Monroe County Obituaries

Monroe Democrat June 11, 1896

Catherine Doyle

Mrs. John Doyle, an old resident of Monroe County died at her home on Ontario street, Toledo, Ohio, on Wednesday morning the 3d inst, of malarial fever, aged 57 years. Her funeral occurred from St. John’s church this city, on Friday morning the 5th, inst, Rev Fr. O’Rourke officiating. Mrs. Doyle was one of the founders of St. John’s congregation in 1873, and was ever since a faithful and leading member up to a few months ago, donating liberally from her ample means for its support. Her funeral was attended by a large concourse of mourning friend and relatives. Mrs. Catharine Doyle, nee McCormick, was born near Grafton on her father’s farm Nov. 15th, 1838. She was the oldest of a family of 13 children, her parents having settled in the wilderness of Ash Township the previous January. October 16th, 1865, she was married to Mr. John Doyle, an industrious and prosperous farmer of Raisinville, who had just returned from his country’s services. From this union sprang a family of nine children, four sons and five daughters, all of whom survive her. Her husband dying some five years ago,left her to care for the large family of young children and faithfully did she perform this parental obligation. Her death was a severe shock to many relatives and old neighbors in and around Monroe as she had been calling on many of her old acquaintances in her usual good health and cheer two weeks previous to her death.

Submitted by Donna J. Woods