Mecosta County Genealogical Society


P O Box 1068, Big Rapids, Michigan   49307


Application for Membership



Name   (Last, First, Middle) __________________________________________

Address                                 __________________________________________

City                                        __________________________________________

State                                      _______________________        Zip Code  _______

Telephone No                       _______________________

E-Mail Address                    ________________    for YOUNG BEAR Newsletter.


Name of Person you are researching    Last________________  First___________   (VERY important for wildcard census searches)  Middle______________      Gender  ____       

Spouse of that Person                           ___________________________________

Maiden name of spouse (If applicable)___________________________________

Parents of that Person                           ___________________________________

Known Children                                   ___________________________________

When and where they lived                  ___________________________________


Membership entitles you to a one search of the genealogical room collection.  Results will be sent by U S Mail  ____ or E-Mail____  (Check one).


Regular research fees are $15.00 per hour including NEGATIVE results so be specific with your request.


Membership fees are proratable at $4.00/Quarter. Membeship runs 1 August thru 31 July at $15.00 Per Annum.