Frank H. Lange |

Frank H. Lange, was born in the city of Saginaw, January 14, 1858, receiving his education in the schools of that city. When 16 years of age he started to learn the tailor's trade continuing to work in his home city for upwards of three years, after which he engaged with a Bay City firm, remaining with them one year. The next year was divided between Cincinnati and points in Kentucky and the South; then he engaged with a irm at Rock Island, Illinois remaining with them three years, spending the next year in Saginaw, Chicago and Grand Rapids, in the latter city being in the employ of Houseman, May & Co. as cutter. This firm were at that time conducting a branch establishment in Big Rapids under the management of A. Sachen. In September 1881, Mr. Lange came to Big Rapids to work for this firm. Early in 1882 Mr. Sachen bought the business of Houseman, May & Co., afterwrds conductin it under the name of A. Sachen & Sons. Mr. Lange remained with this firm until the early spring of 1883, when he engaged in business for himself opening a tailor shop in the building now occupied by Jones & Hopper, on Michigan Avenue. One year later he moved to the Newton building, now occupied by the Hopkins Candy Kitchen, remaining there six months, when he moved to the Northern Hotel Block, where he did business for the next eleven years. In 1895 he moved to the Fairman Block, leasing the store now occupied by the Board of Trade, where he remained for five years when he returned to the Northern Hotel Block, where he has sinces conducted this business.
In the quarter of a century which Mr. Lange has resided in this city he has succeeded in thoroughly establishing himself with the people in this section of Michigan, and is today conducting one of the most extensive merchant tailoring establishig to be found in any of the smaller cities of Michigan. It has never been Mr. Lange's endeavor to see how cheaply his goods could be turned out or sold, but rather he has devoted his endeavors to giving customers the very best of his establishment. These methods have gainded for him aq very enviable reputation for reliability.
Mr. Lange was married May 16. 1883, Miss Emma C. Smith of this city, and their home, shown in the accompaning illustration i one of the model homes of the city.
Mr. Lange has never devoted much attention to politics, but has served the city as alderman and is at the present time a member of the board of cemetery trustees.