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The Patriots - by William J. Delp

    Our thanks to William J. Delp for his hours of research and dedication to preserving our local history and for his generosity in allowing us to use his work for non-profit research.

Table of Contents
The Patriots
Special Dedication

First United States Sharpshooters Regiment (Berdan's Regiment)
First Michigan Cavalry Regiment
Second Michigan Cavalry Regiment
Third Michigan Cavalry Regiment
Sixth Michigan Cavalry Regiment
Tenth Michigan Cavalry Regiment
Second Michigan Infantry Regiment
Third Michigan Infantry Regiment
Eighth Michigan Infantry Regiment
Ninth Michigan Infantry Regiment
Fifteenth Michigan Infantry Regiment
Sixteenth Michigan Infantry Regiment
Twenty-First Michigan Infantry Regiment - part I
Twenty-First Michigan Infantry Regiment - part II
Twenty-First Michigan Infantry Regiment - part III
Twenty-Seventh Michigan Infantry Regiment
First Michigan Engineer and Mechanics Regiment
Other Miscellaneous Regiments and Units
Account of the Monitor-Merrimac Sea Battle
Photo Illustration of Monitor and Captain Worden
General Grant's Personal Account of General Lee's Surrender
H. W. Longfellow Poem, Mustered Out
Battle Map of the Civil War

If you have additions or corrections please contact Paula Johnson
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Current County Coordinator: Paula Johnson (c) 2017-2025
Previous content & design by: Gerry Christiansen (c) 2007-2016
Kevin Everingham (c) 2003-2007, Kathleen Rodegeb (c) 2000-2002,
Dave Wheeler (c)1998-2000, Beth Wills (c)1996-1997