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Frank S. & Sarah G. Johnson Gibson



Sarah Gertrude Johnson & Frank Smith Gibson


Wedding Bells

Mr. Frank S Gibson and Miss Sarah Gertrude Johnson

30 October 1889

                        The residence of C.W. Johnson at 109 East Washington Street yesterday afternoon, October 30th, was the scene of a festal event of great interest. 

            Miss Gertrude and Miss Nellie, with such assistance as their father could render them, had made the home beautiful in floral array.  Plants of foliage and plants in bloom, vines and evergreens made a decoration simple and yet strikingly pleasing.

                        In the afternoon at 2 o'clock the wedding march was played on the piano by Miss Ethelwyn Slaght, and the prospective bride and groom, in step to the music which has introduced so many souls to marital happiness, came down the stairs and took a position in front of an Evergreen Arch under which Rev. J. L. Patton stood awaiting their coming.  On the right of Mr. Patton in order were Clair, brother of the bride; Miss Nellie, sister of the bride; Charles W Johnson, father of the bride and relatives of Mr. Gibson.  In a pleasing background extending into the south parlor and overflowing into the hall were many friends and neighbors.

                        Then came the wedding service pleasingly rendered by Mr. Patton, the pastor of the bride since childhood and intertwined some way in the affections of all present.  A few words relating to the importance of the event and its solemnity, a fervent prayer for God's Blessing on the union, and the formal declaration that they were husband and wife.  And Mr. Patton first congratulated the bride as "Mrs. Gibson."

                        Then followed the congratulations of relatives, and neighbors and friends who took their turn in extending best wishes to the bride and groom.

                        In another room was a large collection of wedding presents, rich and beautiful.  In our day we thought ourself rich in securing the bride.  The presents elicited much admiration and gave much enjoyment to those who observed them.

                        At 4 o'clock a fine lunch, spread in the elegant parlors of Hotel Phelps, was served to the wedding guests numbering over fifty. There was more social intercourse and then, as the time approached for the afternoon train cast a merry party attended the bride and groom to the depot and bade them farewell laden with best wishes and heartiest expressions of good will.

                        Mr. and Mrs. Gibson are on a trip to the state of New York and to Pennsylvania; in both of these states each has relatives whom they expect to visit.    On their return they will occupy their home on Orange Street next west of the residence of W. D. Johnson, uncle of the bride.

                        Our lady readers will be interested to know that the bride was married in a gown of white grosgrain silk en train, with points duchesse lace; pink roses.  The traveling dress was bluish gray wool trimmed in black moiré ribbon, with hat to match.


            Sarah Gertrude Johnson, age 21, is the daughter of Justine E Tabor Johnson (deceased) and Charles W Johnson.  Frank Smith Gibson, age 32, is the son of Elizabeth Smith Gibson (deceased) and Chisman Gibson of South Wales, Erie County, New York.



            The list of presents included the following articles:


            Marble clock with bronze statue        Parlor table lamp

            Silver water set                                    Silver tea set.

            Set painted fruit plates                        Royal worster vase

            Antique vase                                       Silver syrup jug

            Silver fish fork                                     Two silver berry spoons

            Silver cream spoon                              Silver butter knife

            Silver sugar spoon                               Pot pourri jar

            Two silver butter dishes                      Two silver pickle dishes

            Umbrella standard                             A set of table linen

            A fancy chair roll                                Three linen tray cloths

            Silver crumb tray and brush               Silver baking dish

            A silk work bag                                   Two handsome drapes

            Comb and brush in case                     Perfume set

            A handsome painted sofa pillow        A silk chair pillow

            Oxidized tooth-pick holder                 Set of end carvers

            Two handsome vases                          A quantity of handsome pink roses

            Pearl handled knives and solid silver forks

            Set solid silver after dinner coffee spoons

            Two pieces of statuary, "Tug of War," "Spoils of War"

            A kneading board, rolling pin and meat board

            Silk handkerchief case and handkerchief

            Two books, "Log-book notes through life" and "Sweet Nature"

            Silver jewel case, six bars of French soap, two bottle of perfume

            Two handsome pictures –"The Russian Wedding Feast" and a fancy picture


                Source:  Greenville, Michigan–The Greenville Independent News

                LINEAGE: SARAH CHISMAN marries WILLIAM GIBSON, their son CHISMAN GIBSON ca 1853 marries ELIZABETH SMITH, and their son FRANK SMITH GIBSON in 1889 marries SARAH GERTRUDE JOHNSON .

Let's follow the wedding guests…….

4 o'clock a fine lunch in the elegant parlors of Hotel Phelps


Six years in the future – 1896.

 Seated in center with baby Justine inbetween

Frank S. Gibson & Sarah Gertrude Johnson

The young boy with the bow tie is 6 year old Charles Johnson Gibson, later known as C.J. Gibson.

[The young girl in the left corner is not a child of Frank and Gert Gibson.]

Contributed by Candi Browne

Gibson, Mrs. Frank S., Sr.

Gibson, Mrs. Frank S., Sr.

Mrs. Gibson was born in Wilson, Niagara County, New York (not Greenville)

Obituaries from Marie (Hansen) Christiansen's scrapbooks

If you have additions or corrections please contact Paula Johnson
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