Henry Harrison Hinds is the person this home is most generally associated with. Local history says the same builder that built the Giles Gilbert house sometime in the 1860's built this house. An early map of Stanton, ca 1875, shows John and Marian Englebeck owned the property at one time. They sold Lot 2 in Block 26 to Henry Harrison Hinds on January 23, 1882 for $4750.00. J.R. Englebeck had purchased the property from Alonzo Gilbert in 1874.
Henry H. Hinds was one of the pioneers of Stanton. He was born in 1840 in Pennsylvania and in 1861 enlisted in the 57th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry and was made 1st Sergeant of Company A. In the spring of 1862 his regiment was attached to General Kearney's division and joined the Army of the Potomac. He took part in the Battle of the Peninsula Campaign in 1862 and received a commission as 2nd Lieutenant that fall. He was also involved in the Battle of Bull Run and the Battle of Chantilly. H.H. Hinds was wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg and soon after was commissioned 1st Lieutenant. He was again severely wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Gettysburg. After confinement in Libby prison he escaped and was later recaptured. He spent the next 20 months confined at several prisons throughout the south. In July of 1865 he was mustered out of the service and immigrated to Stanton where he engaged in merchandising and lumbering as well as real estate and farming. He served Stanton and Montcalm County as supervisor of his township, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and member of the Village Guard. He was also a member of the Board of Education and in 1876 then Governor Bagley appointed him a member of the Board of Control of the state's public schools and in 1877 Governor Crosswell reappointed him to the same position. He was President of the Montcalm County Agricultural Society and a member of the Board of Directors of the Peoples Mutual and the Home Mutual Insurance Companies of Ionia, Montcalm and Clinton counties and elected State Senator for the 27th district in 1872.
On December 16, 1871 Mr. Hinds married the former Mary Elizabeth Sherwood and they had five children, Edna, Alma, Eva, May and Sherwood. Mary died October 13, 1903. Henry then married Ada Willett Smith about 1922. He died at the home of his daughter, Eva Phelps in Hudson, Lenawee County, Michigan on February 7, 1925 at the age of 85 years and is buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, Stanton.
The home is identical in layout to the Giles Gilbert home only the layouts are reversed. Entering through the front door on the SW side a hallway leads to a beautiful curved stairway to the upstairs. The upstairs consists of four rooms and bath. Located downstairs is a dining room with built in china closet and fireplace, kitchen, bedroom, stairway to the basement, living room on the east, parlor on the south and a bath with a copper tub. The furnace in the basement was made of brick with a large metal container inside for wood. There were heat runs to each room downstairs and the warm air ducts were covered with small squares of wood slats inside a wood frame. Outside the furnace was laid a wood-boxed channel across to the south wall under the southwest porch and a wooden flu went up the wall as a cold air duct.
Other owners of the home were William and Areta Pakes Ciamatiro, Mr. and Mrs. Rayburn Peterman and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Baldwin.

View from Camburn Street looking West
Story courtesty of Judy Hardy