The Stanton Weekly Clipper - Death Index March 1880 through December of 1884 Transcribed by Judy Hardy | ||||
Acker, Arthur s/o CF |
8 |
Acker, George |
25 to 30 |
Acker, Mrs. Christian K. |
Acker, Samuel |
Acker, w/o C.K. |
Aimsley, Loren |
Vestaburg |
Albrecht, s/o G.W. |
Infant |
Bur |
Alderman, Amelia A. |
Allchin, Earl s/o Stephen |
11 |
1 mile |
Allchin, Mrs. Stephen |
Bushnell |
Allen, Mrs. William |
22 |
Bushnell |
Allen, w/o William |
County house Fairplains |
Alloway, Charles |
25 |
Ammon, Wesley |
22 |
Wood & Thayer Mill 1½ mile E of McBride |
Anderson, John |
16 |
Colby Mill |
Anderson, John |
Steel’s camp |
Anderson, John |
Estate record |
Anton, |
Douglass |
Edmore |
Atherton, Mr. |
Bushnell Twp. |
Not given |
Bachman, Teressa Lidia |
12 |
Backus, George |
Estate record |
Balcom, Samantha |
73 |
Home of dau – Mrs. Peter Clark – |
Baldridge, Henry |
40 |
Bamber, Robert |
75/3/6 |
Bamber, Robert |
Probate record |
Barden, David |
Barden, s/o Henry |
11 |
Barkham, Joseph |
80 |
Barnes, Thomas |
37/38 |
Barrows, Corrinne C. w/o Elmer |
37/63 |
Bartley, |
19 |
Steadman’s camp near |
Bartley, Colman |
26 |
Steadman’s camp near |
Bebee, John |
44 |
Near Fish Creek |
Beech, Jerome |
Ferris Twp. |
7 |
Slaght’s Mill |
Bellows, Mrs. E. |
29 |
Langston |
Bellows, W.D. |
At lumbercamp near Langston |
Bellows, W.D. |
Estate record |
Bennett, Mrs. Charles |
Bushnell |
Bird, Frank |
30 |
McBride |
Bishop, J.W. |
42 |
Westville |
Black, c/o Robert |
7 m |
McBrides |
Black, w/o Robert |
20 |
McBrides |
Blake, Mrs. Emma w/o George |
19y 11mo |
McBrides |
Bloom, Henry |
Probate court will |
Boice, Gentz R. |
22 |
Bostoff, s/o Elias |
3 |
Freed’s Mill |
Bowen, Fred |
18 |
North of |
Not given |
Bowles, Cain |
Boynton, Rev. Jeremy |
59 |
Bradley, Artie |
10 |
Briggs, s/o A.J. |
Edmore |
Briner, Mrs. Elizabeth m/o W.H. McClelland |
56/2/13 |
Brockway, Byron |
Lakeview |
Brooks, Emiline w/o EP |
46 |
Douglass |
Brown, John R. |
Buck, William |
Evergreen 6 miles |
Burt, William |
Butterworth, s/o S. |
8 |
Butts, Mr. f/o Mrs. Marcellus Palmer |
McBride |
Cabul, Julia |
Fairplains – Sheridan |
Callahan, Mrs. |
Campbell, Robert |
8 |
22 |
Card, Mahala C. |
Estate record |
6-20-1884 |
Carter, Mary |
63 |
Fish Creek, Evergreen Twp. |
3-18-1881 |
4-8-1881 |
Case, Mary E. w/o Geo F. |
51 |
Stanton |
6-21-1883 |
6-22-1883 obit in 6-29-1883 |
Castle, Francis M. |
Bushnell Twp. |
5-29-1881 |
6-3-1881 |
Caufield, s/o Lewis |
4 |
Stanton |
11-21-1883 |
11-23-1883 |
Chaffee, Dr. |
Greenville |
6-10-1881 |
6-17-1881 |
Chapman, Eunice Mattison |
26 |
Stanton |
12-19-1880 |
12-24-1880 |
Clark, Aaron |
Evergreen Township |
1-14-1881 |
1-21-1881 |
Clark, Ed |
40 |
Trufant |
6-28-1884 |
7-7-1884 |
Cleveland, Addie |
Lakeview |
7-9-1884 |
7-11-1884 |
Cody, Dennis |
Estate record |
5-16-1884 |
Coffee, Pat |
Stanton |
9-6-1882 |
9-8-1882 |
Collins, Emory |
20 |
Big Rapids, MI |
4-20-1883 |
4-27-1883 |
Collins, George |
24 |
Sheridan |
5-7-1883 |
5-11-1883 |
Comden, Thomas f/o Rev. A.J. |
61 |
Douglass |
11-11-1883 |
11-16-1883 |
Conkwright, Charles |
Vestaburg |
12-28-1880 |
12-31-1880 |
Cook, Frank Wilber s/o James and Mary |
Infant |
Stanton |
8-30-1884 |
9-12-1884 |
Cook, Horace L. |
64 |
Stanton |
5-19-1884 |
5-23-1884 |
Cook, Mr. and Mrs. JP |
Greenville |
7-4-1880 |
7-9-1880 |
Corey, Belle C. w/o Lorenzo |
Stanton |
8-28-1883 |
8-31-1883 |
Corey, s/o Dr. |
4 |
Stanton |
7-7-1880 |
7-9-1880 |
Cough, Samuel |
14 |
Holcomb’s Lake Stanton |
5-25-1881 |
5-27-1881 |
Courter, Mrs. Theodore |
Little Rock, AR |
7-5-1884 |
7-11-1884 |
Covel, Jas F. |
Residence of Geo Burch Stanton |
3-15-1883 |
3-23-1883 |
Covey, Fred F. |
Estate record |
4-18-1884 |
Covill, James |
70 |
1 mile W 2 miles S Carson City |
2-18-1884 |
2-22-1884 |
Cox, Frank |
15 |
Bass Lake, Richland Twp. |
5-14-1881 |
5-20-1881 |
Craig, John H. |
37 y |
Westville |
3-1-1882 |
3-10-1882 |
Craig, Mrs. Ann Eliza |
62 |
Westville |
2-13-1882 |
2-24-1882 |
Cregier, Frank J. |
Boyne City |
2-21-1882 |
2-24-1882 |
Cross, James |
Estate record |
5-23-1884 |
Cross, Nathaniel |
65 |
Sheridan |
1-17-1882 |
1-20-1882 |
Cummins, c/o S.B. |
2 ½ yrs |
Stanton |
5-4-1881 |
5-6-1881 |
Cummins, w/o Daniel |
Bushnell Twp. |
5-29-1881 |
6-3-1881 |
Cushman, David |
35 |
6 miles NE of McBrides |
1-3-1883 |
1-5-1883 |
Daiken, Joseph s/o John |
16 |
West of Stanton |
11-23-1883 |
Dakin, c/o John |
Stanton |
9-7-1883 |
David Hardy |
Cedar Lake |
11-25-1881 |
12-2-1881 |
David, George L. |
Edmore |
8-17-1883 |
8-24-1883 |
Davis, Nancy |
70 |
Elm Hall, Gratiot Co. |
7-24-1881 |
7-29-1881 |
DeHart, Harrison |
Vickeryville |
8-9-1881 |
8-12-1881 |
Dick, Allen |
24 |
East of Stanton |
1-11-1884 |
1-18-1884 |
Dickerson, Hon. J.M. |
Winfield Township |
2-14-1881 |
2-18-1881 |
Dingman, Gideon |
57 |
Stanton |
11-21-1884 |
11-28-1884 |
Donovan, W.J. |
Grant, Kent Co. |
5-15-1881 |
5-20-1881 |
Dorman, Abel S. |
Vernon Co., MO |
4-3-1881 |
4-29-1881 |
Douglass, John |
Montcalm Co. |
3-25-1882 |
3-31-1882 |
Dowd, s/o Geo & Jennie |
2 ½ |
Stanton |
6-6-1882 |
6-9-1882 |
Downer, Charles |
45 |
Stanton |
8-25-1882 |
9-1-1882 |
Driscoll, Daniel |
44y 6m |
Stanton |
3-9-1883 |
4-13-1883 obit |
Driscoll, Daniel |
Estate record |
4-25-1884 |
Dunbar, grandchild of William |
3 mo |
McBride |
Bur 11-27-1881 |
12-2-1881 |
Duvall, Mr. |
Vickeryville |
9-23-1880 |
10-1-1880 |
Earl, Etta Louisa |
Infant |
Stanton – d/o N. Earl |
3-7-1881 |
3-11-1881 |
Earl, Otta B. s/o P |
5m 27d |
Stanton |
9-17-1880 |
9-24-1880 |
Ecker, Sarah |
Estate record |
5-16-1884 |
Edge, Philip |
Grand Rapids |
9-2-1883 |
9-7-1883 |
Edmond, Lillie |
Bushnell |
4-27-1884 |
5-2-1884 |
Edwards, D. |
30 |
Bushnell Twp. |
5-20-1881 |
5-27-1881 |
Elliott, Grace d/o CE |
2y 6m |
4-11-1882 |
4-14-1882 |
Emmons, Mrs. |
Crystal Township |
6-1-1883 |
Enderson, c/o Peter |
McBrides |
5-7-1880 |
5-14-1880 |
Engeson, Mrs. Robert |
56 |
Dixion Lake |
10-2-1881 |
10-7-1881 |
Enness, Harry |
20 |
Wright’s camp near Stanton |
9-30-1882 |
10-6-1882 |
Erridge, d/o Charles |
7 yr |
Stanton |
9-13-1881 |
9-16-1881 |
Essick, E.B. |
Sheridan |
11-20-1884 |
12-5-1884 |
Evans, children/o John |
8m & 3y |
Sheridan |
12-20-1881 |
12-23-1881 |
Fair, Mr. |
Blanchard |
1-10-1881 |
1-14-1881 |
Filkins, Frank |
Vestaburg |
12-28-1880 |
12-31-1880 |
Finlayson, John |
Twitchell shingle mill near Blanchard |
2-1-1884 |
2-8-1884 |
Finley, d/o John |
18 |
8 miles E of Stanton |
1-14-1883 |
1-19-1883 |
Fleck, c/o Cyrus |
7 weeks |
Sidney |
5-28-1883 |
6-1-1883 |
Fleming, John |
51y 51d |
Stanton |
4-26-1883 |
4-27-1883 obit |
Foote, Charles |
102 |
Ionia |
9-2-1883 |
9-7-1883 |
Foreman, Mark s/o TW & CE Harrison |
2/10/20 |
Edmore |
12-19-1880 |
12-24-1880 |
Foster, s/o Joe |
2 ½ |
3 m N of Stanton |
8-4-1884 |
8-8-1884 |
Fouts, Michael |
70 |
South of Stanton |
6-14-1881 |
6-17-1881 |
Fouts, Mrs. Philetus |
Mecosta Co. |
7-4-1881 |
7-8-1881 |
Fox, Bud |
6-1-1882 |
6-9-1882 |
Foy, James |
Twitchell shingle mill near Blanchard |
2-1-1884 |
2-8-1884 |
French, Anna d/o A.S. |
10 y |
Lakeview |
10-17-1881 |
10-21-1881 |
Frost, Emma w/o James |
Near Fenwick |
4-22-1884 |
5-2-1884 |
Fuller, Squire W. |
80 |
Stanton – home of son J.M. |
3-9-1881 |
3-11-1881 |
Ganets, c/o Mrs. |
Sheridan |
3-16-1880 |
3-26-1880 |
Gardner, Mary m/o late Mrs. DM Gardner |
York, Ohio |
10-17-1882 |
10-27-1882 |
Gardner, s/o L.W. |
4 days |
McBride |
7-20-1881 |
7-22-1881 |
Gateman, John |
Maloney’s shingle mill Midland |
5-19-1884 |
5-23-1884 |
Gee, Webber |
Probate court will |
4-4-1884 |
Gibbons, Patrick |
Douglass Township |
9-12-1880 |
9-17-1880 |
Gilbert, Frances Smith w/o Giles |
Mecosta County |
3-1-1883 |
3-9-1883 obit |
Gillett, Harvey L. |
23 |
Stanton |
9-12-1881 |
9-16-1881 |
Gillett, Lucy w/o JH |
43 |
Stanton |
12-7-1880 |
12-10-1880 |
Gilmore, Henry |
70+ |
Sidney |
5-7-1882 |
5-12-1882 |
Gilmore, Mrs. George |
Fairplains |
Bur 3-1-1883 |
3-9-1883 |
Gilson, Carrie adopted d/o James |
12 y |
Stanton |
4-1-1882 |
4-7-1882 |
Glancin, John |
16 |
Pickerel Lake |
5-21-1880 |
5-21-1880 |
Gleck, Harvey J. |
Vestaburg |
12-19-1881 |
12-23-1881 |
Godsell, Mrs. |
Fenwick |
10-11-1881 |
10-14-1881 |
Gordon, Wesley s/o James A. |
10 |
Pierson |
12-14-1883 |
Goss, Emma |
30/8/16 |
Stanton, w/o H.B. |
3-22-1881 |
3-25-1881 |
Graham, Mrs. J.B. |
39y 4m |
9-16-1880 |
9-17-1880 |
Grannis, w/o Dr. |
Ionia |
11-2-1884 |
11-7-1884 |
Grasley, Edward |
53 |
Stanton |
3-17-1884 |
3-21-1884 |
Grasley, John E. |
20y 8m |
Stanton |
3-20-1882 |
3-24-1882 |
Graves, Martenus |
30 |
Stanton |
5-20-1883 |
5-25-1883 |
Green, Deborah W. |
Estate record |
4-25-1884 |
Grifin, Sardis |
Near Morley |
8-24-1883 |
8-31-1883 |
Griswold, Adelaide |
15 |
Bushnell Twp. |
1-20-1882 |
1-27-1882 |
Griswold, Mrs. |
McBride |
11-26-1881 |
12-2-1881 |
Grosfent, Mrs. John |
63 |
11-29-1883 |
11-30-1883 |
Gueer, Ida granddau of Hankins |
12 |
Millmine’s mill 4 m E of Stanton |
8-5-1884 |
8-8-1884 |
Haley, Charles |
Edmore |
7-17-1883 |
7-20-1883 |
Hall, Burt |
18 |
Edmore |
11-20-1881 |
11-25-1881 |
Hall, Elmer s/o Abner |
2 miles west of Sheridan |
6-18-1881 |
6-24-1881 |
Hallett, Emma |
24 |
2 ½ m south Stanton |
10-17-1881 |
10-21-1881 |
Halsted, Newcomb |
Estate record |
5-16-1884 |
Hammond, Dr. |
Ionia |
4-22-1883 |
4-27-1883 |
Hancock, Mrs. Bert |
Douglass |
Bur 10-29-1883 |
11-2-1883 |
Handy, Orvil G. s/o L |
19/2/19 |
Westville |
4-21-1882 |
5-5-1882 |
Harrington, d/o Wm |
6 m |
Slaght’s Mill |
8-9-1884 |
8-15-1884 |
Harroun, Jesse |
86/4/1 |
Greenville |
3-3-1882 |
3-3-1882 |
Haviland, J.B. brother of Mrs. L. Camburn |
Traverse City |
12-10-1881 |
12-16-1881 |
Hawley, Alfred |
Reynolds Township |
9-26-1884 |
10-3-1884 |
Hawley, Crinnie d/o E.D. |
1/9/15 |
Stanton |
1-26-1882 |
2-3-1882 |
Hawley, s/o E.G. |
11 m |
Stanton |
8-17-1881 |
8-19-1881 |
Hayes, Bert s/o Mrs. Lizzie |
3 |
Greenville |
6-8-1883 |
Hemstreet, Alonzo |
78 |
Stanton |
2-15-1884 |
2-22-1884 |
Hemstreet, Maud d/o E |
Infant |
Stanton |
12-10-1880 |
12-17-1880 |
Herriman, George |
65 |
1 ½ m west of Stanton |
9-17-1882 |
9-22-1882 obit |
Herrington, Elizabeth |
Estate record |
4-25-1884 |
Hey, m/o Charles |
Douglass |
Bur 11-27-1884 |
11-28-1884 |
Hill, Mrs. Anna |
Greenville |
10-4-1882 |
10-13-1882 |
Hoisengton, Elizabeth |
Estate record |
5-16-1884 |
Holland, d/o William |
14 m |
Stanton |
10-12-1881 |
10-14-1881 |
Holmer, grandmother of E.R. |
82 |
Lyons Township |
9-21-1883 |
Hottenstein, Mrs. m/o H. |
72 |
Stanton |
8-7-1880 |
8-27-1880 |
Hovey, Clarra Bell |
8y 10m |
Stanton |
10-26-1884 |
11-14-1884 |
Howd, Mrs. W.S. |
Millbrook |
11-9-1884 |
11-14-1884 |
Huffman, Mrs. George |
8 miles E of Stanton |
11-7-1883 |
11-9-1883 |
Hull, Oliver |
48 |
H.A. Smith’s camp Belvidere |
5-11-1881 |
5-13-1881 |
Hunt, William |
Douglass |
2-4-1882 |
2-10 & 2-17-82 |
Hutchinson, David |
Crystal |
5-23-1883 |
5-25-1883 |
Ireland, Mrs. Wm H. |
Stanton – d/o R.H. Stanton |
5-2-1881 |
5-6-1881 |
Jackson, Dr. Reuben |
60 |
Stanton |
8-17-1880 |
8-20-1880 |
Jacobs, Jacob |
2 miles N Morley |
9-29-1884 |
10-3-1884 |
Jacobs, Lysander b/o Philander |
12-29-1882 |
Jacobs, Mrs. H.J. |
44 |
Crystal Township |
11-2-1884 |
11-7-1884 |
Jenks, Mrs. |
Bushnell |
10-20-1883 |
10-26-1883 |
Jensen, Jens |
Lumbercamp Roys & Loveland |
11-17-1881 |
11-18-1881 |
Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Christian |
Near Perch Lake |
5-3-1883 |
5-4-1883 |
Jensen, Vilhelmine |
18 |
Near Perch Lake |
5-3-1883 |
5-4-1883 |
Johnson, c/o Mr. |
Baby |
Near Greenville |
8-29-1884 |
Johnson, Mrs. w/o Rev. Leander |
Sheridan |
2-22-1882 |
2-24-1882 |
Johnson, Sarah J. w/o Joseph B. |
Stanton |
4-7-1882 |
4-14-1882 |
Johnson, William |
80 |
Amsden |
8-13-1880 |
8-20-1880 |
Jones, J.T. |
Howard City |
9-7-1882 |
9-8-1882 |
Jorgensen, Mrs. Rasmus |
Near Perch Lake |
5-3-1883 |
5-4-1883 |
Kallahan, s/o M |
10 |
Wager’s Mill Sheridan |
11-14-1880 |
11-19-1880 |
Kelley, Mary |
28 |
Stanton – w/o E.B. |
3-16-1881 |
3-18-1881 |
Kenney, C.H. |
43 |
Stanton |
10-4-1882 |
10-6-1882 |
Kent, Jno W. |
73 |
Fairplains Township |
12-31-1880 |
1-7-1881 |
Kent, Mrs. Henry |
Fairplains |
8-16-1884 |
8-21-1884 |
Keyes, s/o CM |
7y |
Stanton |
4-18-1882 |
4-21-1882 |
Kidder, D.D. |
Dakota |
4-27-1883 |
Kilts, Harvey |
Estate record |
6-20-1884 |
King, Chancy |
Bushnell |
9-24-1883 |
10-5-1883 |
King, Emma |
16 |
Stanton residence John Miller |
10-8-1881 |
10-14-1881 |
King, William S. |
Estate record |
5-16-1884 |
Knapp, Darwood |
25 |
½ mile N. of Fenwick |
6-10-1881 |
6-17-1881 |
LaDue, Frank |
Near Edmore |
Bur 3-29-1884 |
4-4-1884 |
Leader, Walter |
Sheridan area |
2-6-1883 |
2-9-1883 |
Lent, A.F. |
28 |
Stanton |
9-17-1880 |
9-24-1880 |
Lewis, Effie M. d/o Mrs. Charles Lewis |
11 |
Sheridan |
7-17-1880 |
7-23-1880 |
Lewis, Stephen s/o CE |
12 |
McBride |
6-5-1884 |
6-13-1884 |
Louks, William |
Trufant |
12-14-1882 |
12-8-1882 |
Low, Richard |
Estate record |
6-27-1884 |
Lownsend, Rufus S. |
Estate record |
7-18-1884 |
Lyon, Mrs. F.A. |
Edmore |
12-7-1881 |
12-9-1881 |
Marvin, James |
61 |
McBrides |
1-11-1882 |
1-13-1882 |
Marvin, Mary E. |
18 |
McBrides |
4-2-1880 |
4-9-1880 |
Mathews, Mat |
23 |
Wood &Thayer Mill 1 ½ mile E of McBride |
5-30-1884 |
6-6-1884 |
Maynard, d/o DJ |
13 |
McBrides |
9-15-1882 |
McAllery, Archie |
Riverdale |
8-5-1884 |
8-8-1884 |
McCarthy, Manie d/o James |
2 yr |
Nevins’ Mill |
10-29-1881 |
11-4-1881 |
McCarthy, s/o Albert |
20m |
McBrides |
1-2-1883 |
1-5-1883 |
McConnell, John |
Six Lakes |
12-10-1880 |
12-17-1880 |
McFadden, s/o D. |
Stanton |
Funeral 8-5-1881 |
8-12-1881 |
McGoran, Mary |
Stanton |
1-24-1884 |
2-1-1884 |
McKay, Mr. |
East of McBrides |
5-27-1882 |
6-2-1882 |
McMullin, Mrs. Alexander |
46 |
Evergreen Twp. |
6-3-1881 |
6-10-1881 |
Mead, Katie d/o S.L. |
6 y |
McBrides |
2-14-1882 |
2-17-1882 |
Medcalf, Wesley s/o Wesley |
Carson City area |
11-18-1884 |
11-21-1884 |
Mercer, Winfield |
Derby Lake |
7-24-1881 |
7-29-1881 |
Merriam, L. |
Estate record |
7-11-1884 |
Middlebrook, F. |
Greenville |
11-27-1881 |
12-2-1881 |
Miller, Christensen |
35 |
Newberry’s farm near Sidney |
10-27-1883 |
11-2-1883 |
Miller, Mrs. John |
30 |
McBride |
1-20-1884 |
1-25-1884 |
Miller, Mrs. N.J. |
Greenville |
6-7-1884 |
6-13-1884 |
Miner, Irvin, W. |
27 |
Stanton |
8-13-1883 |
8-17-1883 |
Mitchell, Mrs. Charles |
Chase |
12-7-1883 |
12-14-1883 |
Moore, Laura niece of Geo Whitman |
20 |
Edmore |
7-24-1881 |
7-29-1881 |
Morse, Dr. David |
Bailey House Stanton |
11-12-1882 |
11-17-1882 |
Morse, Marion w/o AB |
Ionia |
10-29-1884 |
11-7-1884 |
Morton, m/o Jas |
Buffalo, NY |
2-9-1883 |
2-16-1883 |
Mrs. John A. Miller (nee Luce) |
20/3/3 |
Stanton |
9-23-1881 |
9-30-1881 |
Mulholland, John |
60 |
Crystal |
6-14-1884 |
6-20-1884 |
Mummery, Clyde s/o David |
3 y |
Stanton |
12-4-1881 |
12-9-1881 |
Murry, Mary E. |
Estate record |
6-20-1884 |
Myers, Mrs. Wm |
Stanton |
8-31-1883 |
Nelson, Arthur s/o Enoch |
17 m |
McBride |
4-6-1883 |
4-13-1883 |
Nevens, Ella d/o H |
Not given |
5-19-1880 |
5-21-1880 |
Nevins, James |
McBride |
4-14-1883 |
4-20-1883 |
Newman, A. |
Wood & Thayer Mill 1½ mile E. of McBride |
5-30-1884 |
6-6-1884 |
Noah, Clara d/o J.D. |
20 m |
Moline, MI |
9-11-1883 |
9-21-1883 |
Norman, Henry |
Otisco Twp. |
1-13-1882 |
1-20-1882 |
Norton, Nettie D. w/o HP |
34 |
Stanton |
7-5-1881 |
7-8-1881 |
Norton, Wilber |
Hanson’s Mill Lakeview |
1-17-1881 |
1-21-1881 |
Nutter, Albert |
Near Crystal – Peek’s Camp |
2-7-1882 |
2-10-1882 |
O’Herren, Jas |
Crystal |
11-3-1882 |
11-10-1882 |
O’Neil, Charles O. |
35 |
Six Lakes |
12-18-1881 |
12-23-1881 |
Odling, s/o JC |
Baby |
Near Greenville |
9-17-1884 |
9-19-1884 |
Osterhouse, c/o John |
1 yr |
Stanton |
8-10-1881 |
8-12-1881 |
Osterhouse, c/o John |
Infant |
Stanton |
9-19-1884 |
9-26-1884 |
Palmer, d/o Calvin |
McBride |
4-20-1883 |
Parish, child |
Infant |
Stanton – s/o Rowley |
4-5-1881 |
4-8-1881 |
Peck, E.M. |
52 |
Greenville |
11-5-1183 |
11-9-1883 |
Peck, Ella w/o Wm N |
Stanton |
5-23-1882 |
5-26-1882 |
Perkins, Henrietta w/o Miles |
24 |
Near Stanton |
6-6-1880 |
6-11-1880 |
Phelps, Amos J. c/o Justin and Carrie |
4m 27d |
Sidney Center |
3-14-1884 |
3-21-1884 |
Pierce, Howard s/o J.M. |
2 yrs |
Evergreen Twp. |
7-22-1881 |
7-29-1881 |
Pixley, Ella M. d/o Byron |
2y 8m |
Harrison, MI |
7-1-1881 |
Post, children of Wm |
Stanton |
8-24-1883 |
Potter, Laura A. w/o TD |
41 |
Bondsville, MA |
2-6-1884 |
2-15-1884 |
Powell, s/o TE & Jennie |
Stanton |
8-9-1880 |
8-13-1880 |
Powers, s/o W.J. |
Infant |
Stanton |
11-7-1883 |
11-16-1883 |
Pulhemus, Abraham |
Greenville |
5-30-1884 |
6-6-1884 |
Pulver, John Sr. |
Sheridan |
4-19-1882 |
4-21-1882 |
Quiggle, John |
Estate record |
7-4-1884 |
Rasmussen, Chris |
NE of Gowen |
11-17-1881 |
11-25-1881 |
Reed, Mr. |
Near Trufant |
5-7-1880 |
5-14-1880 |
Reynier, Julius |
Morley |
11-16-1884 |
11-21-1884 |
Reynolds, c/o E |
Stanton? |
4-24-1883 |
4-27-1883 |
Reynolds, Emma S. w/o MA |
Stanton |
5-12-1880 |
5-14-1880 |
Reynolds, Ruben |
Ionia |
4-4-1882 |
4-7-1882 |
Rice, Erastus |
12 |
Douglass |
5-14-1884 |
5-23-1884 |
Rice, George b/o H.W. |
Easton, Ionia County |
5-17-1883 |
5-25-1883 |
Richards, J. Car |
Denver, Colorado |
9-22-1882 |
9-29-1882 |
Richards, Kittie |
Manito,CA |
7-28-1882 |
8-4-1882 |
Robinson, Robert |
Howard City |
6-24-1884 |
6-27-1884 & 7-4-1884 |
Roe, Joseph father of Mrs. M.O. Collins |
66/7/3 |
Portland |
11-24-1880 |
12-3-1880 |
Roller, C.C. |
Card of thanks |
9-9-1882 |
Roop, d/o Jas |
McBride |
4-26-1883 |
5-4-1883 |
Roop, Henry |
Twitchell shingle mill near Blanchard |
2-1-1884 |
2-8-1884 |
Rudolph, Alice May Fleming |
23 |
Stanton |
7-9-1883 |
7-13-1883 obit |
Ryan, Pat |
25 |
Six Lakes |
12-18-1881 |
12-23-1881 |
Sabin, s/o Eugene |
15 m |
Stanton – Bailey House |
3-12-1881 |
3-18-1881 |
Sage, s/o Mr. Sage |
4 |
Palo |
12-21-1883 |
Sanders,w/o Dr. G.E. |
Vernon |
6-4-1880 |
Schultz, c/o Chris |
Cato Township |
Bur 3-9-1882 |
3-10-1882 |
Schurer, s/o J |
10 |
Ionia |
6-29-1882 |
6-30-1882 |
Scott, Oscar |
23 |
Near Edmore |
7-1-1884 |
7-4-1884 |
Seeley, Zeb |
Near Pontiac |
9-2-1883 |
9-7-1883 |
Seibly, Annie |
15 |
Bushnell |
6-11-1883 |
6-22-1883 |
Sessions, c/o Fred |
Infant |
Lewis’ Mill |
5-9-1881 |
5-13-1881 |
Shaffer, Mrs. Betsy |
79 |
Ferris |
Bur 6 Apr? |
4-11-1884 |
Sherman, d/o William |
2 |
Bass Lake |
6-21-1883 |
6-29-1883 |
Shields, f/o TF |
Howell |
2-26-1884 |
2-29-1884 |
Shoup, Frederick |
Bushnell Twp. |
5-19-1881 |
5-27-1881 |
Shuttleworth, Mrs. John |
Wager’s Mill Fish Creek |
6-24-1882 |
6-30-1882 |
Skidmore, Mrs. |
Douglass |
7-11-1883 |
7-13-1883 |
Slaght, Cornelius |
55 |
Belvidere township |
12-5-1882 |
12-8-1882 |
Slater, James |
Cedar Lake |
11-25-1881 |
12-2-1881 |
Sloan, Elmer |
16 |
Sheridan |
11-6-1880 |
11-12-1880 |
Sloan, James |
5 |
Westville |
7-17-1880 |
7-23-1880 |
Smith, c/o W.T. |
Stanton |
4-24-1883 |
4-27-1883 |
Smith, Charles |
Trufant |
12-4-1882 |
12-8-1882 |
Smith, George Angle |
56 |
Vestaburg |
12-5-1881 |
12-9-1881 |
Smith, Maud d/o HC |
3 |
Stanton |
10-29-1882 |
11-3-1882 |
Smith, Mrs. Henry |
Ferris |
5-20-1884 |
6-6-1884 |
Smith, Rev. J. Morgan |
Dansville, NY |
10-1-1883 |
10-5-1883 |
Smith, s/o John |
6 m |
Stanton |
8-7-1881 |
8-12-1881 |
Sorensen, Jens |
Near Gowen |
5-12-1884 |
5-16-1884 |
Soss, Joseph |
Sheridan |
5-14-1882 |
5-19-1882 |
Soule, Mrs. Lawrence |
Near Fenwick |
12-11-1883 |
12-21-1883 |
Squires, c/o Mr. |
Infant |
Grosvenor’s Mill |
2-18-1881 |
2-25-1881 |
Stearns, Mrs. Addie |
43 |
Sheridan – w/o J.L. |
3-19-1881 |
3-25-1881 |
Steel, Mrs. T.S. |
72 |
Greenville |
8-22-1884 |
8-29-1884 |
Stevens, Edwin H. |
Estate record |
5-16-1884 |
Stevens, Mabel (Amanda) |
See: Upright |
Stocking, Clair J. |
8/3/14 |
Stanton |
10-2-1881 |
10-14-1881 |
Stuller, Mr. |
Vickeryville |
4-29-1881 |
5-6-1881 |
Supp, William |
20 |
Bushnell |
4-28-1883 |
5-4-1883 |
Sutton, Hitman |
86/1/10 |
Stanton |
10-22-1880 |
Swift, m/o Oscar F. |
Ohio |
9-30-1881 |
Taylor, d/o Wm M. |
Stanton |
7-1-1881 |
7-8-1881 |
Thayer, Mrs. George |
Carson City |
2-13-1881 |
2-18-1881 |
Thompson, John |
Greenville area |
11-2-1884 |
12-5-1884 |
Throop, D.L. s/o E.D. |
22/6/0 |
Boulder City, CO |
7-5-1881 |
8-5-1881 |
Tidd, Estella s/o HH |
15/10/19 |
Grandfather AB Pratt Saranac |
7-31-1884 |
8-15-1884 |
Toan, Mrs. w/o sheriff |
Ionia |
11-21-1884 |
11-28-1884 |
Torry, Mrs. W.R. |
12-15-1883 |
12-21-1883 |
Townsend, R.S. |
Estate record |
6-20-1884 |
Townsend, RS |
52 |
Stanton |
5-15-1882 |
5-19-1882 |
Twitchell, Charles R. |
Blanchard |
3-5-1883 |
3-16-1883 |
Tyler, Mrs. Frank |
26 |
Stanton |
12-17-1880 |
12-24-1880 |
Umphrey, Electa Howk |
93 |
Stanton |
5-13-1882 |
5-19-1882 |
Umphrey, Electa mother of Richard/Isaac Howk |
Biography |
5-12-1882 |
Underwood, c/o SM |
Stanton |
8-9-1880 |
8-13-1880 |
Upright, Mabel (Amanda) |
17/10/0 |
Stanton – w/o Franklin C. |
4-3-1881 |
3/25 4/8 1881 |
Van Avery, William |
McBrides |
5-27-1882 |
6-2-1882 |
Vandenburg, Mr. |
45 |
6-20-1884 |
7-4-1884 |
VanVleck, Nellie |
Near Palo |
10-27-1883 |
11-9-1883 |
Vaughn, Lillie |
28 |
Stanton |
2-21-1881 |
2-25-1881 |
Vaughn, Vernie d/o Charles |
Douglass Township |
7-2-1880 |
7-9-1880 |
Wager, Bessie d/o H.R. |
5 y |
Stanton |
11-17-1881 |
11-18-1881 |
Waldo, Edgar E. |
12 |
Stanton |
8-12-1880 |
8-20-1880 |
Waldron, James s/o JA |
6 mo |
McBrides |
6-6-1882 |
6-9-1882 |
Weatherwax, Mattie E. |
42/7/2 |
Stanton |
9-2-1882 |
9-8-1882 |
Weed, Dora |
14 |
Stanton |
7-15-1880 |
7-23-1880 |
Weed, Fred |
Stanton |
7-17-1880 |
7-23-1880 |
Wells, Lewis |
Hubbardston |
2-10-1882 |
2-17-1882 |
Wetmore, John |
Bushnell |
10-25-1884 |
10-31-1884 |
Whaling, Jane w/o Sylvester |
70 |
Stanton |
11-30-1881 |
12-2-1881 |
Wheeler, s/o G. |
18 m |
Near Case’s mill Stanton |
Bur 7-16-1884 |
7-18-1884 |
Wheeler, s/o LE |
11 y |
Stanton |
4-27-1882 |
5-5-1882 |
Whimple, s/o Frank |
4 |
Near Lakeview |
2-14-1884 |
2-22-1884 |
Whipple, d/o T.O. |
6 |
New Haven Twp Gratiot Co |
12-1-1882 |
White, Mrs. GS |
Neff Bro’s Mill near McBrides |
9-24-1880 |
10-1-1880 |
White, s/o W.E. |
10 |
Lakeview |
12-15-1883 |
12-21-1883 |
Whitman, George |
Edmore |
3-24-1884 |
3-28-1884 |
Whittaker, Sidney |
45 |
Central House – Stanton |
8-22-1884 |
8-29-1884 |
Winchell, Mrs. T.E. |
Sheridan |
3-17-1883 |
3-23-1883 |
Winings, Udora d/o Mrs. C.E. Chapin |
13 |
Stanton |
10-31-1881 |
11-4-1881 |
Winn, William |
18 |
McBride |
7-28-1883 |
8-3-1883 |
Wisner, Samuel |
Stanton |
2-16-1882 |
2-17 & 2-24-82 |
Wood, Emma w/o E.L. |
Mecosta County |
1-28-1883 |
2-2-1883 |
Wood, Mrs. Harvey |
Bushnell |
1-13-1884 |
1-18-1884 |
Wright, Ebenezer |
Estate record |
6-20-1884 |
Youngs, Theodore H. |
24y 7m |
S. Lyons, MI |
1-6-1882 |
1-13-1882 |
If you have additions or corrections please contact Paula Johnson Copyright © 1996-2025 - Montcalm County MIGenWeb These electronic pages (or any portions thereof), including GRAPHICS & PHOTOS may NOT be copied, saved, or reproduced in any format for presentation or publication by individuals, organizations, newspapers, etc. (all are copyrighted). Current County Coordinator: Paula Johnson (c) 2017-2025 Previous content & design by: Gerry Christiansen (c) 2007-2016 Kevin Everingham (c) 2003-2007, Kathleen Rodegeb (c) 2000-2002, Dave Wheeler (c)1998-2000, Beth Wills (c)1996-1997 |