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These pages contain biographical sketches (full or extract) of former Montcalm County residents. Go to Page Hanchett, CorrinaSee Corrina Hanchett in Bushnell Township. JOSEPH HANCHETTWritten by CORINNA HANCHETT SHERD, 1852-1956 JOSEPH HANCHETT was born 5/16/1834 in the twp. of Pompey, Onondaga Co. NY. He came to MI in March 1855, the spring he was 21. He was the eldest of a large family and desiring to make a home for himself and having heard of the changes in MI, came to visit his mother's sister, Mrs. Hannah Thomas, near Wassell. From there he came on horseback to his father's sister, Mrs. James Bacon. After looking around [he] bought the farm now owned by Robert Fleisher. After completing the bargain he returned to NY. In a few weeks he returned, this time walking in from Lansing. He made his home with the Bacons, walking every day to his farm and back. He had to cross the creek on a log, as there was nothing but a trail through the woods. He arose at 4 in the morning, as he had to browse his oxen before work. After his marriage to Angelina Husker they began housekeeping in a little board house that I think was on the place. They had for their nearest neighbors Lyman Stearns and wife Eunice Bacon, my father's cousin. When she and my mother wanted to visit their parents of an afternoon, they went on foot carrying their babies and crossing the creek on a log. After a few years they found debts pressing and had a chance to trade for some property. Being inexperienced, he did not look at titles and the property was heavily mortgaged and he lost all. They then moved to a log house that stood at the end of the road west of the Dean school house; he, working out by the day. There they lived until he enlisted in the Civil War, 1861, my mother going home to live with her folks where I was born. He left for the front with 10 others in October 1861. There was George Husker, Melvin Bacon, Joseph Bacon, Jason Mills, Miller Barnnett, Nilam Stearns, Channcy Olmstead; the others I cannot remember. George Husker never reached the front as he contracted measles which lead to pneumonia and he died in KY and later was brought home for burial. Melvin Bacon died in the south ad was buried there, as also was Jason Mills. My father and Uncle Alex came home in the fall of 1865 and worked in the pine woods cutting logs. In the spring they bought the Yonnge farm; it is now the Forsher farm. There was just an old log house and a log barn. in the winter and spring the worked in the pine woods cutting logs, in the spring running the logs down Fish Creek to Grand River. My father helped build the Hanchett dam on Fish Creek. When Uncle Alex married Eliza Peters they built an addition to the house. Sometime later they bought 88 acres of the farm Grandpa Husker took up from the government. Later it was sold to William] Sherd. Soon after buying their place they dissolved [the] partnership and later Uncle Alex moved to Isabella Co. near Mt. Pleasant. The summer after he'd sold in the spring, my father and Uncle Alex drove to Houghton Lake [for] fishing. My mother and I went with them as far as Farwell to visit my Aunt Kate. We ate our dinner just beyond Stanton, which was all solid pine. We gathered wintergreen berries as large as peas. Everywhere we looked was red with berries. We lived on this place until the fall of 1881 when they moved to the place where they died. It was known at the Prescott Varnum farm at that time. There was no road beyond the farm. It turned in at the Chas. Bailey farm, going around the east side of the swamp, coming out of the Knapp driveway, which was then a log house and owned by the farms on the west side of the road. It was woods up to the brush line and the road ended at where the farm was at the north side of my father's barn, where there was a small board barn, and east of that was a log barn. The house stood north of the barn, back in the field. In this field was a wonderful orchard and there were many cherry trees, also currant bushes [which were] both red and white. There was an overabundance of horseradish. In order to get rid of it my mother and I used to pick up the roots after my father plowed and dragged. There is still some scattered roots now. When we wanted to go to Vickeryville we went to Bailey's corners. Our mail came to Sheridan and whoever of the neighbors went to town brought the mail and delivered it; Harvey Woods, Julia Bennett, Athertons and Jasons. Later a post office was established at Will Mills store. The road was put through to Vickeryville. Before the road was through east, Dr. Hargram used to put his horse in my father's barn and walk across to George Hopkins Sr.'s to attend Mrs. Hopkins. They [Joseph & Angelina Hanchett] built the new house in 1886, finishing only part of it as Grandma Husker was ill and came to live with them. I cannot recall when they built the barn, but the east end was built on in 1901. The grainery was built up by the log house and later moved to its present position. There was only 80 acres of the Varnum farm, but they bought 2 more 40 later they cleared a good share of all of it and lived there until their death. Both were 96. Hans HansenHistory of Montcalm County, Michigan Contributed by Gerry Christiansen
HANS L. HANSENHistory of Montcalm County, Michigan Contributed by Gerry Christiansen |
Hans L. Hansen, who owns a splendid farm of two hundred and sixty acres in Fairplain township, Montcalm county, Michigan, was born in Denmark, December 28, 1858. He is the son of L. Hansen, who spent all of his life in Denmark.
Hans L. Hansen was reared in his native country and educated in the public schools, which he attended until he was fourteen years of age. He worked on the farm for his father until he was twenty-three years old, when, having saved enough money, he came to the United States, locating in Greenville, Michigan, where he worked on farms in the summer and in lumber yards in the winter. After he had been in this country for five years he purchased a farm of eighty acres and, after his marriage, purchased the place where he now lives, to which he has added until he now owns one hundred and sixty acres. Mr. Hansen can very deservedly he called a self-made man, having accumulated all of his possessions since coming to this country.
Hans L. Hansen was married to Cena Hudson, who was also born in Denmark, and to this union has been born five children, Mary, Carl, Alice, Elva and Florence. All of these children are still single and living at home with their parents, and all have excellent educations. Elva being a graduate of the Greenville high school and a teacher in the public schools.
Politically, Mr. Hansen is a Republican, but has never cared to take an active part in politics, preferring to devote his time and attention to his extensive farming interests. Biographical sketch from
History of Montcalm County, Michigan by John W. Dasef - 1916 |
Copyright - Gerry Christiansen - 2007
Jens HansenHistory of Montcalm County, Michigan Contributed by Gerry Christiansen
Hines, Henry H. and Mary Sherwood
William Husker
If you have additions or corrections please contact Paula Johnson Copyright © 1996-2025 - Montcalm County MIGenWeb These electronic pages (or any portions thereof), including GRAPHICS & PHOTOS may NOT be copied, saved, or reproduced in any format for presentation or publication by individuals, organizations, newspapers, etc. (all are copyrighted). Current County Coordinator: Paula Johnson (c) 2017-2025 Previous content & design by: Gerry Christiansen (c) 2007-2016 Kevin Everingham (c) 2003-2007, Kathleen Rodegeb (c) 2000-2002, Dave Wheeler (c)1998-2000, Beth Wills (c)1996-1997 |