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Day Township
Montcalm County, Michigan

The settlements in Day township, include McBride, Westville, and the North-East area of Stanton. In 1874, Alexander McBride came to the area for the purpose of buying a sawmill. He was a native of Wayne County, New York. The railroad came through the area in 1877 and the station that was built there was referred to as McBride as it ran past the McBride Mill. The area was incorporated along with the settlements of Custer, Gatesville and Sacket in 1883. The former settlement of Westville has also nearly faded away. Today, McBride is the only real town totally in Day township. The county seat was originally called Fred after Mr. Fred Hall of Ionia from whom 40 acres of land was purchased for the town. The price of the purchase was $50.00. In 1863, the village was renamed Stanton, after Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War.

If you have historic photos, or information about this township, please contact the
Montcalm Co. MIGenWeb Township county coordinator.

Map of Day Twp. 1897

More Information about Stanton

Day Township Hall

  • McBride or McBrides was named after Alexander McBride. He began a sawmill here in 1874 and the railway station was named McBride's Mill. Custer was a nearby village, later absorbed by McBrides. ~Michigan Place Names
  • The Stanton Weekly Clipper index includes all mentions of death contained in that paper for the time frame of March 1880 through December of 1884. (transcribed by Judy Hardy)

  • If you have additions or corrections please contact Paula Johnson
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    Current County Coordinator: Paula Johnson (c) 2017-2025
    Previous content & design by: Gerry Christiansen (c) 2007-2016
    Kevin Everingham (c) 2003-2007, Kathleen Rodegeb (c) 2000-2002,
    Dave Wheeler (c)1998-2000, Beth Wills (c)1996-1997