Part IV - Education, a supplement to the Big Rapids Pioneer Newspaper. Used with permission.

Compiled by Elmer Junker
This is the first picture taken of the reorganization group of Ferris State Institute in 1950. They are (back row, from left) Colin Smith, Donald Worcester, Arthur Anderson, Lowell DeMoss, Ralph Patello; (middle row from left) Dr. Roy Newton, Lee Thurston, C.C. Wiggins, Lawrence Prakken, Eugene Ward, Russell B. Nye; (third row from left) Byron Brophy, Charles Fairman, Judge Raymond W. Starr, Frank Johnson, Mrs. Bess Fishman, Dr. Karl Merrill. (Pioneer file photos)
Anderson Lake: dean of Allied Health
Bickham Health Center: chief of medical services
Bishop Hall: chemistry instructor
Bond Hall: treasurer and member Board of Control
Brophy Hall: president of Ferris Institute
Clark Hall: instructor, dean, librarian, acting president
Cramer Hall: instructor of sciences
Ewigleben Sport Center: president of Ferris State College
Ferris State University: owner, instructor, president, governor of Michigan, U.S. Senator
Helen Ferris Hall: instructor, vice president
Gerholz Institute for Lifelong Learning: student, chairman of Board of Control
Granger Center: builder, benefactor
Hallisy Hall: dean
Henderson Hall: student, principal of pharmacy
Johnson Hall: student, instructor, Board of Incorporators
Karas Intramural Field: coach, instructor, founder of intramural programs
Katke Golf Course: benefactor of golf course
Kaserovskis Medicinal Planr Gardens: pharmacy president, started gardens
Lundberg Book Store: manager of book store
McNerney Hall: coach, instructor, dean of women
Masselink Hall: instructor, vice president, president of Ferris Institute
Merrill Hall: student, head of accounting, dean, vice president
Miller Hall: student, Board of Control Member
Nott Historical Room: library director
Pearson Auditorium: student, instructor
Pennock Hall: student, instructor, head banking departmernt
Pickell Hall: student, pharmacy instructor, doach
Prakken Building: chairman Board of Control
Puterbaugh Hall: instructor, dean of College Preparatory Program
Rankin Center: instructor, dean of students
Spathelf Center for Allied Health: president of Ferris State College
Starr Educational Center: student, chairman Board of Control
Swan Technical Arts Building: dean of Technology and Applied Arts
Taggart Hall: student, partner with husband in philanthropy
Timme Center: benefactor
Top Taggart Field: student, coach, chairman Board of Incorporators
Travis Hall: student, instructor and co-owner of Ferris Institute
Vandercook Hall: Board of Control Member
Wheeler Pavilion: student, pavillion benefactor
Ward Hall: student, dean of women, president Ferris Institute
Wink Arena: basketball and golf coach.
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