Myrtie Moore Smith's Scrapbook
Pam Davis has graciously agreed
to share the contents of her Grandmother's scrapbook with us. There is
a lot of information on Casnovia Township and its other residents to be
found here. You may find a reference to your own family, and if not still
gain knowledge of what life was like in the area for our ancestors. If
you find a link to one of Pam's relatives, or just want to thank her for
sharing, you can email her here-Pam Davis.
You can find more information on
Pam's family here.
Post card showing Casnovia High School
Newspaper Clippings
Most of the clippings in the scrapbook do not include
dates or reference what paper they had appeared in. They are still interesting
and include information about the area in which they lived as well as the
residents of the area. The first articles concern the owner of the scrapbook,
Myrtie Moore Smith.
73 Attend Moore Descendant Meet
The descendants of Samuel and Mary Moore,
pioneer settlers of Casnovia Township and residents of Moon Lake and their
families met at Bailey Community Hall on Sunday p.m., September 16 for
a family reunion and dinner.
Members were present from Battle Creek, Grand Rapids,
Muskegon, Sparta, Kent City, Casnovia, Bailey and Fremont.
Oldest was Mrs. Myrtle Smith, 76, from Muskegon;
youngest was Jimmie Tibbie, 3 months, of Bailey. In all, 73 members were
there, also, two visitors, Carl Pruitt of Great Lakes Bible College, Vestaberg
and Miss Judy Tonnis of Fremont.
Mrs. Frank Smith Given Birthday Party
Mrs. E. E. Loomis assisted by Mrs. William
Farwig, entertained at her home, 916 Riordan street, Muskegon Heights,
Tuesday night in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Frank Smith.
Refreshments were served, a birthday cake centering
the table, and covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Morton Thompson, Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Smith and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Babcock and daughter, Mrs.
Cilfford Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gannon, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Comstock,
Frank Smith, William Farwig and children, Karleen Loomis, the honor guest
who was showered with gifts and the hostess.
Mrs. Smith, 86, Dies Following Long Illness
Mrs. Mertie Smith, 86, formerly of 580 Catawba
St., died early today in the Sparta Nursing Home after a long illness.
She was born Sept. 24, 1878 in Iowa and came to
Muskegon as a young girl.
She leaves one son, Gerald Smith of Grand Rapids;
a daughter, Mrs. Morton Thompson of Muskegon; eight grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren;
and five great-great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m.
Wednesday at the Hessel Funeral Home in Sparta. Burial will be at Idlewild
Sparta Sentinel July 14, 1965-
Final Rites for Myrtie Smith
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon
in the Hessel Chapel for Mrs. Myrtie I. Smith, aged 86, of 580 Catwaba
Street, Muskegon, who passed away on Monday, July 12, at Sparta Nursing
Home. She had been ill for the last seven years.
A native of Iowa, Mrs. Smith had lived most of her
life in the North-Kent-Muskegon area. She was educated at Half Moon Lake,
and was married to the late Frank Smith on April 28, 1897.
She was a member of the reorganized Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints of Muskegon.
Surviving are one son, Gerald Smith of Grand Rapids;
one daughter Mrs. Morton (Florine) Thompson of Muskegon; 8 grandchildren;
11 great-grandchildren and 5 great-great-grandchildren.
The elder William Farwig officiated at the services.
Burial was in Idlewild Cemetery.
Smith- Mrs. Myrtie I. Smith, aged 86, of 580 Catwaba St., Muskegon,
passed away Monday morning at the Sparta Nursing Home after a long illness.
She is survived by one son, Gerald Smith of Grand Rapids; one daughter,
Mrs. Morton (Florine) Thompson of Muskegon; eight grandchildren; 11 great-granschildren;
five great-great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Wednesday
at 2 p.m. at the Hessel Funeral Home, Sparta, with Elder William Farwig
officiating. Internment Idlewild Cemetery, Kent City. Friends may call
at the chapel.
The Reorganized Church of the Latter Day Saints Founded Here in 1918
Though the Reorganized Church of Latter Day
Saints is not ranked among the largest churches in the community, it has
played an important part in the spiritual and social life of the community
since its founding 18 years ago.
In response to a desire on the part of several
people who worshipped God according to the customs of the Latter Day Saints
faith, Elder A. Whitehead, pastor of the Latter Days church in Cadillac,
came to Muskegon and established the church here in 1918. The church of
today owes its existence to the untiring efforts of Elder Whitehead, who,
through his evangelistic work among the people of Muskegon, founded the
present organization.
The church had been in existence for only a year
when plans were made for a building, and on April 20, 1919, Elder A. G.
Smith, president of the Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan district
appointed the 12 officers of the Muskegon branch, with Elder Whithead designated
as the first pastor. Until sufficient funds were raised for a church edifice,
the congregation worshipped in a building at 49 E. Western avenue.The place
of worship was later moved to East Walton street, where the congregation
gathered until they were able to build their own church.
Elder Was Carpenter
In the addition to be largely responsible for the organization
of the local church, Elder Whitehead, a carpenter, spent most of his spare
time in the actual construction of the church. In 1927 it was completed
and dedicated.
Elder Whitehead was continuous pastor of the church
until his death September 11, 1934. Elder E. E. Loomis, who had served
the church in the capacity of clerk when it was organized was appointed
to fill the vacant pastorate, and was chosen pastor and president of the
local church shortly after Elder Whitehead's death.
Since Elder Loomis became head of the church in
1934, the congregation has grown from 194 to 228. Serving with him as members
of the priesthood are: William White, William Bushor, Edwin Hittle, Robert
Roberts, Ezra Swager, William Farwig, Vernon Swager and Charles Sheffer.
The denomination of the Latter Day Saints, not to
be confused with Mormonism, which faith grew from the Latter Day Saints
religion, embraces faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; repentance; baptism
by immersion for remission of sins; the laying on of hands for the gift
of the Holy Ghost; the resurrection of the dead and a belief in the eternal
judgement. Church Founded in 1830
The denomination was founded April 6, 1830 in Fayette,
Seneca County, N. Y. Elders were ordained the sacrament was administered,
and, for the first time, hands were laid on for the reception of the Holy
Ghost. Joseph Smith, Jr. was the first president and prophet of the church.
After Elder Smith's death in 1844, the church and its national development
failed to expand, and the denomination became vitually dormant. The Reorganized
church had its beginning out of the ruins of the original organization
in 1853, when <unreadable> men were chosen apostles. <unreadable>
1860 and Soseph Smith, son <unreadble>
first Elder, was appointed p<unreadable> and seer of the new reorganization.
The Reorganized church headquarters of which are
in Independance, Mo., has shown marked development in the past decade.
Churches have been established in most of the principal cities of the central
part of the United States, and the combined congregations number in the
many thousands.
Pictures accompanying article-

Funeral Services Held Here Monday For F. B. Smith
Frank B. Smith, 68 of 916 Riordan St., Muskegon
Heights, a former and well-known resident of Sparta, passed away Friday
morning, January 30, following a lingering illness.
Mr. Smith was born at Richfield Center, Lucas County,
Ohio, son of Edwin and Jemima Smith and moved to Michigan with his parents
at the age of eight years, settling west of Kent City. He was married to
Myrtie Moore on April 28, 1897, living the greater part of his life in
Sparta and vicinty. For the past year they had resided at Muskegon Heights.
Mr. Smith was a thoughtful and kind husband and
father, a congenial friend with an unassumiong, quiet nature, generous
hearted and always ready to be of service. He will be remembered with love
and respect by those who knew him.
He is survived by his widow, Myrtle; two sons, Gerald
of Grand Rapids and Elsworth of Sparta; one daughter, (Florine) Mrs. Morton
Thompson of Muskegon; one brother, Floyd of Farewell, Mich.; five grandchildren;
one great-grandchild; other relatives and many friends.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2:30
at the Bettes Memorial Chapel, with internment in the Idlewild cemetery
at Kent City, the Rev. William F. Farwig of Muskegon Heights officiating.
Frank B. Smith, 68, Dies in Muskegon
Sparta, Jan. 31.-- (Special)--
Funeral services will be held Monday at 2:30 p.m. for Frank B. Smith,
68 years old, who died Friday in Muskegon County Sanatorium, after a long
Born in Richfield Center, O., Mr. Smith came to
Michigan when eight years old, with his parents. He married Myrtie Moore
on April 28, 1897. Surviving are the widow, two sons, Gerald of Grand Rapids
and Ellsworth of Sparta, and a daughter, Mrs. Morton Thompson of Muskegon.
There is a brother, Floyd of Farwell, five grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.
Service will be held at the Bettes funeral home.
 E. F. Smith's Grocery
Edwin F. Smith
Proprietor of the Popular Little Grocery on the Corner
E. F. Smith learned the carpenter's trade
in Ohio when a young man, and worked at carpentering and painting for a
number of years. He also was elected in several important offices in Ohio,
among them being supervisor, deputy sheriff and township trustee, an office
which somewhat resembles our township road commissioner. He enlisted in
1863 and served until the close of the war.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Smith and family came to Michigan
from Ohio in 1881 and settled on a farm a mile south and a mile west of
Casnovia. Here the family remained for seventeen years. Mr. Smith doing
general farming and gardening. In 1898 Mr. and Mrs. Smith sold their farm
and moved to Casnovia, purchasing four lots on the east side of Main street.
For a time Mr. Smith busied himself with gardening on the three vacant
lots, but four years ago he commenced making cement walk. This work kept
him busy a good share of the three summers and it is noted that last season
he laid < unreadable>. This summer, owing to health he has done but
little in this line, though his services have been much in demand. He has
recently commenced a piece of work which everyone will appreciate, namely
the laying of a fine cement walk along Main street in front of his store
and vacant lots, at a big expense to himself.
Two years ago Mr. and Mrs. Smith opened a little
store in the front part of their residence. They handle groceries of all
sorts, and have a nice business.
Edwin F. Smith was born in Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, May
31, 1842, departed this life Feb. 4, 1909, aged 66 years, 8 months and
3 days. He was united in marriage to Miss Jemema Bowman April 8, 1869.
To this union three children were born: Miss Minta Rogers, Frank B. and
Floyd G. Smith, all of whom are still living. For about 30 years he has
been a professional follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and about 8 years
a member of the F. B. church. With the trials and disappointments of this
life he is done. The harvest time is ended and the victory won. He, like
us, may have had his faults- who has not? But may we so live that we may
hear "Well done." He leaves to mourn their loss, a loving wife, a faithful
daughter, two sons, a brother and half brother, two half sisters, two of
whom were present at the funeral. Besides a host of friends, not least
to them were the members of the I. O. O. F. N0. 349, of this place, and
Comrades of the G. A. R. May he who holds the sea in the hollow of His
hand guides us all into that Upper Lodge Room and may we be able to give
the signs, grips and tokens that will entitle us to a seat among the aristocracy
of Heaven, with Christ himself our Chief Commander.
The funeral services were held Sunday at 1:30 p.m.
at the Free Baptist church, conducted by Rev. H. Docktim of Kent City,
assisted by Rev. Amos Rexford, and the church was filled with sorrowing
friends. The remains were laid to rest in Idlewild, the burial service
of the I. O. O. F. being used.
Card of Thanks (below the above obit)
We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all those
who so kindly assisted us in our sad bereavement and also the Odd Fellows
and Lady Maccabees for the beautiful floral tributes and the choir for
the sweet songs.
Mrs. E. F. Smith and Family.
Mr. Basil F. Thompson
4190 Mt. Garfield Rd.
Fruitport Twp., MI
Mr. Basil F. Thompson, age 87, died Thursday
morning at a local nursing home following a long illness. He was born May
13, 1894 in Kempton, Indiana, coming to Muskegon after the war. He married
the former Vivian E. Speed in Muskegon, August 18, 1923; who preceded him
in death, September 20, 1965. He was past member of the Hts. V.F.W. and
served in W.W.I with the U.S. Army. Before retiring Mr. Thompson was employed
for Central Paper Co. for 20 years and later for the Norge Corp. for 11
years. He is survived by a son, Arthur F. of Muskegon, 1 brother Cleo of
Muskegon, also 3 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. The graveside
Service for Mr. Thompson will be held at the Sunrise Memorial Gardens Cemetery
Saturday, 11:00 a.m., Rev. Jim Morse Officiating. There will be no visitation.
Recalls Bygone Motoring Days
Will Bring Greetings From Sparta in Transportation Day Centennial
Parade Tomorrow
The old Stanley steam car with its steam
whistle, which attracted special attention of the throngs along the parade
route, Saturday, the only remaining steam vehicle licensed to use Michigan
highways and to be seen again as a feature of the Transportation and Automotive
Day parade, Tuesday at 11 a. m., hails from an almost forgotten epoch in
transportation when Muskegon, from the motor angle, was an isolated town.
George W. Bettes, Sparta funeral director who takes
great pride in his souvenir car, recalls how difficult it was to travel
only a few years ago. In 1900 as an automobile salesman in Grand Rapids,
it fell to him to deliver a single cylinder Cadillac from the Grand Rapids
sales office to George Chartier, a lumberman, at Ludington, and the rip
was anything but a picnic, he says.
"It took 21/2 days to drive through, whereas now
we drive it in only two hours. It took us a whole day to reach Muskegon
over the sand roads, and we stayed at the Occidental hotel that night.
The road from Muskegon to Ludington was even worse- being virtually a sand
trail except through the villages. Every time we met a horse or team, there
would be a commotion as most of them had never seen an automobile before,"
he said.
The steam car Mr. Bettes drives is 24 years old
and was made at Newton, Mass. It is powered from a boiler which generates
steam at 600 pounds per square inch pressure, will travel from 12 to 14
miles to the gallon of kerosene, and will still do 60 miles an hour. Of
narrower gauge than today's cars, the vehicle also looks queer because
of its 34 by 41/2 inch tires of the high pressure type requiring from 60
to 70 pounds. The car still has its original Japan finish and has plenty
of lustre remaining. It has been driven about 4,000 miles.
In the parade tomorrow, the old steam car will feature
the Sparta Chamber of Commerce congratulating Muskegon on its first 100
Mrs. Elmira Bull Dies at Casnovia
Casnovia, March 16, - Mrs. Elmira Bull, 81,
lifelong resident of this community, died Friday at the home of a daughter,
Mrs. Pearl Muma. She was the widow of George Bull, who died in 1893.
Surviving are two other daughters, Mrs. John Bolt
and Mrs. Orville Vaughn of Casnovia township; a son, Elgy of Sparta; a
sisiter, Mrs. R. Zuefelt of Grant, and a brother, Wallace Beery in Canada.
Burial will be in Seaman cemetery west of Bailey.
Myrtie Moore Smith and Franklin B. Smith- 40th Wedding Anniversary taken
Elder E. E. Loomis Is Given Surprise on Birthday Anniversary
Elder E. E. Loomis, pastor of the Reorganized Church
of Latter Day Saints, was given a pleasant birthday anniversary surprise
Monday night at his home at 972 Apple avenue, and was presented with a
number of gifts. A buffet supper was served to nearly 75.
Elder Loomis served as assistant to Elder Archibald
Whitehead and at his death four years ago, took over the pastorate of the
church, which has prospered under his leadership.
Mrs. E. E. Loomis Is Honored on Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Marks, Grand Haven road,
entertained at their home Saturday evening, honoring Mrs. E. E. Loomis
on her birthday anniversary. Games were enjoyed. Table decorations included
a large birthday cake, occupying the center of the table. Lunch was served
to Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Comstock of Fruitport, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Babcock,
Mr. Mrs. William Farwig and sons, Earl, William and Harold, Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Cooper, the Misses Karleen and Norene Loomis, Willard Gannon,
the honor guest, host and hostess. Mrs. Loomis was presented with many
From Pam-"I just came across a group picture taken in Muskegon...looks
like 1935.
There is no writing on the back of photo to tell who the participates
The photo was in the funeral book of my uncle Cedric (Ted) Thompson
died at age 21 in 1936."
Copyright © 2000 by Pam Davis & Patti Norton