Monroe County Obituaries

Sandwich Free Press, Sandwich, Illinois, December 26, 1929

Myrtle Viets

Following is the obituary read at the funeral service of Mrs Myrtle Viets which was held last Thursday afternoon at the late home. Rev. H.D. Dick, of the Methodist Church, was in charge of the service and was assisted by Rev. Thomas McGregor.

Myrtle Friedt-Viets was the daughter of Jacob and Mary Friedt. She was born April 26, 1875 at Petersburg, MI. On April 26, 1899 she was married to Delbert M. Viets. Three children came to bless their home, two sons and one daughter, the elder son dying at the age of nine months. About a year after their marriage, Mr and Mrs Viets moved from Petersburg to Aurora and a few months later to Sandwich where they made their permanent residence. Mrs Friedt was an active member of the Order of Rebekahs and of the Maccabees. In 1910 she united with the Methodist Church. She possessed a pleasing personality and drew to herself a large circle of friends who loved and respected her. While she gave generously of herself to this wider circle, Mrs Viets was first a homemaker. It was here, performing the functions of a wife and mother, that the wealth of her life was invested. She was quick to anticipate the needs and desires of her loved inner circle and just as quick and sacrificial in her efforts to meet the demands as she sensed them.

For several years past she had been in failing health. During these years every effort possible was made to thwart the disease that threatened to destroy her body. With great patience and heroic courage she bore her suffering and made her fight for life. However, it was a losing struggle. Her suffering was intense during the last days. Finally she was mercifully released and went quietly asleep about 10:45 a.m. December 23, 1929, at the age of 54 years, 7 months, and 27 days.

Submitted by Judy Morgan