Monroe County Obituaries

MONROE COMMERCIAL (Monroe Co. Michigan) 24 March 1864

Died in Raisinville, March 10, 1864, of Dropsy, Samuel Atkinson, in the 80th year of his life. Mr. Atkinson had been a resident of this town for nearly 37 years, having emigrated to this place in 1837 [s/b 1827] when the country comparitively speaking, was a wilderness-the whoops of Indians and the howling of the Wolf, being familiar sounds to the settlers. He, however, mid amany discouragements, and much homesickness, settled on the banks of the Raisin, and by patient and persevering toil began to reap the fruit of his labor, and gradually to see in place of Indians and a howling wilderness, cultivated fields, orchards, enterprising settlers, school houses, mills, and all the advantages of civilized society. He was well know as the Quaker through a large extent of the country, and the traveler and wayfaring man was never turned from his door-honest and upright in his deal-a friend to the needy and poor, many will call up his memory with gratitude. His last illness, though protracted and very wearisome, he bore with patience and a quiet submissive spirit, relying upon Jesus for Salvation, whose name was on his lips in the last moments. His funeral took place on the anniversary of his 51st wedding day-the same day a year before having been commemorated by his children as his Golden Wedding. His aged companion, all his children, being seven sons, five of them married, with their wives and children, and one great-grand child, 33 in number, followed his remains to the grave.

KING CEMETERY - located in Raisinville Township, on South Custer Road, near Dixon Road - also known as SACKETT CEMETERY. --- Samuel Atkinson, 79 years, 11 mos., 3 days - 3/10/1864

Submitted by Cathy Lauer