Muskegon County WWII Army Casualty List

A Big thanks to Monica Erickson for sharing this information with us!
This list is from World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing Army and Army Air Forces Personnel from Michigan.


The Honor List of the Dead and Missing for the State of Michigan is published by the War Department for the information of public officials, the press, the radio and interested organizations. it contains the latest and most complete data available on all military personnel who were killed or died, or became and remained missing, between the Presidents declaration of unlimited national emergency on May 27, 1941, and the cut-off date of this report, January 31, 1946, and includes both battle and non-battle dead or missing.

GRADE: This is synonymous with the misnomer "rank", and the abbreviations which may be found in this book are as follows: GEN, General (four star); LT G, Lieutenant General (three star); M G, Major General (two star); B G, Brigadier General (one star); COL, Colonel; LT C, Lieutenant Colonel; MAJ, Major; CAPT, Captain; 1 LT, First Lieutenant; 2 LT, Second Lientenant; C WO, Chief Warrant Officer; WOJG, Warrant Officer, Junior Grade; FL O, Flight Officer; AV C, Aviation Cadet; M SG, Master Sargent; 1 SG, First Sergent; T SG, Technical Sergent; S SG, Staff Sergeant; TEC3, Technician Third Grade; SGT, Sergeant; TEC4, Technician Fourth Grade; CPL, Corporal; TEC5, Technician Fifth Grade; PFC, Private First Class, and PVT, Private.

TYPE OF CASUALTY: This is indicated by the symbol at the far right of each column. An individual who was killed in action, whether at the front or by enemy action in the rear areas, or if a prisoner of war, whether by air bombardment of his prison camp or by being shot while escaping, is designated "KIA." Persons who were wounded and later died are marked "DOW" -- died of wounds. Those who suffered fatal battle INJURIES as opposed to WOUNDS, in combat or in combat areas, and died in a line-of-duty status, are designated "DOI" -- died of injuries. Other line-of-duty deaths, such as from sickness, homicide, suicide or accidents outside combat areas (including training and maneuver deaths) are listed "DNB"-- died, non-battle. Individuals who were determined to be dead under Public Law 490 are designated "FOD" -- finding of death. Missing persons are marked with the single letter "M."

    Only those persons who died in a line-of-duty status are listed herein. Individuals who were not in line of duty at the time of their deaths are not so listed.

Acre William J 36458459 PVT KIA
Acard Charles M 16013994 S SG FOD
Allen Paul 20635159 PVT KIA
Ames Irvin H 16084170 PFC KIA
Anderson George J 36418472 S SC KIA
Anderson Walter H 16062562 S SC KIA
Andrews Donald J 0-733510 2 LT KIA
Andrews Robert R 16088602 PFC KIA
Appel Robert J 36192730 CPL FOD
Aprill Leo L 36883897 PVT KIA
Arnold Verle W 36897928 PVT KIA
Balawander Chester 0-886897 2 LT DOW
Bartley Earl H Jr 36976452 PVT KIA
Bartley Harold N 36861930 SGT FOD
Battice Hans J 36457700 SGT KIA
Baun Arthur L 36423932 PVT KIA
Baun Richard D 36991451 PVT KIA
Bayne James E 36458253 PVT KIA
Beals Halsey W 36457629 PVT DOW
Beals Robert A 36452751 PVT DOW
Beerman Fred L 01798639 1 LT DNB
Bendus John W 36418507 PVT KIA
Berdinski Stanley P 36199775 PFC KIA
Beukema John L 36868504 PVT KIA
Birleson Leslie S 0-724117 1 LT KIA
Blaske Raphael A 36152944 TECS DOW
Bonter Leslie H 16087018 SGT DNB
Bos William J 36470711 PFC KIA
Brondyke Jay E 36892381 PVT KIA
Broner Willard 20635169 SGT KIA
Don Brown 20635165 PVT DNB
Brown Frank L 0-772272 2 LT DNB
Brown James P 16119187 SGT FOD
Brown Martin S 36418492 PVT KIA
Budai Bertram L 36464748 PFC KIA
Bundt Robert W 36470965 PFC DOW
Caverly Cornelius J 36418447 PVT DNB
Clarke Donald A 36464468 PVT KIA
Cobb Clyde J 36416933 PVT KIA
Cober Robert J 36404944 PFC KIA
Coburn Elton W 36160029 PFC DNB
Cole Henry S 0-009101 LT C DNB
Coles William R 36153036 PFC KIA
Cook Harry S 01574402 1 LT FOD
Cook Richard E 36463799 PVT KIA
Coon William L 16088649 T SG FOD
Cooper Howard L 36895007 PVT KIA
Cooper Robert W 36960381 PVT DOW
Cripe Russell S 16012401 PFC KIA
Cross Herbert B 0-529682 CAPT KIA
Cross William D 16062093 PVT KIA
Dabrowski Andrew 16119255 S SG KIA
Dahl Oland W 36877847 S SG DOW
Dare Daniel R 36859625 S SG KIA
Dare Melvin M 16085642 S SG FOD
De Boer Wesley G 36458452 PVT DNB
De Vries Robert E 36460487 PFC KIA
Dennis Albert V 36154659 PFC KIA
Dexter Loren R 36402402 PVT DOI
Dick Vernon J 16044185 PFC KIA
Dilts Cletus R 36871998 PVT KIA
Downey Pat 36410197 TEC5 DOW
Durham Donald W 36887561 SGT KIA
Dykstra George E 0-796978 1 LT KIA
Ely La Verne 36418499 PFC KIA
Erickson Jack W 00754484 1 LT M
Evanick FRank E 0-743948 2 LT KIA
Eyestone Oliver Jr 0-818134 2 LT KIA
Faulknor Roland P 36960336 PVT FOD
Ferguson Paul J 0-404701 CAPT DNB
Fitzgerald Robert D 16085978 T SG KIA
Foster Truman A 36859765 PVT KIA
Freeman Richard A 36400360 TEC5 DNB
Gafford Aubrey W 36197236 TEC4 DOW
Galy Michael G 36458238 PVT DNB
Garvon Frank 36195911 PFC KIA
Gawron Joseph 36170612 S SG  FOD
George Lloyd H 16085613 T SG KIA
Gerrans George R 01291931 CAPT KIA
Gifford Ralph E 36424034 S SG KIA
Gilbert Paul D 7030137 PVT DOW
Gilroy James S 36457707 SGT KIA
Giordano Phillip 16084529 SGT KIA
Gleban Peter 36915390 PVT KIA
Gokey Bernard J 36465724 PVT DOW
Gokey Leonard T 16026671 S SG KIA
Gorham Roy S 36960387 PVT KIA
Gorlesky Russell L 36914764 PVT KIA
Grandjean Samuel W 16088159 TEC5 KIA
Greiner Royal N 16086363 T SG DNB
Griggs Franl L 36160918 PFC KIA
Griswold Edward E 36894560 PVT KIA
Gundy Clarence G 36154722 S SG KIA
Hall Edward J 16088158 PFC KIA
Hammond Sterling d 16044198 PVT KIA
Haney Robert L Jr 36915382 PVT KIA
Hanis George J Jr 36160870 T SG DNB
Hanna Leslie J 36184167 SGT KIA
Hansen Frederick W 36883490 PVT FOD
Hardenburgh Albert O 36452747 PFC KIA
Harris Lawrence L 36960346 PFC KIA
Hart William S 20635135 SGT DNB
Hartman Vernon R 36402434 PFC KIA
Haupt Walter 01297194 2 LT KIA
Hegedus William A 16087453 SGT DNB
Heminger Emerson E 36404694 PFC KIA
Herbert William F 0-433520 CAPT DNB
Hescott William E 6936949 1 SG DNB
Hill George R 36404916 SGT KIA
Hines Herman F 36187691 S SG KIA
Hoekenga Robert W 16087450 SGT KIA
Hoerle Franklin M 36980879 PVT KIA
Horness Leon I 36976464 PVT KIA
Houle Joseph L 0-526201 1 LT FOD
Hoyum Stanley C 36407029 PFC DNB
Hutchinson Frank C 36423864 S SG KIA
Hutson Dale H 36872063 TEC5 KIA
Joblonicky Albert 0-712144 2 LT FOD
Johnson Clifford W 36160820 PFC KIA
Johnson Harry A Jr 36455202 PVT DOW
Johnson Leonard V 36472068 PVT KIA
Kaule Arthur C 16087658 T SG FOD
Kissling Raymond E 36960377 PVT KIA
Kitchka John 36154702 PFC KIA
Kloss Julius N 16010615 SGT DOW
Klawinski Casimer P 36196636 S SG DNB
Komblevicz Andrew 01298247 1 LT KIA
Koslosky Edward 01296043 1 LT KIA
Kronberg Clarence J 36859780 PFC KIA
Kuck Arnold C 36153044 CPL DOW
Kuris Nicola W Jr 36878267 PVT KIA
Kuzma John M 36413824 PVT KIA
La Fleur Raymond J 36883469 PFC KIA
La Mourie Leonard W 36152972 S SG KIA
La Vanture Willard 20635191 SGT KIA
LaFaunce Robert W 36486504 PFC KIA
Lake John M 36153022 PFC KIA
Larson Donald W 16012227 T SG KIA
Lear Melvin C 36159670 PVT DOW
Leighton Kenneth M 0-719371 1 LT DNB
Lewis Harold C 36463519 PFC KIA
Lods Charles R 36863717 PVT KIA
Lothschutz Austin J 36159172 PFC FOD
Loughlin John C 36191227 SGT KIA
Lulofs Edward J 16060201 S SG DOI
Lund Charles A 0-442525 1 LT DNB
Madison Martin L 36871515 PVT KIA
Maki Tauno E 36195958 PFC DOW
Mars Albert J 36889744 PFC KIA
Martin James J 36977167 PFC DNB
Matthews Leslie C 0-676589 2 LT FOD
Mattila Elmer F 36474556 PVT KIA
Mc Collum George M 36411857 PFC KIA
Mc Donnell Ferrel F 36976474 PFC KIA
Mc Gahan Robert G 36460496 PVT DNB
Mc Nitt Donald E 36452663 PFC KIA
McQueen Omar I 36418389 PVT KIA
Medema George J 36877777 PFC KIA
Meinert Roger W 36920694 PFC DNB
Middlecamp Bernard 36417060 PFC KIA
Miesch Norbert J 36458279 PFC DOW
Miller Bernard W 36883473 PFC KIA
Molhoek Edward P 16084301 PVT DOW
Moore Clark A 36470979 PVT KIA
Moore Floyd B Jr 36464740 PVT DOW
Moore Samuel K 16086365 S SG KIA
Morden Norman D 36417057 SGT DNB
Morse Bertram W 01686869 MAJ KIA
Myers Stanley R 36418490 CPL KIA
Nagle Francis E 36154718 TEC5 DNB
Newmyer John Jr. 0-786971 2 LT DNB
Newville Elwood E 36455293 PFC KIA
Norris Edward A 36960374 PFC KIA
Northrup Lawrence L 36452613 PFC DOW
Obenauf Gerald E 36402339 S SG KIA
Oberdorf Robert V 36960385 PFC KIA
Olsen Howard B 36877837 PVT KIA
Peterson William H 0-679215 1 LT KIA
Picciano Joseph 36194559 PVT KIA
Pieczynski Arnold W 36410179 PFC KIA
Pierce Ernest T 36402506 PVT DNB
Pollock Mervyn V 36899828 PVT DOW
Pratt Harold E 36915415 PVT KIA
Predko Chester J 16088152 S SG KIA
Pretkiewicz August J 7030060 PVT DNB
Price Stanley C T-009071 FL O DNB
Prosser Herbert E 36971760 PFC DOW
Pryczynski Maurice P 36159686 S SG KIA
Radics John 36195939 PFC KIA
Rasey Jack 36960325 PFC KIA
Rea Donald N 36155344 S SG KIA
Rector Lester D 36159710 PFC KIA
Redding Nathan J 36457633 TEC5 DNB
Redfield Edward T  16042493 PFC KIA
Reinhold Paul E 36190894 PFC KIA
Reinhart William H 36418452 PVT KIA
Rock William J 36160817 PFC KIA
Ross Alfred J 36195894 PFC KIA
Rowe Auhnie E 36987472 PFC KIA
Roy Frederick L 0-811965 2 LT FOD
Runzel Raymond A 0-432660 1 LT KIA
Russell John A 36976459 PVT KIA
Ruud Ernest G 36190826 TEC5 DOW
Rush John A 36160878 PVT KIA
Ruzicka Victor H 36458293 CPL KIA
Sander Edward P 36402418 PVT DNB
Sangster Marvin L 36461557 PVT DNB
Schapka Robert C 36881055 PFC KIA
Scheel William C 16085984 S SG DNB
Seeger Wendel S 36159705 SGT KIA
Sevrey Martin R 36976450 PVT KIA
Shelkey John I 16084136 S SG KIA
Sherman Millard H T-125421 FL O KIA
Sibson John J 36960319 PVT KIA
Slocum Donald C 36472074  PFC KIA
Smith Bernard F 36158333 PFC DOW
Smith Carl R 36971669 Sgt KIA
Smith Edmund 01015373 2 LT DNB
Smith Nick B 35456291 S SG KIA
Stenberg Wayne 36859675 PVT KIA
Stevenson Robert L 16013605 PVT KIA
Stewart Elwin E 36895898 PVT KIA
Stiles Wayne A 36100167 PVT KIA
Stirling Ralph W 16060065 AV C DNB
Strandberg Harold Jr 36877848 PFC DOW
Strange Harold B 36874880 PVT KIA
Stults Harold E 16087657 SGT KIA
Swanson Charles E 16087581 S SG FOD
Swanson Harvey V 36402508 PFC DNB
Syers Carl A 36455204 PVT DNB
Tannehill Lee M 16162913 PVT DNB
Taylor Elmo 36874078 PFC DNB
Thompson Berland 36452767 PVT KIA
Thornton Robert D 36465762 PFC KIA
Timmer George O 36404968 PFC DOW
Todd Kenneth L 36470961 PFC DOW
Travelbee William N 16084872 PFC FOD
Trujillo Ysabel 36470966 PFC KIA
Trygstad Robert M 36158325 SGT KIA
Tryon William S 16025048 PFC KIA
Turner Clarenc W 36190814 SGT DNB
Tuxbury Fred S 16043699 S SG KIA
Tysman John 36195953 PVT DNB
Valisco Wilmer S 16086448 PFC KIA
Van Agtmael Joseph 6763762 T SG DNB
Van Donkelaar G Jr. 36418419 PVT KIA
Vandak Aloysius P 36462211 CPL DNB
Vandermeulen A W 20635146 T SG DOW
Vanderstelt Joseph 36416921 S SG KIA
Vanderwiel Floyd A 16118929 PVT KIA
Vasquez James J 36985965 PFC KIA
Vetter Harry F 16088083 S SG FOD
Wawrzyniak Thomas V 36150480 PFC DNB
White James L 36455284 PVT KIA
Wiersema John H 36406997 PVT DOW
William Robert L 36874867 PFC DOW
Wilson Herman L Jr 36868509 PFC DOW
Winnie Bruce C 36890319 SGT DOW
Winter John H 36414874 S SG KIA
Witte Albert O 0-024777 CAPT DNB
Woirol Roy A 36452675 PVT KIA
Woon Ford J 36874862 PFC KIA
Workman Egner L 36163972 CPL DNB
Wyn Donald 36897780 PVT KIA
Young William A 36460427 CPL KIA
Zang Robert J 36915409 PFC KIA
Zeckzer Wallace C 36457703 TEC4 KIA
Zuidema Andy H 16084605 PVT KIA
Zwiker John A 7030133 PVT FOD

This information is from the National Archives website.


Copyright 2000 Patti Norton