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Forest Home

Soldiers as of 1914

Greenville, Montcalm County, Michigan.

Mrs. Betty Spooner first copied the cemetery in July of 1974.
Deaths after that date were copied in September of 1995 by Judy Hardy, Marnie Riley and Jeri Witzel.

Greenville Independent Apr 24, 1907

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Forest Home Main Page

Copied from the Wyman Bock Collection -
and is now the property of the Flat River Historical Society
and is held at the Flat River Historical Museum in Greenville.

May 19, 1914 - List of Soldier’s Graves in Forest Home Cemetery
as made by H.M. _______ and John W. Finch.

Directions for finding and location Graves of Soldiers for Memorial Work in Forest Home Cemetery.
Beginning at the Soldiers Plat – where there is now about 21 interred,
working from there South and East to the limits thence South, thence westerly
to West limits, thence North East to Starting point.

Directions as herein given means from place last visited.


Conant, L.B., Monument, E. Soldiers Platt

Sprague, Wesley, has stone +, S.W. Cross road

Smith, Thomas B., has stone +, West

VanAllen, Garret, has stone +, South

Kimberly, G.P., no head stone +, South East (not on despot list)

Cole, George W., pic2, pic3, has stone +, South

Lobdell, Albert W., pic2 monument, south of road

Griffith, J. Wesley, monument, south

Fuller, Henry Merrill, pic2, monument, South east

Norton, John R., monument, cross road north

Platt, Rev. Abram, has stone, cross road northwest

Roell, no first name, no stone, not on list north

House, A.C., has monument, east

Shons, Braddock, has monument +, south

Gerrells, E.D., has stone +, southeast

Close, J., has monument, northeast

Kent, Henry, pic2, has monument, north east

Hubbard, Oren, family stone, has stone, east

Cory, Andrew J., has monument, east

Hadley, Gilbert A., has stone +, east

Bailey, Mathew, pic2, monument, north

Pond, E.H., no stone +, north

Tower, Samuel, has stone +, cross road southeast

Howe, Leonard T., has stone +, east

Sigler, John (see Lu Roenich)

Fitzsimmons, Joseph, monument, east to right and south

Tyler, Charles L., headstone, cross road south

Gibson, Hiram, monument, south

Swift, Andrew, pic 2, monument, southeast

Devendorf, Dwight, pic2, pic3, has monument, cross road south

Skinner, R.W., has stone, southwest

Unknown, no stone, south

Roosa, Alfred V., no stone, southwest

Fried, George W., monument, northwest

Jones, Thomas A., pic2, pic3, has monument, west

Herriman, Chauncey N., has monument, west

Wilson, William, has monument, south

Herman, C.W. (not sure), no stone, southeast

Wilcox, Enoch R., has monument, south & west on west

Wilcox, Charles, this space blank, not sure west

Unknown, no stone +, west W

Moors, Byron, monument, west

Sanford, Henry Smith, has monument, west

Satterly, Solon, has monument, west

Bannister, H.G., no stone +, no directions given

Skinner, F.M., no stone, not on list West

Hulse, James, has monument, northwest

Lacy, Charles F., pic2,has monument, cross road west

Caulin, H.M., monument, north

Judd, Daniel, has monument, west

Coon, Denby L., pic2, has monument, west

Snow, Thomas J., stone, south

Bowyer, William, has stone, northeast

Ellsworth, Charles Clinton, west

Morgan, Charles F., pic2, pic3, has stone, northwest

Shaffer, William H., southwest

Chamberlin, James G., has stone, southwest

Davis, John, has monument, southwest

Corser, Benjamin, not located, west

Patton, Rev. James Lawrence, pic2, has monument, west

Grabill, Elliot F., monument, west

Stevens, F.W., has monument, west

Church, Edward P., has monument, south

Debree, Johonnas, has monument, cross road east

Spaulding, Levi, has stone, east

Landers, William, pic2, has monument, no flag, south

Coffren, Augustus, pic2, has stone + but fallen down, east

Bradley, William, has monument, east

Moore, Daniel Cole, east

Towne, William, no stone +, cross road northeast (not on list)

Fuller, Lova, has stone no holder, northeast

Blanchard, Edwin W., pic2, monument, north

Carlin, S.V., has stone +, cross road south

Chaffee, L.A., monument, cross road northeast

Sandersson, Edmond, has stone, south

Eichelberg, Henry, no stone +, southeast

Weeks, Alva, has stone, cross road southeast

Steele, Thomas, has stone +, east

Rhoades, Gilbert A., has monument +, east

Snow, Edmond

Carpenter, has monument, cross road northeast

Dean, Royal, has monument, south

Hornig, William G., has monument +, northeast

McIntosh, Halen, has monument, cross road east

Dilley, D.D., has monument, east

Youngs, Charles, northeast

Wade, Charles O., northeast behind tree

Roenigk, Fred, has monument, north

Milich, N., no stone +, cross road north

Conover, William, has stone, west

Finch, Henry, no stone, south

Norton, W.F., + on Hutchins lot, north

Starkweather, D.A.H., no stone, John Green’s lot west

Wakeman, Theadru, this space blank, north

Starr, Henry, no other information listed

Kemp, Alfred, monument, north

Myers, Andrew H., monument, cross road southwest

Fullerton, Charles, no stone +, southwest

Hamilton, James H., stone +, west

Tinkham, Reuben, no stone +, southwest

Underhill, George, monument, north

Potter, George (written in – no other information)

VanWormer, J.W., has stone +, east

Earle, Alfred, has monument, north

House, John, has monument, north

Stevens, Royal (Ray) H., monument, west

Swift, David, has monument, west

Bradley, John, has stone, northeast

Gibbs, Thomas, has stone +, northwest

Moon, Seth, has monument +, southwest

Tower, David, has stone, northeast

Hively, David J., monument, north

Groener, Merritt, no other information

Graham, John E., this space blank, west

Newton, James, has monument, southeast

Griffith, W.R., has monument +, cross 2 roads east

Waters, Samuel, pic2, pic3, has monument, south

Gault, James, no stone +, not on list north

Griffith, Caleb, monument, southeast

Snyder, John C., has stone, northeast

Loader, George, gravetop, stone2, has stone, east

Myers, John D., has stone +, east

Messinger, William A., has stone, no direction given

Wheeler, William, Eureka cemetery

Miller, John H., Eureka cemetery

Westover, Lehaman, Eureka cemetery

Peck, John, Eureka cemetery


Hively, D.J. died 1908

Gooseman, Peter died 1908

Hubbs, Charles died 1908

Brosn, George, died 1910

Gilmore, Samuel, died 1910

Green, Thomas M., died 1910

Raub, George, died 1911

Smith, George, died 1911

Tinkham, Reuben, died 1911

Grabill, E.F., died 1912

Caukin, H.M., died 1912

Underhill, George A., died 1913

Fullerton, Charles K., died 1913

Johnson, C.C., died 1913

Stevens, R.H., died 1913

Youngs, Charles, died 1914

Avery, John, died 1914

Roosa, A.V., died 1914

Cranmer in Platt (don’t know what this means)

In back of book:

Charles C. Ellsworth pay master died

James H. Hamilton, Private Co 3 MI Cav died June 1913

D.A.H. Starkweather Private Co G 14th MI Inf died 4 Sep 1884

A.V. Roosa, Private C.E. 10th MI Cav born 1832-died 1912

Edson H. Pond, Musition Co M 2nd NY Heavy Art died 17 Oct 1910

William Fries Private Co C 12th MI Inf died 15 Jun 1914

Henry Eickelburg, Private Co B 22nd NY Cav died 11 May 1908

Reuben Tinkham, Private Co E 177th OH Inf Co 3 died 14 Aug 1911

Daniel King, Co 7th NY Cav born – died 21 Mar 1913

Descriptive list for head stone government:

Charles O. Wade, Private Co L 2nd Missoura died

Henry Finch, Private Co 10th MI Cav

W.H. Shaffer, Corporal Co D 14th MI Inf died 7 Apr 1907

Charles K. Fullerton, 2nd Lieut Co F 22nd MI Inf died 23 June 1912

H.G. Bannister, Private Co E 21st MI Inf died 12 Feb 1915

Thomas Gibbs, Private Co I 11th MI Cav died 17 May 1905

S.V. Carlin, Corporal Co F 102nd OH Inf died 20 Jun 1873 (this name crossed off)

Henry Starr, Private Co I 32nd NY Inf and Private Co L 1st NY Light Art d. 26 Jan 1915

John D. Myers, Corporal Co B 3rd MI Inf died 14 Jan 1904

Daniel C. Moore, Captain Co B 9th MI Inf died

(Following is a list of names - not sure what these mean)

Gilbert L. Hadley


No stone in care of Deavendorf

Unknown on bank of Cromo Lake

F.M. Skinner

H.G. Bannister

Thomas Snow resetting

C.C. Ellsworth

W.H. Shaffer

Augustus Coffren reset

D.C. Moore

S.V. Carlin

Henry Eichelberg

Wilis Sprague

Charles K. Fullerton

James H. Hamilton

Reuben Tinkham

Thomas Gibbs

Graham unknown

I.L. Tower






Thomas S. Steele

Ed Snower stone and holder

Charles Wade

Henry Finch

D.A.H. Starkweather

Henry Starr

W.F. Norton

James Gault

James D. Myers

If you have additions or corrections please contact Paula Johnson
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Previous content & design by: Gerry Christiansen (c) 2007-2016
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