Monroe County Obituaries

Monroe Democrat, July 16, 1891

John Doyle

News of the sudden death of John Doyle, which occurred on the 9th inst. at his late residence in Raisinville, was received by his numerous friends with profound regret. Mr. Doyle was born in County Carlow, Ireland, in 1826 and with his parents in 1842 came to America and settled in Monroe, where he has lived the greater part of his life. He received a good practical education which in a measure is responsible for his successful and prosperous career. In 1852 he went to California and acquired the nucleus to his small fortune. He returned five years later to this county. In 1862 he went as quartermaster of the “Mulligans,” 15th Michigan Volunteers to the rebellion and served till the regiment was mustered out of service, in 1865, when he again returned to Monroe. Under Andrew Johnson he held the position of deputy revenue collector for this district, and at various times he was called upon to fill local offices. Mr. Doyle was a man of wide experience and acquaintance, of strict business integrity and honorable in his dealings with his fellow man. He was a kind and loving husband and father, and his loss will be greatly felt. He leaves a widow and nine children, four sons and five daughters. His remains were buried from St. John’s church Saturday morning, Rev. Fr. Schmittdiel officiating.

Submitted by Donna J. Woods