White Pine Public Library
Genealogical Resource Materials
106 E. Walnut
Stanton, Michigan 48888
(989) 831-4327
Thanks to Judy Hardy for providing this list of materials.

- 1850 Federal census, microfilm, Montcalm County.
- 1850
Federal census index, Montcalm County
- 1850 Federal census
- 1860 Federal census, microfilm, Montcalm County
- 1860 Federal census, index,
Montcalm County
- 1870 Federal census, microfilm, Montcalm County
- 1870 Federal census, index, Montcalm County
- 1870 Federal census, index,
State of Michigan
- 1870 Mortality schedule, Michigan, microfilm
- 1880 Federal census, microfilm, Montcalm County
- 1880 Federal census,
index, Montcalm County
- 1880 Mortality schedule, Michigan, microfilm
- 1884 State census, microfilm, Montcalm County (some townships missing)
- 1884 State census, index, Montcalm County
- 1890 Michigan Veterans census
- 1890 Michigan Veterans & Widows of veterans census, microfilm
- 1894 State census, microfilm, Montcalm County
- 1894
State census, index, Montcalm County
- 1900 Federal census, microfilm, Montcalm County
- 1900 Federal census, index, Montcalm County
- 1910
Federal census, microfilm, Montcalm County
- 1910 Federal census, index, Montcalm County
- 1920 Federal census, microfilm, Montcalm, Montgomery and Newaygo counties
- 1920 Federal census, microfilm, parts of Kalamazoo Co, Kalkaska Co., Kent Co,
Grand Rapids City
- Montcalm County school census, 1905-1925, Belvidere Township
- Montcalm County school census, 1905-1925, Bloomer Township
- Montcalm County school census, 1905-1925, Bushnell Township
- Montcalm County school census, 1905-1925, Cato Township
- Montcalm County
school census for other townships – on going project
- Stanton High School
Graduates, 1880-1935
NEWSPAPERS (on microfilm)
- Stanton Clipper Herald, 26 Mar 1880- 31
Dec 1960 (some years missing)
- Greenville Independent, 1 January 1861-11 April
- Greenville Daily Independent, 13 Apr 1925-31 Dec 1926
- Greenville Daily Call, 7 Aug 1922-18 June 1923
- Howard City Record, 22
Aug 1872-25 Dec 1919
- Lakeview Enterprise, 5 January 1894-1 Jul 1965
- Crystal Banner, 9 November 1889-31 Jan 1891
- Fenwick News, 9 January –
13 February 1903; 13 March-3 April 1903; 19 June-26 Jun 1903
- Belding Daily
Bee, 17 July – 20 August 1903
- Greenville Daily News, 9 February 1927-31 Dec 1929
- Edmore Times (coming soon) starting with Jan 5, 1939 (nothing saved before that
- Book listing the Michigan newspapers on microfilm available at the State
of Michigan library
- Tombstone inscriptions and some burial records
for all current cemeteries in Montcalm County.
- Surname index for all tombstone
inscriptions and burial records in Montcalm County.
- Cemetery records for
Gratiot County, 1933-1937
- Michigan cemetery atlas, includes maps and locations
of over 3800 burial sites
- Michigan cemetery source book, companion to the
Michigan cemetery atlas
- Michigan marriages, early to 1850
- Index to the Register of deaths, Mt. Pleasant, MI, 1897-1936
- Michigan Death Index, 1867-1882
- Montcalm County death index 1867-1950
- Montcalm County death index and records, microfilm, 1867-1914
- Montcalm County birth index 1871-1970
- Montcalm County marriage index 1851-1970
- Montcalm County marriage index and records, microfilm, 1851-1936
- Montcalm County divorce records, names and dates, 1852-1888
- Montcalm Co. additional deaths/burials gleaned from church, newspaper & funeral home records
- Index to birth, marriages, birthdays, anniversaries, and miscellanous – various years
- Index of obituaries from the Greenville Daily News, 1987-1989
- Fairplains Township burial permits (1940’s-1960’s) and death records, 1918-1922 & 1933-1951
- Montcalm County Obituaries from the Greenville Daily News, 1999
- Ionia County Death index, 1867-1878
- Obituary file containing most of the obits
appearing in Daily News since the early 1990’s and some earlier
- Danish Church Records as
recorded by Rev. Ole Amble
- History of Ionia and Montcalm Counties, Michigan,
by John S. Schenck
- History of Montcalm County by John Dasef
- History of Montcalm County by Chapman
- Portrait and Biographical album of
Gratiot county, Michigan
- History of Ferris and Home Townships
- Pleasant Hill memories
- Blanchard Community Centennial, 1873-1973
- Richland Township Centennial, 1869-1969
- Stanton
Centennial, 1863-1963
- Trufant History
- Wyman
Centennial, 1879-1979
- In Celebration of Breckenridge’s (Gratiot Co.) 125 th anniversary, 1861-1986
- Indians, Saw Mills, and Danes: The early history of
the Flat River area of Michigan
- Derby Dreams, memories of Derby Lake and Derby
- Edmore Centennial book, 1878-1978
- Douglass, a Michigan Township
- Ghost Towns of Westville and Slaght’s Mill
- Memories of Colby Ranch
- Historical stories and pictures of the Central
Montcalm area
- History of the Greater Greenville area, 1844-1994
- Some Early History of Ferris and Home Townships
- Story of North Sidney
Area, 1884-1984
- Patriots: Ionia County, Michigan Men who were in the
Civil War, 1861-1865
- DAR Michigan Military Records
* Rev soldiers bur in MI,
pensioners of territorial MI, MI men awarded
* Medal of Honor
- Patriots: Montcalm County, Michigan Men who were in the Civil War, 1861-1865
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial, directory of names
- Michigan’s Own: the Medal of Honor, Civil War to Vietnam War
- Biographical
Sketches of Montcalm County Civil War Soldiers
- Record of Civil War Soldiers
discharged as recorded at the Montcalm County Clerk’s office
- Michigan Men in
the Civil War
- "Dear Carrie….": the Civil War letters
of Thomas N. Stevens
- Give God the Glory: Memoirs of a Civil War Soldier, Simon
Cummins, 1843-1928
- Genealogy of the Blanding family
- Diligent: a Genealogy of Edwin Alonzo Alvord and Amelia Maria Allen Alvord
- Descendents of George Howorth
- Indented Family Lines of William Harrington, Byron
Rummer, Luke Stowell and Issac Pettis
- William Cope, Phoebe Ellsworth: their family and
descendents (My Gramma was a Cope)
- Genealogy study: surnames include Card, Crittenden,
Ostrom, Brinkman and Roloff
- Noah Family Descendents
- Wilson and Related Families in Hardin County (Ohio) by Robert E. Wilson (includes index)
- Reynolds Pioneering Chronicles: N.Y. and Southern Michigan, surnames Reynolds, Watkins, Hancock
- Patch-Amsbury Family Chronicle: allied lines Gillett, Manning, Marsden, and Norcross
- Broken Ties: the Scrapbook of Bessie Townsend
- Benoni Dickinson and His descendants
- Descendents of Albert Finch, Sr.: (Ackely, Cooper,
Craft, Hosner, Proctor, Richards, Senning, Woodbeck)
- Greenhoe Family History: descendents
of Michael Greenhoe
- Battling the Bolos: the personal diary of Private
J.P. Darling
- History of the Hodges – Ellsworth familes: including related
family lines
- Searching for your Danish Ancestors
- Beginning Danish Research
- Genealogical guidebook & atlas of Denmark
- Danish American Heritage Society Newsletter
- Danish Church Records, Montcalm County: Vital records recorded by Rev. Ole Amble
- Danish English Dictionary
- The Bridge: Journal of the Danish American Heritage
- Plat books starting as early as 1897
- Montcalm County Tract Book and Index, 1835-1875
- Many area directories
- Farm Journal Rural Directory, 1917-1922 (includes those living in Greenville
and Montcalm County)
- Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of
Michigan, 1870-1909, census and genealogy for the Ottawa and Ojibwa
- Naturalization Records for Oakland county, MI
- Historical Homes in Stanton
- Headlight Flashes, magazine pub in May of 1896, contains bios and pictures of some of Greenville’s
leading citizens.