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The Last Class to Attend Vickeryville School

Vickeryville School

Pictured left to right:
Top row: Gail Herald, Brenda Ralph, Terri Long, Debra Johnston,
             Debra Wells, Cheryl Ralph, Robin Bidwell, Susan Ross

2nd row: Kevin Johnson, Doug Johnston, Mark Ralph, Eric Smith,
             Brent Ross, Louis Tyler, Anne Long, June Brooks

3rd row: Ron Southward, teacher - Buelah Burns,
             teacher - Mrs. Christensen, Kurt Jones

4th row: William Lynn, Blaine Jones, Thom Tyler, Douglass Ross,
             Jeffrey Wells, Richard Johnston, Jack Tyler, Larry Ralph

5th row: Rachell Smith, Ruthann Jaustra, Colleen Bidwell, Lauri Johnson,
             Linda Tefft, Margaret Jones, Debra Southward, Susan Wagner

Names furnished by Dolores Ross and Brenda Bissell.

Contributed by Gerry Christiansen

If you have additions or corrections please contact Paula Johnson
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Current County Coordinator: Paula Johnson (c) 2017-2025
Previous content & design by: Gerry Christiansen (c) 2007-2016
Kevin Everingham (c) 2003-2007, Kathleen Rodegeb (c) 2000-2002,
Dave Wheeler (c)1998-2000, Beth Wills (c)1996-1997