Part III - Culture, a supplement to the Big Rapids Pioneer Newspaper. Used with permission.

The high school, college and community plays of today certainly don't dominate the entertainment of area citizens like they did in years past, but they still provide a good sound source of fun for people in communities throughout Mecosta County.
The advertised a play from several decades past when 50 local men were featured as characters in a preformance of "Womanless Wedding" to benefit the War Bond Drive during World War II.
A earlier production of Tom Sawyer (top below) featured Jim and Otto Mehl and Richard Swanson, according to information on the back of a picture from the Mecosta County Historical Society. A former Big Rapids High School teacher, Ada A. Crain, identified the group picture (bottom belkow) as the cast of a play at Ferris Institute in the 1940's. (Pioneer file photos)
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