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Transcription of an autograph book owned by Ruth Kassner dated between 1906-1908.


July 9, 1908, Lakeview

Dear Ruth,

This page was clean without a spot,

Till Kate wrote for-get-me-not.

Every your friend,

Kate Schaefer

Chicago, Ill.


Lakeview, Mich.

Dec. 14, 1906

Dear Friend,

Friendship is a golden chain

One single link is all I claim.

Your schoolmate,

Mahlon Fox


Dec 30, 1906Lakeview, Mich.

Forget me not

My Friend, Ruth

Remember me in kindness

Remember me in love

Remember me dear Ruth

When we all meet above.

Always your friend,

Violet Cole


Lakeview, Mich. Nov. 21, 1906

Dear Friend,

When you are old and cannot see hit on your cheeks and then think of me.

Your friend,



Altona, 1/19/07

Friend Ruth,

Your name is Ruth Kassner now.  I wonder what it will be some twenty years from now.

George Lawrence


Lakeview, Mich.

Nov. 14, ‘06

Dear Ruth

Boys flying kites haul in their white winged birds,

You can’t do that way when you’re flying words.

Careful with fire is good advice you know

Careful with works is ten times doubly so.

Your Friend,

Inez Reynolds.


Lakeview, Mich.

Jan 24, 1907


May all your life be spent in peace, and slip along as slick as grease.

Will Dawson

Sylvester, Mich.

Nov. 16th, 1906

Dear Friend Ruth,

Remember me now

Remember me late

Remember me at

The Golden Gate.

Your Friend,

Eddie Hamilton



Dear Sister,

May your life be long and happy;

May your enemies be few.

May your friends be just as many

As they sparkling drops of dew.

Your sister,

Chrysta [Kassner]


Sylvester, Mich.

Nov. 16th, 1906

Dear Friend Ruth,

Remember me early,

Remember me late,

Remember me as your old school mate.

Your friend,



Dec. 1, 1907

Dear Friend –

Remember me when this you see although you see me not.

Geo. W. Carpenter


Sylvester, Mich.

Aug. 12, 1906

Dear Ruth,

Well chosen friendship

The most noble of virtues

All our joys make double

And into halves divides our troubles.

Ona Tompkins



Friend Ruth

May our life be like an Arithmetic;

Joys added, Sorrows subtracted.

Friends multiplied, Cares divided

A Sincere Friend,

Kittie Brush

Home Alpena, Mich.


Sylvester, Mich.

Nov. 21, 1906

Dear Ruth,

When you get married and your husband is cross

Come over to my house and eat some

Pumpkin sauce

Your Friend,

Esther Green

District #6 Hinton

Jan. 24, 1907

Dear Friend & Pupil-

May success crown your efforts.

Arthur Butler


Lakeview, Mich.

Nov. 16, 1906

Dear Ruth,

When years and months have glide _______ and on this page you cast your eye,

Remember it was your chum sincere

That left this kind remembrance here

With best wishes for your future year.

If you love me, as I love you

No knife could cut our love in two.

Ruth Willett(?)


Lakeview, Mich.

Aug. 2, 1907

Dearest Ruth;

True friends are like diamonds

Precious and rare.

False ones like autumn leaves

Found everywhere.

Your Friend,

Cecile Tompkins


Lakeview, Mich.

Nov. 16, 1906

Dear friend Ruth,

Honor and shame from no condition rise,

Act well thy part

There all the honor lies.

Your school-mate,

Winnie Kempton

Dec. 14, 1906

Friend Ruth,

In the Golden Chain of Friendship regard me as a link.

Your School-mate,

Geo. Slade


Dec. 7, 1906

Friend Ruth,

Remember me early,

Remember me late,

Remember me as a old school mate.

Glen Dawson

Feb 1, 1907

Dear Ruth,

Be thoughtful and kind always;

To those round about you,

And you will not want for a friend.

Youre Mother

Lizetta Kassner

Lakeview, Mich.

Dec. 10, 1906

Dear Ruth,

Empty thy purse into your head and no man can steal it from you.

Yours for keeps,

Lida Phelps Cartwright



Friend Ruth

When you get married and Byron is cross

Remember Mahlon and what you’ve lost.

Your Friend,

Roy Ward


Lakeview, Mich.

Nov. 19, 1906

Dear Ruth,

If I should write I am afraid you’d laugh,

So I’ll just sign my autograph.

Your School-mate,

Lehlia Willett


Dec. 30, 1906

Dear Ruth

When you are playing in the brook, remember it was me that wrote this in your book.

Your uncle..Dolph Clanche


Lakeview, Mich.

Dec. 10, 1906

Dear Frankie,

Remember me when this you see and think of times that used to be.

The last week of school in 1906.

Your schoolmate

Elvia Davis.


Feb 7, 1907.

Dear friend,

Some write for pleasure

Some write for fame

But I write simple to sign my name.

Your friend,

Ruby Davis


Lakeview, Mich.

Dec. 13, 1906

Dear Ruth,

Long may you live,

Happy may you be,

Blest with contentment in America.

Your friend,

Myla Luxen (?)

Morley, Michigan

December, 1907

Dear Friend Ruth,

In one corner of your heart

Where no one else can see

Place a sweet for-get-me-not

And name it after me.

Yours lovingly,

Mina Ward


Lakeview, Mich.

Dec. 19, 1908

Dear Sister,

You may have many friends

And you may have a lover

To make room for all

I’ll write on the cover.

Ever your sister,



If you have additions or corrections please contact Paula Johnson
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