outbreak if the Spanish war, in 1898, he offered his services to the government and was ordered to duty as executive officer of the U.S. Richmond, and served till the close of the war.
He returned to Big Rapids and resumed his business, which has grown to be large and successful. Mr. Roben is an experienced and real estate man. He has made an immense number of sales of farm lands and city property, and has become an authority in real estate matters. No man in this part of Michigan is a better judge of land values, or is better acquainted with real estate titles.
Mr. Roben is a member of the Presbyterian church, and is a Master Mason. In Politics he is an indenpendent, strongly endorsing the administration of President Roosevelt.
Mrs. Roben is a native of Cass county, Mich., and a daughter of Hon. William P. Bennett, who was 28 years judge of probate of that county. She was married at the age of 17 to Mr. Roben and came directly to Big Rapids to reside. She has ever been prominently identified with the religious, educational and social life of Big Rapids. In 1887 she was elected a member of the Board of Education where she served four years, and has the distinction of being the only woman in the city thus honored. She was a charter member of the Big Rapids Woman's Club and has served five years as its president, imparting to that organization much of the inspiration and progressiveness which is so large a part of her character. She is a member of the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and traces her ancestry back through several lines to its revolutionary heroes. She has been for several years treasurer of the state organization of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and is a staunch advocate of all wise temperance measures. She is a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, and is a rarely devoted wife and mother, taking the greatest pleasure and interest in her beautiful home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roben have a most interesting family, two sons and a daughter, and are especially happy in their family life.
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