Part III - Culture, a supplement to the Big Rapids Pioneer Newspaper. Used with permission.

The celebration of major holidays like Christmas and the Fourth of July and special occasions like Valentine's Day are certainly nothing new to Big Rapids and Mecosta County residents. The Valentine's party celebrated here (at right) was in the home of Ruth Kratz on Marion Street in 1910. Some of the participants include Kratz, Marjorie Row, Rena Osford and Irene Blair. The July 4th celebration (bottom left) was taken at the old county courthouse, between 1918 and 1920, according to the donor of the picture. "The Christmas tree (bottom right) was the first decorated with electric lights in Big Rapids in 1897," according to information provided by the Mecosta County Historical Society. "W.J. Trott, who was the manager of the Donley Electric Company, made the string of lights for Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frederick. The picture was taken in the parlor of the home at 316 Spruce St.
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