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Reynolds Township
Montcalm County, MichiganThe cemetery was first copied by Betty Spooner in July of 1974.
Inscriptions after that date were copied by Judy Hardy, Marnie Riley and Jeri Witzel on August 24, 1995.
Reynolds Main Page
no names or dates on the following
Father 18 Jan 1821-18 Feb 1905
Anna Belle 29 mar 1876-7 Dec 1930
Betsey B., w/o ___?
Elmer _______1916-1919
Grannis no other data
Henry 1843-1922
Abbie 1848-1911
Margorie no other data
Anthony no other data
No last name, Travis 1968-1982
No last name, Kelly Jean 6 Jul 1981-6 Jul 1981
Last name probably Day - Harold, s/o LD & MD and Mary E. 1865-1911
Last name probably Hibner - Esther A., mother, 1837-1898 & Willie, son, 1869-1891
Last name possibly Steinke - Billy 1930-1930 and Earl 1927-1928
If you have additions or corrections please contact Paula Johnson
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Current County Coordinator: Paula Johnson (c) 2017-2024
Previous content & design by: Gerry Christiansen (c) 2007-2016
Kevin Everingham (c) 2003-2007, Kathleen Rodegeb (c) 2000-2002,
Dave Wheeler (c)1998-2000, Beth Wills (c)1996-1997